Well had a result today, have had a pot sand blaster for a long time but finding enough air for it was always a problem, I have an air compressor with a twin unit that originally was to drive a road drill but engine blew up so tried a biggish electric motor but not very good, recently I scrapped a pressure washer with a motor that draws more than 14 amps and was going to scrap the motor as well but decided to keep it, just as well I did as in my desperation today, needing to clean up the rear body mount for welding but access was so poor the only way was blast it, so quickly grafted the motor on and found a belt, ran it up, it is brilliant, hovers between 60 and 75 psi while blasting, and goes into idle mode while still running so motor does not have to start on load, only had enough grit to do the mounting today, but this will make cleaning up so so much easier, sorry no pics as was not taking my camera in with all that sand flying about, will take some tomorrow if I get it back on the hoist but been called to attend gas safety checks at two eateries, Rick