Operation 3 Litre Clutch Swap
I think when TONUP's clucth went recently I probably cursed myself, being first to reply with;
"Could be worse mate, it could be a month away from Christmas"
But no, my clutch had to go 24 days before Xmas
I've rang around a few garages including a few I know the lads at and the minute I said Terrano, the atmosphere instantly changed, they must be known for their difficulty :nenau The worst price I was given was £1033 the best price I was given was just a shade over £500

Of the 6 garages I spoke to, only 1 even considered the 3 litre clucth mod but said that if they faced any issues along the way, I would be charged per hour extra for the time the ramp was in use for any delay caused by getting a part to fit that was not originally intended for the vehicle. They had already quoted £650 + VAT and I don't have that kind of money at the best of times just lying around for a clucth change so I've decided I will follow in Alan (TONUP) footsteps and try the swap myself.......
I've given myself around 2 weeks to realistically carry out the work without rushing myself to get the job done as I have either the train or the girlfriends car to get back and forward to work in thankfully :bow
So I started last night as the temperature was above freezing :bow Only spent a few hours out there, most of that was re arranging stuff in the garage so I had the full workbench to lay parts out on etc. So far I have;
- Removed Front and Rear Propshafts
- Removed Starter Motor
- Drained Gearbox Oil
I'm on the hunt for a Gearbox Trolley Jack at the moment and will be ordering that at the same time as my new Clutch
Next jobs will be;
- Removing interior plastics and gear sticks from inside
- Freeing off torsion bars and removing
- Removing cables and breather attached to box
- Removing CPS (Crankshaft Position Sensor)
Probably be doing that on Sunday night as I have plans for the rest of the weekend typically
Wish me luck, I hope I don't need it