Green lane day Derbyshire

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Certainly is, you probaly covered the same lanes as I've in mind. We may not be doing them in same direction though, and I was intending to take in Houndkirk and others near Fox house too.

Hey - you could lead a group if numbers high?

If you don't mind me asking who did you go with?
any room left at the inn?

got to check with "er indoors" first done derbyshire a couple of times now could do with catching up on a few old sheep friends :lol: :lol: :lol:


ps. also depends if i can get another underbody guard over the gearbox
the plastic underbody guard was a naff design, better off without it, you have seen what mine goes through and i've never had one :wink:
Andy, can you let me know what OS map numbers you are using, I wouldn't mind marking up the lanes for future use, if thats OK??

CRAG don't seem to get out of wales much, so they would appreciate an introduction to other parts of the country.
went with simply 4x4 was a gr8 day so cracking lanes i just dont really know how to find out what they are called lol i have sent an email to keith the leader see what he says lol suppose we could lead a group if you told us where to go lol never lead be4 :?

Mike :D
Robobone, I was only surprised you didn't post earlier, thought you had fell out with us, course your in. See you there.

JonathanM, I'm using sheets 110 and 119. Not all routes on map are currently legal, some have TROs, some permanantly closed or obstructed, but many open. Unfortunalty they are getting some pressure, and I fear they will go in the end. The ones I've chosen are mainly sustainable and either sandy or rocky. I know you read TOR, have a look in April/May 100 pre nerc routes, I have used some from there, linked with others I know, and some from the maps. All legally checked.

Mike, no probs leading, I'll give details, and its just a case of following them. No pressure, you follow if you happier. Just that the scenery never changes if you always behind.
Thanks Andy, any idea on what the PDNP's take on unsurafced RoW's is? the lake district NP has basically slapped TRO's on nearly all in the district, and IIRC the yorkshire dales NP has/is doing the same.
Peak district seem remarkably quiet at moment, I have friends who are Rangers, one been a Ranger since he was old enough and into 50s now.

They (the rangers) are more bothered about the people who blatantly break the law by going off the designated tracks and churning up land, leaving gates open, disturbing livestock etc. What really winds them up is recovering people who get stuck, Quote "and its usually some ****** BMW that thinks it can go anywhere". They also dislike intensely mountain bikers and trail riders for similar reason. Again its the few etc.....

They have never to my knowledge complained about people who go properly equipped and keep to the law, bikers, walkers, runners or 4x4s. My friend even said he'd like to come with me one day to see it from my side and see just what can be done.

Another friend who runs an outdoor pursuits centre, has mixed feelings, cos he does the activitys, but has to put up with it all passing his doorstep, he dislikes me as an example cos I don't pay for the activitys I do.

These are the sort of people the planners listen to when making decisions.
cameraman said:
Peak district seem remarkably quiet at moment, I have friends who are Rangers, one been a Ranger since he was old enough and into 50s now.

They (the rangers) are more bothered about the people who blatantly break the law by going off the designated tracks and churning up land, leaving gates open, disturbing livestock etc. What really winds them up is recovering people who get stuck, Quote "and its usually some ****** BMW that thinks it can go anywhere". They also dislike intensely mountain bikers and trail riders for similar reason. Again its the few etc.....

They have never to my knowledge complained about people who go properly equipped and keep to the law, bikers, walkers, runners or 4x4s. My friend even said he'd like to come with me one day to see it from my side and see just what can be done.

Another friend who runs an outdoor pursuits centre, has mixed feelings, cos he does the activitys, but has to put up with it all passing his doorstep, he dislikes me as an example cos I don't pay for the activitys I do.

These are the sort of people the planners listen to when making decisions.

Does your freind want to come out on this day? I could do with a gate opener/navigator?

I suppose to a cetain extent I see things froma multi user point of view- hill walker, mountian biker ( well ex- mountain biker), greenlaner. So i adopt a live & let live attitude around all of these activities. But I can't tolerate narrow minded individuals who only see their activity (Ramblers assoc is a prime example) and want all else banned. Move with the times, people.

BTW, talking of going equipped, i'll chuck some stuff in the back of the wagon just to cover a few eventualities that may arise.
Mikeh said:
went with simply 4x4 was a gr8 day so cracking lanes i just dont really know how to find out what they are called lol i have sent an email to keith the leader see what he says lol suppose we could lead a group if you told us where to go lol never lead be4 :?

Mike :D

Mike, what was the group size like? i've heard horror stories of Simply 4x4 running very big numbers of 10 or 12 vehicles in one go?
Well we were in a group of 5 so wasnt that bad but this is the second time we have been with them and although it is very good i can see the numbers going throught the roof when its busy. So how many people are comeing on the 15th? :D i cant wait already

Mike :)
Hi, I have only just had time to read this thread and I'm sick. W ould of loved to of come with you as there are some great tracks in Derbyshire. Unfortunatley I'm pre booked to go on a RAYNET event. Jeeezzzz I'm sick now as I needed to get my own back on robobone, hope somebody has a tow rope cos Tony will need it :lol: :lol:

Hope you all have a great time.

Jim T
cameraman said:
Robobone, I was only surprised you didn't post earlier, thought you had fell out with us, course your in. See you there.

JonathanM, I'm using sheets 110 and 119. Not all routes on map are currently legal, some have TROs, some permanantly closed or obstructed, but many open. Unfortunalty they are getting some pressure, and I fear they will go in the end. The ones I've chosen are mainly sustainable and either sandy or rocky. I know you read TOR, have a look in April/May 100 pre nerc routes, I have used some from there, linked with others I know, and some from the maps. All legally checked.

Mike, no probs leading, I'll give details, and its just a case of following them. No pressure, you follow if you happier. Just that the scenery never changes if you always behind.

bit late in spotting forum
cheers andy will confirm once talked her indoors around :lol: :lol:

i disagree about the scenery never changing.... we can always swap the 2nd car around so mikeh dont get bored :killme:
jims-terrano said:
Hi Cameraman, have only just had time to read this thread and I'm sick. W ould of loved to of come with you as there are some great tracks in Derbyshire. Unfortunatley I'm pre booked to go on a RAYNET event. Jeeezzzz I'm sick now as I needed to get my own back on robobone, hope somebody has a tow rope cos Tony will need it :lol: :lol:

Hope you all have a great time.

Jim T

boring old (40ish) or is it 41 ish now old fuddy duddy :lol: :lol:
re arrange raynet they can be our radio cover :lol:

shame was hoping you would be there was going to ask Cad for his k rope just in case :lol: :lol:

i will send the sheep your love :lol: :lol:
If you really went up Roych Clough, then shame on the comapny!!

Roych Clough is a bridleway and has never ever been legal to drive!!

For anyone with a map, sheet 110 Grid suares SK 0485 & 0585. The definitive map lists this as Roych clough, bridleway, closed to all motorised traffic.

The nearest ORPA is close GS SK 0586, but you would have to turn around and reverse route or drive another bridleway as this route is otherwise a dead end.

Hope you realise this is not a dig at you, but at the company that charges you for doing this and puts our hobby at risk.

I happen to know that the area around Hayfield is frequently patroled by Peak Park Rangers.
Well we couldnt do anything about it we got told that all the lanes we did he rings up the council and checks all the lanes two trials bikes came the other way aswel and 2 quad bikes :oops: i feel bad now the fact that he seems to of lied to us and that i dont want our sport to be put at riskthats the last thing i would want as a new comer

Mike, its not your fault, and I wasn't getting at you.

You pay to follow these people, and they should know better, Money always talks. If I was following I wouldn't have a clue unless I had a map with me. Sometimes route status can change from week to week, but I have several maps of this area, an area I am quite familiar with, going back over 30 years (oldest 1973) I can find no evidence of this being a vehicular right of way. Perhaps the leader just called it by a name he thought appropriate, and it isn't the actual Roych Clough. I do this on route cards sometimes if it helps me. An example is some of our members refer to "Bamford hill" when they actually mean "Leeside road" Bamford Hill being a private estate.

Don't be put off, and most of all don't pay for what is your free right. A little map reading tuition for you perhaps? :wink:

Cheers looking forward to meeting you

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