OK all, supposed to have been working on the tin tent yesterday but rained all day, so concentrated on the air compressor, wow does it make air, 48 inch x 18 inch tank about 170 Ltr fills to 90 psi in 2.45 mins motor pulls 19 amps just before cut off, well pleased, changed motor bearing, sorted bad compressor valves, one needed a spell on the lathe to sort it out, all now working well.
So today sand blasting galore, compressor maintains 75 psi while blasting non stop which is just great, then on to welding a length of scaffold pole onto the V section sill newly formed from 100 mm x 5 mm flat plate, cut about 25 mm slot in the tube and slid it over the bottom jacked it up and stitch welded it in place, now this is the best bit, after my mate came the other day and spent a couple of hours welding my cockups, he tried my welder and even he could not weld with it, told me my torch was shagged, so I got a new one, OMG what a difference, I can weld again, and I thought it was me, well now come some pics of my super strong rock slider sills, this is the chassis hole plate