"Terrance" - 04' Terrano II SE Commercial 2.7TDi Project Thread

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Only ever done one Gearbox replacement without a ramp and that was when I foolishly agreed to help my mate replace the clutch on his Triumph Vitesse 1600 back in 1969 during the winter.

The trouble we had aligning the clutch without a tool was such an arm aching elbow grazing nightmare I have never forgotten it! It took us a good 3 hours to just get it into place and fit the bell housing. One bolt never did get put back. The vocabulary that came out of our mouths every time we "almost" got it mated up turned the air blue.

:lol :lol

I can imagine, it took me a while to get it all lined up, that Draper Clutchmate was a life saver though, made fitting the new clutch a breeze, luckily my gearbox cradle has a tilt function on it which was fantastic and gave me that accuracy I needed to be able to get it all mated up :naughty
Thanks for all the feedback guys :thumb2

It's taken me a lot longer than I wanted it too but with having the luxury of the girlfriends car at my disposal, I've not been forced under the car when the weather was bad or I was knackered from work which is likely to be the times I would have lost my composure and rag and got stuff wrong :eek:

It's certainly been a big job in terms of what had to be removed but I'm not scared of the job now and would happily attempt another one should I have to in the future, not the nicest of jobs to do on the floor I agree but if I had a ramp I would still have needed extra hands whereas on the floor I was able to remove the gearbox on my own and roll it back and forwards with ease :naughty

Another job that has cropped up that I'm going to have to sort it my clutch pedal, the issue only really became apparent after driving my granddads truck for a few days. I've noticed that my pedal bites the clutch and then just stays there whereas my granddads bites and then seems to "spring" back bringing the pedals resting position in line with the brake and accelerator.

I can toe the pedal back into a position parallel with the other pedals in my truck but as soon as I move my foot away it drops back down again, it's quite annoying and was present before the clutch swap.

Am I right in thinking that this is the bush issue? I've not yet done that job on this motor :nenau

It was the bush on my first truck. I just learnt to hold my foot on the pedal a certain way as I released and it used to come back up okay.

Never did get round to doing it.

Tweaked the suspension again earlier and the front is now riding a little higher than the rear but I'll give it time to settle before I mess again, I plan on replacing my +2" springs with some +3" ones in the new year anyway :sly

Drove 20 miles into work to re-weld the hanger on my exhaust that I welded on back to front on Thursday, was the only place I knew there was a welder that I would be able to use on Xmas eve :doh

Got back home, fitted it on and went on perfectly :D Last job now is to fit the interior bits back in and the rubber weatherproof gaiter and collar etc, it ain't half loud in the cab with that off :O

I've just used it to drive 3 miles to the mother in laws to meet my girlfriend there as we're all having a bit of family dinner as her brother is home for Xmas too from London.

It drove lovely but there was a bit of clutch slip in 3rd when giving it the beans, I'm going to put this to needing bedding in, seemed to get better the more stick I gave it, could have been contamination on the pressure plate even I suppose.

I'm a happy boy anyway, I'll continue to monitor and update with anymore findings :)
It drove lovely but there was a bit of clutch slip in 3rd when giving it the beans, I'm going to put this to needing bedding in, seemed to get better the more stick I gave it, could have been contamination on the pressure plate even I suppose.

I'm a happy boy anyway, I'll continue to monitor and update with anymore findings :)

Mmmmm should not of expected any slip unless the flywheel had a wear lip from the smaller centre plate in which case your new plate will only be contacting the small wear lip, if that is the case it will soon wear in to give full flywheel contact, but avoid giving it too much slip to avoid local outside edge overheating of the plate which may cause distortion, Rick
Mmmmm should not of expected any slip unless the flywheel had a wear lip from the smaller centre plate in which case your new plate will only be contacting the small wear lip, if that is the case it will soon wear in to give full flywheel contact, but avoid giving it too much slip to avoid local outside edge overheating of the plate which may cause distortion, Rick
Nice theory!!!! That does make sense, I could feel a lip on the flywheel before I fitted the 3 litre one but we are talking thous. I presumed after a while that it would wear itself down to mate the diameter of the 3 litre plate :thumbs

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Nice theory!!!! That does make sense, I could feel a lip on the flywheel before I fitted the 3 litre one but we are talking thous. I presumed after a while that it would wear itself down to mate the diameter of the 3 litre plate :thumbs

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

A half a thou flywheel lip is enough to keep the rest of the plate being squeesed onto the flywheel so you are only driving on the small lip friction area untill the friction material wears down to contact the rest of the flywheel, so what I said try not to make it slip too much as it is a comparitivly small contact area and will over heat rapidly and could make the plate distort, it will take 500 miles min to wear a thou off of the plate, Rick
Update on all things 3litre clutch

All is well in the land of 3 litre life :thumb2

No more slip, biting like a good 'un, not turned the PowerChip up yet though :sly

I'm now using the truck again daily but still need to sort out the damn clutch pedal return issue, hopefully soon into the new year I should have a new bush to replace the knackered one and hopefully the pedal will then return to it's correct resting point.

Lastly, I haven't quite finished re-fitting the interior trim around the gearsticks as I've been unsure as to whether I have the rubber gaiter installed the correct way around?

I've just looked through Alan's thread as I didn't take any reference pictures of it's orientation as in the grand scheme of things I thought that it would be intrinsic clutch internals that would have stumped me not this :lol

Looking at the picture that Alan took, the gearstick is in the square looking side and the transfer lever comes out of the circular??

All is well in the land of 3 litre life :thumb2

No more slip, biting like a good 'un, not turned the PowerChip up yet though :sly

I'm now using the truck again daily but still need to sort out the damn clutch pedal return issue, hopefully soon into the new year I should have a new bush to replace the knackered one and hopefully the pedal will then return to it's correct resting point.

Lastly, I haven't quite finished re-fitting the interior trim around the gearsticks as I've been unsure as to whether I have the rubber gaiter installed the correct way around?

I've just looked through Alan's thread as I didn't take any reference pictures of it's orientation as in the grand scheme of things I thought that it would be intrinsic clutch internals that would have stumped me not this :lol

Looking at the picture that Alan took, the gearstick is in the square looking side and the transfer lever comes out of the circular??

My guess is that the transfer lever only goes forwards and backwards so would be the square part. As the gearstick goes left right forwards and backwards, I'd guess the round part.
Makes sense in my head though:nenau
My guess is that the transfer lever only goes forwards and backwards so would be the square part. As the gearstick goes left right forwards and backwards, I'd guess the round part.
Makes sense in my head though:nenau

I need a flick through the workshop manuals this evening I reckon, I'm trying to refrain myself from ripping Grandads apart:lol
In Car Navigation for Laning

Non Mechanical post :camping: Not sure how many tech guys we have here so to some of you it may sound like gibberish :lol

A job or two ago we had a few Dell demo pieces come into work. My line manager grabbed up a Dell Venue Pro 11 to play with for a few weeks and decided he was going to take it home and try and get Android installed on it.

Big mistake!!! A few days later he gave it to me and asked me if I could try and get Windows 8 installed back on it as he couldn't get it to USB boot at all :doh I ended up taking it home in an old laptop bag and we all kind of forgot about it, I've had a few jobs since then and just came across it whilst tidying the cupboard under the stairs a few days before Xmas.

It's brand spankers and in mint condition with original charger still wrapped in plastic. I've had it out the past few days and been messing with it to see if I could get it back in working condition.

It seems that the BIOS was partly corrupted as it wouldn't save any changes and wouldn't allow me to save the option that crucially allowed me to tell the tablet to boot from a UEFI configured USB stick. I eventually managed a bit of back door jiggery pokery and got a new BIOS revision flashed onto it, thus allowing me to save the changes I needed to get it to boot from a USB stick.


I got a dodgy Windows 8.1 ISO from a torrent site and created a bootable USB stick and tried to boot from it and it was having none of it, bit of research later and it appears that the Venue Pro 11 will only recognise FAT32 file systems, I switch the files system and hey presto it booted BUT.......... there were no touchscreen drivers :doh :doh

Rather than mess about extracting drivers and slipstreaming them into the USB stick, I opted to pop out to Tesco and grabbed a Belkin USB hub that let me boot from the USB stick and have the luxury of a keyboard and mouse :sly I'm surprised it powered it all to be honest as the tablet's only USB port kicks out a measly 500mA of juice.


Got it all up and running now, had a game with the drivers naturally, I'd been banking on it having GPS built in but no such luck, so I plugged in my USB Ublox 7 one I have and installed a Virtual Com Port and pointed it to Memory Maps that i'd installed.

I've now got a new laning navigation setup :naughty :naughty Will alos double up as a media player too for watching a movie or 2 in the tent, it's also got a rear camera so I'm going to throw a decent sized MicroSD card in and get some footage recorded on the lanes, just researching the best windscreen mountable tablet holder available, anybody recommend anything? It's about 13" corner to corner with an 11" screen.




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Cheers matey!!!! You've been quiet, I hope that means there's been plenty Skyline action :sly :thumbs

Slowly but surely :lol

If you're in Birmingham you are not too far from me, maybe an hour. Once all up and running we should get a few laning trips organised :thumb2
48 mins on google maps then, cool :D

Been a difficult month but hopefully, hopefully, will be running by the end of January with a few more other jobs done...
48 mins on google maps then, cool :D

Been a difficult month but hopefully, hopefully, will be running by the end of January with a few more other jobs done...

Mines far from finished mate don't worry, got loads I want to sort out still :doh

But yeah that's not too far at all :naughty