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  1. J

    alarm/horn not sounding

    Alarm horn is apparently behind the drivers side panel in the boot. My alarm horn doesn;t work, someone has said that the cable into the alarm horn is fragile, and just needs a repair.
  2. J

    Anyone interested in lift springs for Terrano/Maverick

    I'd offer my wagon for the workshop, but we're probably a bit too far apart. Colour, a nice muddy browny beige colour would suit me!
  3. J

    Bio diesel for 85p a litre - can I use it?

    Forgot to add, when the edge lane place did have bio I did use it, and the car ran fine.
  4. J

    Bio diesel for 85p a litre - can I use it?

    QM, I don'tthink that place on edge Lane has had biodiesel in for months - they used to get it from a place in widnes that burnt down last year or so. There is a place up in Bootle that sells it, on Sandy Lane, for £1 per litre, which with the costs of veggie oil going up is the going rate.
  5. J

    Anyone interested in lift springs for Terrano/Maverick

    Very competitive prices, well done Simon. Can you put me down for +2" +20% rate SWB please.
  6. J

    Cheapest Grabber AT2 tyres

    Lit way from you is Pemberton tyres, in WIgan, they are often competitive with prices, give them a call.
  7. J

    Xtrail non runner

    Some early xtrails experienced turbo failiures, not sure if this was subject to a recall, would it be worth the turbo being considered here?
  8. J


    Whereabouts in Cheshire are you - been having problems sourcing decent biodiesel locally,found some last year but it was awful stuff.
  9. J

    Side step fixings (SWB)

    Mine were a mixture of both, square u bolts at the front, bolts through the chassis holes just around where the rear swingarm connects to the chassis.
  10. J

    air con

    Got mine done at KwikFit last summer before heading off to the Ardeche, worked well - too well sometimes, needed a little heat running to stay comfy, either that or Josh used to end up under a fleece blanket in the back - those tinted windows help too!
  11. J

    Hi everyone

    Welcome Geoff, I live not far from you - I'm up the road from Whiston Hospital. Silver Terrano with the club logo across the back window.
  12. J

    black or chrome?

    Black. I've got the silver on my wagon, but then its a silver car - yours look meaner with the black grill. Plus being a bit nerdy the silver is from the "mk3" Terrano 2, yours is a "mk4"
  13. J

    Got alloys back after refurbishment and KL71s fitted

    Look larger. Post some pics when you get them on your wagon.
  14. J

    Got alloys back after refurbishment and KL71s fitted

    Nice, what size tyres are they? 31x10.50's?
  15. J

    Insulation on underside of Bonnet

    Seems hit & miss whther vehicles have this under bonnet insulation or not. I know of T2's that do, and others that don't- mine does not. I seem to recall ads for sound proofing type felt in mags like Autotrader.
  16. J


    I suppose if an intercooler gives more power, then more power might mean less time on full throttle, and maybe less fuel consumption. But equally more power means greater chance of using the power, and that wouldn't lead to better economy. I can't see what your man was meaning by a device that...
  17. J

    Wheel & Tyre sizes

    235/75 R15's are a standard size, so they'll go on without problems. 30x9.50 R15 is really an equivalent size, you may get a minimal increase in clearance, but maybe only in the region of 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch maxiumum. 31x10.50 R15's will rpobably fit, but you may find that the front's catch...
  18. J

    Trial fitted some spotlights today.

    Simons done the "whats in the shed" when it comes to lights, and the Cibie Turino's are a pretty dam good light, with a massive motorsport pedigree. KC's are good, as are lightforce, but I guess Simon,like a lot of us, will make use of whatever he's got to hand. I've got some Hella Comet's that...
  19. J

    Anyone interested in lift springs for Terrano/Maverick

    Simon, I'd be interested in standard rate 2" lift springs if they came in at a competitive price.
  20. J

    Removing roof rails

    Just fitted my suzuki Jimny roofbars to the Terrano this evening. I'd say if you remove yours you would sell them no problems, but any buyer of the car might then ask why - or even where they are, if they expected them to be part of the spec.