A very sensible reply Ted and agree he is not a virologist, but I tend to follow what I see first hand, I cannot answer for the rest of the country but here in Bexhill, (I might add a predominately retirement town, so a very high number of over 70's) I have seen continued social interaction, sure people loosely try and stay 2 mts apart but most times passing very close, I have tended to do more shopping than normal as my wife is spending 3 or 4 hours a day with her recently bereaved sister (cancer not the virus) and once in Aldi or Lydil everyone is very close together, the point I am making is people in Bexhill are not dropping like flies, we are in our 70's and would not dream of being housebound, so yes I really do believe this lock down is so over the top, and the damage it has done to the economy is not yet realised, we have a Daughter, two grand kids and 5 great grand kids, it is they who will suffer from this, I like you are retired on a pension, although I still work cos my customers would be lost without me and all the time I can I will, that means I am out down the town every day meeting and associating with people in the course of my work, I respect your thoughts Ted but the government in my eyes is wrong and in disarray, Rick
Oh and just remembered I have been summoned to Eastbourne General Hospital on Monday next for an MRI scan of my prostrate, I do have cancer but it is regarded as very low order, so I do have to wonder why I am going to be taking up time on a specialised machine that I am sure could be put to better use on someone that is much more in need than me, a scan in 6 months time for me would not be out of order, the world has gone mad as far as I am concerned.