"Terrance" - 04' Terrano II SE Commercial 2.7TDi Project Thread

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Good luck with that gear box. Looks like a big job. More than if ever dream of tackling.
Last night I did an hour outside as it was all I could stand, It was BITTER to say the least :(

In which time I only managed to remove the drivers side torsion bar which has been seized since I have owned the truck. I tried to re-index them before with the plan of putting bigger tyres on however I was only able to free the passengers and rotate it 2 splines round, the drivers was seized solid in the splined recess which meant I just had to adjust to the full length of the thread on the adjuster. It's one of those jobs that you plan to sort at some point but never actually get round to doing :doh until now

I unwound the adjuster again and gave the "claw" a good old thrashing which achieved nothing but bending the claw which will now no longer let the bolt pass through it :doh So thats the first thing damaged that I'm going to have to replace.

I sat on the frosty floor for a few minutes before deciding the next best course of action would be to remove the splined recess. It all looked easy at first until I realised that the 19mm bolt was very inaccessible from the back. I did just about manage to get the jaws of a 19mm spanner jammed onto the end of the bolt head at a very precarious angle but it was enough to crack the nut :bow :bow

The other two 14mm bolts had easier access to the rear and came off a treat and away dropped the bar.

I got it into the garage and into the vice, even with 10 mins of heat from a torch and a good lashing of GT85 it still took 21!!! that's right 21 blows side to side to get the bar free :confused:

Anyhow, it's free and leaves me to get the passengers off tonight and start another job :cool:

Onwards :camping:

Had another crack last night at the truck when I FINALLY got home from work :doh Made some good progress again :bow

I managed to straighten out the "Claw" that I bent in the vice and it's now usable again :cool:

Had to remove the passengers side torsion bar in the same manner as the drivers side but this time it was a doddle, this time though I struggled to remove the "claw" at the adjuster end but this kind of worked in my favour as in my efforts to free it I noticed that all my banging around was actually freeing the cross member from it's mountings so the bar acted as a giant lever :thumb2 Didn't take much persuasion from the lump hammer before it finally dropped out with a little wiggling of the torsion bar.

I then moved onto the slave cylinder, easy enough to remove, 12mm bolt to remove the hose and then x2 14mm bolts to pull it away from the box.

Moving to the inside of the vehicle, I started to remove the plastic trim and leather gaiters to get at the sticks themselves, there is a thicker lower rubber gaiter that is secured with about 12 10mm screws, you know the ones...... go near them with a posi screwdriver and they turn shrapnel :lol

Upon removing this I felt a piece of paper as I was pulling it backwards, after a quick fish around in there I managed to retrieve a parking ticket that has gone a nice brown colour over the years from the heat of the box, looking at the date, the car was only 5 months old when that ticket was purchased. Was a pretty cool find, I like nostalgia like that and distracted me for a while with happy thoughts :lol


That's as far as I got with removing the gearsticks purely based on the fact that I broke my circlip pliers last time I used them and forgot to replace :doh They are on my list of things I need to fetch from Halfords at lunch today.


The workbench is looking a bit full now :eek:

But I'm almost ready to get the bolts out the gearbox which are as doddle to get at given I've got a 2" body lift :bow I certainly wont have to use as many extension bars as Alan did and can get to them from underneath the car rather than having to do it from inside.


Shut up shop for the night at that point and got in my jimmy jams and hit the sofa with the misses for a few hours and watched some TV, then got a ring of the doorbell at 10:40pm, the next door neighbour had just returned home and saw the lights on, she had taken a delivery for me during the day and I'd not spotted the calling card that was still folded up in the letterbox.

My gearbox cradle

Rated to 500KG and looks like it will go onto my Halfords trolley jack with not too much of a problem, going to get it built tonight

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Progressing nicely mate:thumb2

Getting to the nitty gritty now. Looking forward to updates:naughty:clap

Cheers boys, slowly slowly, but not too slow :lol

Clutch was ordered today, set me back £140 from the same guys that I get the glow plugs from, I asked them about those at the same time and they told me that the only reason they were £4.04 back then when they were in stock was because they were clearance and they wouldn't ever be for sale at that price again :doh Wish i'd have cleared them out now.

I've gone for the Borg & Beck HK2275 3.0 Litre same as Pete has fitted, hope it goes on without too much issue :nenau Will be a learning curve anyway.
Squandered a night last night that I'd set aside for more action but was just way too tired to do anything after I got back from work :(

I just about mustered enough energy to knock the cradle together finger tight and didn't have any parts left over :naughty

Looks more than capable of the job, I just need to top up the hydraulic oil in my trolley jack and purge any air out of there now as it sinks at the moment after a few hours.

Hope the seals are OK but if it is knackered, Halfords have some cracking offers on at the moment on most of their jacks :sly

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We all know that my mechanical knowledge is limited.

Why do you have to have a clutch alignment tool?

Why can't the bits just be slid onto the appropriate shafts?


We all know that my mechanical knowledge is limited.

Why do you have to have a clutch alignment tool?

Why can't the bits just be slid onto the appropriate shafts?


Exactly what I thought when I looked at what was entailed in the job, I watched a brilliant clip on youtube, the job is also done on the workbench rather than the car too I've read, I thought that it had to be done on the car, although this guy does :thumbs

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Exactly what I thought when I looked at what was entailed in the job, I watched a brilliant clip on youtube, the job is also done on the workbench rather than the car too I've read, I thought that it had to be done on the car, although this guy does :thumbs


Nice clip, I see how it works, but still not clear why you can't slid the bits onto the relevant shaft. Is it something to do with the order of assembly?

Yeah looks like it is, it looks like that's the friction plate? (I'm crap with the names of parts)

That just seems to rotate solely on the splines of the input shaft?

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wLots of learning to do here guys, the frictiion/center plate has loads of slop re when clamping it to the flywheel with the pressure plate hence the alignment tool, if it is not aligned then no way will the gear box first motion shaft enter the spigot bearing in the flywheel, as for the box support for the trolly jack, as makeitfit would say "chocklate" , Rick
wLots of learning to do here guys, the frictiion/center plate has loads of slop re when clamping it to the flywheel with the pressure plate hence the alignment tool, if it is not aligned then no way will the gear box first motion shaft enter the spigot bearing in the flywheel, as for the box support for the trolly jack, as makeitfit would say "chocklate" , Rick

I'm not shy of learning Rick, I'm sure there was a time when you didn't know what was what with a clutch either, we all have to learn at some point.

As for the cradle, be it a different brand to Alan's they are both rated to 500KG and there was no mention of them being "Chocolate" in his thread, I don't know the exact weight of the box but I'm pretty sure it won't be half a tonne on it's own, and after seeing him complete the job successfully that's what I ordered :nenau

We don't all have the luxury of 4 post lifts unfortunatly :(

I need positivity and pointers, not riddicule as to how crap my tools are :doh
I totally agree with what you are saying zac:thumb2
As for the cradle it looks more than up to the job.
The box is unbalanced which makes things a bit difficult but I used a block of wood and strapped the box to the cradle to keep it in the desired position.
Just work methodically and Steady and you will soon have it sorted.
As for tools I buy the best I can afford,believe it or not most of my halfords professional tools have been more than adequate for everything I have ever done.