Coronovirus and lockdown

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My Nan passed away from it on Easter Sunday :(

Very sad news mate.
A friend of kaz 's lost her mum and good friend and neighbour lost their 25 year old son.
Reality hits home when it's someone close.
This lock down is what it is and I'm afraid we have just got to suck it up and deal with it.
I for one don't mind the social distancing and believe it is helping to slow the spread.
Couldn't really give a f**k who disagree's with me tbh.
Got more important things to do than argue about it.
If this is your coping strategy - fine.

I live in the real world, not some fantasy the government pedals, this situation is not much worse than the average flue outbreak, yet we are screwing the country, the nightingale units turned out to be white elephants with next to no usage at all such that the London one is to close, what more proof do you need, Rick

My perspective Rick is that your denial of facts is your coping strategy. If that's how you deal with the situation far be it from me to try to change your viewpoint with evidenced argument / discussion. Be you right or wrong who am I to deny you your opinion as being less worthy - I cannot.

As Agent Mulder famously said "The truth is out there".

P.S. I believe the Flat Earth Society are alive and well with a thriving branch in Bexhill on Sea. lol
So Prof Neil Ferguson the prat who convinced the government to do the lock down in the first place, has been giving a married woman from away a bit
of pleasure in spite of his broadcasts that the country has to obey the lock down, what kind of shit is this, he clearly does not believe his own shit, and that is what this government is giving us, he has resigned but far too late, get real people and get back to work, Rick
So Prof Neil Ferguson the prat who convinced the government to do the lock down in the first place, has been giving a married woman from away a bit
of pleasure in spite of his broadcasts that the country has to obey the lock down, what kind of shit is this, he clearly does not believe his own shit, and that is what this government is giving us, he has resigned but far too late, get real people and get back to work, Rick

Been working all the way through Rick.
Nothing has changed on that front for me.
I'm just not going out socialising and shopping unless i have to.
Another little little bit to nibble on, the Diamond Princess cruise ship the virus was allowed to run rampant for a fortnight among 3700 passengers and crew, although almost perfect conditions for a virus only 712 tested positive, 17% just goes to show what the realities are, Rick
How is that really relevant :nenau
A controlled environment.some people have natural immunity.
Some got it,some died, some survived.
Now release the virus into an uncontrolled environment i.e the world and that statistic bears no relevance to reality in any shape or form.
Sorry Elt do not follow your logic, they could of isolated in their cabins but did not, instead carried on as normal, the result was only 17% became infected, Mr Ferguson told Boris that in those conditions 81% in the UK would be infected, that is why we have this pointless lock down that will ruin this country, Rick
Sorry Elt do not follow your logic, they could of isolated in their cabins but did not, instead carried on as normal, the result was only 17% became infected, Mr Ferguson told Boris that in those conditions 81% in the UK would be infected, that is why we have this pointless lock down that will ruin this country, Rick

But they WERE isolated in their cabins Rick, they got out for an hour a day and I'm sure that was regulated as much as possible to avoid people being in contact with those from other cabins. That's why only 712/ 19% tested positive. Because they isolated.

That's why the figures UK wide have gone down because the majority have isolated like they were told to.
My logic is they are on a cruise ship isolated from society.
What was the age of the passengers?
I thought the Usual protocol when any kind of illness takes hold of a cruise ship is the confine passengers to the cabins.:nenau
How credible is your source of information or are you just searching for the anti lock down propaganda?
We all have strong feelings on this situation but I'm afraid you are just coming across as arrogant at times.
If you all want to believe that rubbish go ahead and leave me out of it, I am pissed off with being dictated to by idiots who know nothing, Rick
If you all want to believe that rubbish go ahead and leave me out of it, I am pissed off with being dictated to by idiots who know nothing, Rick

In all fairness none of us really know anything.
We are just repeating what is being told by the alleged experts.
And the experts decide they can break the rules they set for the entire country, yea right, Rick

I'm talking about both sides of the argument.
No doubt thousands of people have broken their own rules on each side of the fence.
In all fairness i don't even know why i replied on this post.
I come on here for a break from the madness not to end up getting drawn into it.
Think it's about time this thread was locked and f**ked off as all it seems to be doing is driving a wedge between members.
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