"Terrance" - 04' Terrano II SE Commercial 2.7TDi Project Thread

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Zac, when I’ve got through my nightmare and you’ve got the truck back on the road we need another meet I reckon :thumbs it’ll be great to see your truck and the new things that you have done to it.
Zac, when I’ve got through my nightmare and you’ve got the truck back on the road we need another meet I reckon :thumbs it’ll be great to see your truck and the new things that you have done to it.

I'll look forward to that Jim :thumb2 We better start arranging something :naughty
Zac, when I’ve got through my nightmare and you’ve got the truck back on the road we need another meet I reckon :thumbs it’ll be great to see your truck and the new things that you have done to it.

Now that there will cause a dilemma... We will all want to see the newest addition too.

You'll need another driver Zac:naughty:D:thumbs

Or a trailer, but I prefer the first one:lol:D:thumbs

Great threads pal.
Zac, I have several extra LED lights wired up to my roof lights, One under the boot cover, one in the centre of the rear roof, one on the rear door, and then the original roof and boot ones, all working as they should. The only thing is, none of my roof lights are original T2 Tungsten bulbs, which draw a lot more current than the LED ones, and all of the extra ones, because of where they are located, are wired up to the boot lamp.

So before you try the new controller, remove the original bulbs, as it is most likely the combination of LED and Tungsten has damaged the output transistor.
Looking good boyo.
A meet is needed so the Black Pearl can have a shack down :naughty
I've made the sunroof, er, I mean escape hatch, only tilt for now :lol
Been grafting ever forwards in efforts to get Terrance back on the road, her'e some pictures I've taken when I have remembered, it really is a faff keep messing with latex gloves when trying to take pictures :doh

Before refitting the news discs and pads I decided to give the Auto Hubs a rebuild :cool:


Upon cleaning and closer inspection it looks like the bearing locker is damaged so I pulled out the spares :thumb2



Very Nice :naughty


That was the drivers side dealt with so I decided to crack on with a bit more interior.

I decided I was going to give the rear floor yet ANOTHER lick of paint and thought that it might be a nice idea to extend the courtesy to the front floor pan as well. Out came the carpet I need to give it a deep clean and get it dry before refitting.

There will also be some insulation going in there as well but probably of the woollen kind as I can imagine the bubble wrap stuff will be noisy when stood on, we'll see maybe I'll try it.



Threw the drivers side seat in tonight and give it a razz around the estate and it made me smile ear to ear :cool:

Very close to being road worthy now, just going to have to get me a ticket which is the heart wrenching bit :(
Affraid there hasen't been a lot from my side :nenau
Making some little plans, but I know myself so be patient :D
Right with all the wiring done now and the floor dry I started to refit a bit more of the interior. I put some insulation down first before the carpet was refitted using the new carpet I fitted as a template.


The carpet that I'd removed from my truck was in a very bad way, soaked through, sound deadening had turned to a mushy mess and become detached from the back. Holes in the drivers side footwell behind the rubber mat :doh I gave it a hoover and dried it out as much as I could but to be honest, it's past it's best so I took great pleasure in rolling it up and throwing it in the skip on the building site :naughty

Here's a comparison picture of the new carpet (left) against the old carpet (right)


The new interior carpet is from, yep, you guessed it, the 2005 LWB that I broke for parts a few months back, upon quick comparison, the isn't much difference in them at all, lined up from the front they both have all the right cut outs, only difference I can see is that the rear of the carpet extends back a further 5 or 6 inches than the SWB


Nice hoover later


Carpet provisionally slot in


Whilst I was in the proximity, I decided to grab some pictures of the wiring harnesses for my ECU and a picture of the brain itself just for future reference again and also to show people the location of it on the later variants for the purpose of wiring in Tunit boxes :thumb2

Remove the lower dash plastic which will expose 3 screws that can be taken out to remove the lower cubby box.


Remove that and you'll see the 3 plugs that go into the ECU, I believe this is where MadMark spliced into his wiring to add his Tunit, we lost access to all his pics when Photo*uckit ballsed everything up so another reason for the pictures.

Follow the wiring up and you'll see a silver box held on a mount secured with 4 screws, undo these and carefully lift up and out and you have one Terrano Brain :question


Bit more fettling and some more interior went back in, it's really starting to look like a truck again :cool:



And finally a picture of the finished result of the new radio install all wired up :thumb2

Tried to get the rear plastic trim panels refitted last night and I was having a right game of it, I decided that I'd best go inside and call it a night eventually before I died of hypothermia or I broke my trim :doh

I've replaced all of the white trim clips and also replaced any missing metal clips across the top that should have been present from spare trim that I have stored up in the loft rafters in the garage :rolleyes:

Offered it up to the truck and tried to pop it all back on as I have done many times before and I just could not get the clips to stay put and couldn't even get some to line up anywhere close :nenau :doh

I don't know if it was the cold or the way they have been stored or what, but they appeared as if they were bent and even when forced into the respective holes they just popped back out due to the flex and tension in the panel :doh :mad:

I put everything down as I could feel myself boiling over and that's when I break stuff :( I gave in and retreated into the warm as all the cars had already frozen over and it was only 9pm