Usefull and essential off road kit to carry

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They don't appear to be rated ie stamped & tested to a certain level. Describes "light" towing. Probably better to buy a rated shackle for not much more from somewhere like Paddocks.
Machine marts pictures are a bit generic, the commercial shackles are un rated, the one with the blue pin is a lifting shackle, they use the same photo for both ranges, the lifting shackles are HERE
Sweety said:
What do you think of these shackles :? I was thinking of getting the 20mm ones with the blue pin :roll: I'm asking as i'm off there tomorrow any way so will find out what they are rated at but thought I'd ask your opinion first :smile:

I remember buying something from Machinemart in Bolton (can't remember what it was) - and thought they were rather expensive. They have tested lifting shackles too that are even more expensive.

Forgetec sell the unrated 20mm commercial bow shackle (£3.99 + VAT in Machinemart) for only £1.80 + VAT. They also sell a tested 4.75ton bow shackle for £4.36 + VAT which seems like good value to me. See:

machine mart like a sweety shop but it does seem exspensive when you add vat to there prices it hits home!
andrewk said:
This Takla air jack looks the business to me.

It certainly does, if it can lift a Disco that high on tarmac. Lifting in the rough it should get high enough for a wheel change or insertion of waffle boards etc. possibly even high enough to cast from.

Have you any details of price, availibilty etc, are they UK based?

Still prefer my Hi lift though, but I can see where your coming from with it being a dual purpose vehicle. I still carry my air bag jack in my other 4x4 due to space and weight etc.
cameraman said:
Have you any details of price, availibilty etc, are they UK based?

The Disco3 club got them from - apparently they agreed a discount for D3 club members, but even then it cost about £280 inc VAT & carriage.

It's the Takla air jack - see: and other threads on the D3 site.

It would be cheaper to import the Bushranger X-jack from Australia, even though the South African Takla jack is reputed to be better. It's possible though that APB Trading have a huge markup on them. If other club members were interested, we might be able to import them ourselves from a South African distributor.

andrewk said:
apparently they agreed a discount for D3 club members, but even then it cost about £280 inc VAT & carriage.

A lot of pennies when you think you could put jackable sills/rocksliders and front and rear protection/jacking points and buy a hi lift jack all for about same price 8O 8O But as a plus they do come with two puncture repair lits :twisted: :lol: :lol:
cameraman said:
A lot of pennies when you think you could put jackable sills/rocksliders and front and rear protection/jacking points and buy a hi lift jack all for about same price

For a Patrol? Who from?

andrewk said:
cameraman said:
A lot of pennies when you think you could put jackable sills/rocksliders and front and rear protection/jacking points and buy a hi lift jack all for about same price

For a Patrol? Who from?


you'll have to excuse Andy, he's come over all Land Rover of later (apparently there is no known cure), so I think he meant for the Disco3 owners but even for them I think they'd struggle and people aren't really modding them yet - are they?
andrewk said:
For a Patrol? Who from?

I meant generally, even fabricated ones from yourself.

Sills £100+
Front protection £75
Rear protection £50
Hi Lift jack £45 - £50

hummingbird said:
you'll have to excuse Andy, he's come over all Land Rover of later (apparently there is no known cure), so I think he meant for the Disco3 owners but even for them I think they'd struggle and people aren't really modding them yet - are they?

I make no appologies for being all Land Rover, they are the best vehicle for modding and off roading.

Having off roaded a Terrano, owned and off roaded a Patrol and now back onto Land Rovers, albeit this time a Discovery I feel qualified to state theat Land Rover is by far the best vehicle for the purpose I want it for.

Yes, the early Disco 3 is now out of warranty and owners are starting to modify them for serious off roading. They have been used on expedition for a while, but that is another sort of topic. Dealers are starting to stock items like I mentioned above, sills, protection, spare wheel carriers etc. There have always been some bits available that will fit all Land Rover models.

When Nissan or Ford can put together a vehicle that can be modded or repaired as cheaply and hammered off road, then and only then will they have got it right. Till then vehicles like the Patrol or Land cruiser will be amongst the top expedition vehicles and serve as dual purpose vehicles for green lanes and such. You don't see many non Land Rover vehicles off road. Some yes, Patrols, Suzukis, Smurfs to name a few, but the repair bills start to go spiralling out of control if anything goes wrong.
cameraman said:
I make no appologies for being all Land Rover, they are the best vehicle for modding and off roading.

I agree with you that the Defender 90 is probably the most able *stock* offroader you can buy in the UK. If you live in the UK, it's also the cheapest to buy offroad bits for - and you always need to, because they don't come with the steering guards, skidplates, tank guards and so on that most Jap vehicles have as standard. This is just an inevitable consequence of it being made in the UK and of there being lots of them around. If I wanted to buy a motor just for greenlaning - I'd definitely buy a D90.

If you are able and willing to source stuff abroad then the Jeeps (at least, the ones with beam axles), Landcruiser (but not the UK spec Amazon that has indepdendent front suspension) and Patrol can match anything you can do with a Land Rover. You only have to look at such as the Australian Outback Challenge on the box or spend some time looking at (non-UK) offroading videos on YouTube to see that.

Yes, the early Disco 3 is now out of warranty and owners are starting to modify them for serious off roading.

I suspect that the Disco 3 isn't going to be used so much for serious offroading - nor recent Range Rovers. You can see for yourself from the photo of the Takla jack that it's wheel articulation is seriously limited - and there's not a lot you can do about that or to lift it, given the all independent suspension geometry.

When Nissan or Ford can put together a vehicle that can be modded or repaired as cheaply and hammered off road, then and only then will they have got it right.

Errrrr .......... Ford? Land Rover was owned by Ford the last I heard. :eek:

The problem with sourcing bits for Patrols and Landcruisers is purely a geographic one. The demand just isn't so great in the UK, because there are comparitively few of them here - so very little stuff is made or imported for them. It's just more expensive as a result.

cameraman said:
You don't see many non Land Rover vehicles off road. Some yes, Patrols, Suzukis, Smurfs to name a few

Lots of Suzukis - they are very capable, even compared with a D90 - but who wants to drive around in a motorised shopping trolley? :smile:

your never gonna get a sensible answer to that one on a nissan site ! where disco are butt of most jokes!
No one will ever have to excuse Andy!. May be a Landy owner (and a maverick too) But whatever he choses to own, I will welcome him to be part of this club as long as he wishes.
Andy has put lots of time and effort into the running of his off road days and he will never be needed to be excused. May be this could be the reason he is going to step down as ROWO from the end of this year!. May be he is fed up with the Landy digs!. Fancy a job HB?
Sorry the pays not very good and you need to work in all conditions too. But if you fancy it please pm me and we can have a chat about it.


as usual its all freindly banter sure hes heard it all before an from the gallery i can see hes big enough ugly enough to take it on chin!
The amusing thing is Andy was quite keen to hand it out when he had the patrol.

As for ROWO I believe there is a suggestion on the table, HERE, but there has been no reply despite it being bumped the other day by Dinky (I think it was). I for one would not want to take on the role for the whole UK, not under the proposed terms as I quite simply cannot dedicate that much time (and money) to the club - I already have a big work load as secretary for Humber-Yorks 4x4 Response and a 1year old to deal with let alone my own business.