Coronovirus and lockdown

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Yes just like everything else the so called authorities have completely lost the plot, why on earth should the Daily Mail fly in the kit to keep our NHS staff safe, it is completely out of order but that is how the powers that be are, they have their snouts in the trough and think solely of number one, the country will go to the dogs, Rick
Yes just like everything else the so called authorities have completely lost the plot, why on earth should the Daily Mail fly in the kit to keep our NHS staff safe, it is completely out of order but that is how the powers that be are, they have their snouts in the trough and think solely of number one, the country will go to the dogs, Rick

When you say powers that be Rick, surely the government is not responsible for making sure the NHS has enough ppe, the NHS managers are!! They need to be looked at very closely when all this calms down.
You try getting materials when there is naff all out there !

When I say the powers that be I include NHS management and local councils etc, Rick

You can't get blood out of a stone though. No one can magic this stuff out of the air in a few days, gearing up for our own UK production or additional supply takes time.

The NHS managers and local councils you say - so easily to allocate blame for this crisis we are facing - in the end its down to individuals who are doing their yes sometimes incompetent best in very difficult circumstances.

At the Surgery where Wendy works she been tasked with ordering PPE items that are very difficult to source. Before the Pandemic she used to order Stationary where she could draw on contacts during a working life of 50 years in various aspects of office environments to find A4 paper etc. The person who normally did medical ordering hit a blank wall so the practice manager decided to let Wendy have a crack at getting PPE as she was so good with office equipment.

Wendy said to me the other night how on earth does the practice me to find this stuff when I have no contacts in this field or favours I can pull in. Thankfully she has managed by sheer personality plus placing small orders with multiple suppliers to just get by on a day to day basis.

This is just extra stress whilst working almost double her contracted hours to plug the gaps for staff absences. She gets home at around 6.45 pm by 8.00 pm she has gone to bed worn out. I know she is not an exception either in the NHS or many other essential workers including the delivery drivers - there are many others doing longer hours and working harder.

Last Friday night after work I drove Wendy to a private address / house in the next village to collect a bag of full face reusable PPE full face masks that the local University had manufactured for the Doctors to use. We then dropped them off at one of the GP partners home address. I'm sure this is just a small example of what is going on everywhere in order to help out.

What we do not need is members of the public sitting at home thinking no one is doing anything to try to fix things. Moaners are not in short supply - neither are doers. It's a reflection of the Media and peoples mind set to criticize as making a difference is so much harder and gets little publicity.
I read a week or so ago of a UK company that manufactures PPE kit but due to red tape and delays ended up selling it abroad, then we buy from China, how daft is that, Rick
Well worth a read, Peter Hitchens Mail on Sunday today page 35, you can get it on line, I think this guy is spot on, Rick

Well worth a read, Peter Hitchens Mail on Sunday today page 35, you can get it on line, I think this guy is spot on, Rick

I think he is genuine in his beliefs its always comforting to support a person with like minded beliefs, who also goes against the government narrative. This is one of the consequences of a free press look at the damage that Dr Andrew Wakefield did to the use of the MMR vaccine via our Media.

It's his credentials as a Virologist I would question. Journalists tend to work a lot with anecdotal evidence rather than Epidemiology - I am with the science every time. I owe my life to the advancement of science that developed Surgery, Radiation Treatments & Chemotherapy to treat cancers so as a survivor I'm a lifetime supporter.

I accept your viewpoint Rick but cannot agree with yours or Hitchens views who at the end of the day is a journalist selling a story via a Newspaper owned by a Millionaire.
A very sensible reply Ted and agree he is not a virologist, but I tend to follow what I see first hand, I cannot answer for the rest of the country but here in Bexhill, (I might add a predominately retirement town, so a very high number of over 70's) I have seen continued social interaction, sure people loosely try and stay 2 mts apart but most times passing very close, I have tended to do more shopping than normal as my wife is spending 3 or 4 hours a day with her recently bereaved sister (cancer not the virus) and once in Aldi or Lydil everyone is very close together, the point I am making is people in Bexhill are not dropping like flies, we are in our 70's and would not dream of being housebound, so yes I really do believe this lock down is so over the top, and the damage it has done to the economy is not yet realised, we have a Daughter, two grand kids and 5 great grand kids, it is they who will suffer from this, I like you are retired on a pension, although I still work cos my customers would be lost without me and all the time I can I will, that means I am out down the town every day meeting and associating with people in the course of my work, I respect your thoughts Ted but the government in my eyes is wrong and in disarray, Rick

Oh and just remembered I have been summoned to Eastbourne General Hospital on Monday next for an MRI scan of my prostrate, I do have cancer but it is regarded as very low order, so I do have to wonder why I am going to be taking up time on a specialised machine that I am sure could be put to better use on someone that is much more in need than me, a scan in 6 months time for me would not be out of order, the world has gone mad as far as I am concerned.
A very sensible reply Ted and agree he is not a virologist, but I tend to follow what I see first hand, I cannot answer for the rest of the country but here in Bexhill, (I might add a predominately retirement town, so a very high number of over 70's) I have seen continued social interaction, sure people loosely try and stay 2 mts apart but most times passing very close, I have tended to do more shopping than normal as my wife is spending 3 or 4 hours a day with her recently bereaved sister (cancer not the virus) and once in Aldi or Lydil everyone is very close together, the point I am making is people in Bexhill are not dropping like flies, we are in our 70's and would not dream of being housebound, so yes I really do believe this lock down is so over the top, and the damage it has done to the economy is not yet realised, we have a Daughter, two grand kids and 5 great grand kids, it is they who will suffer from this, I like you are retired on a pension, although I still work cos my customers would be lost without me and all the time I can I will, that means I am out down the town every day meeting and associating with people in the course of my work, I respect your thoughts Ted but the government in my eyes is wrong and in disarray, Rick

Oh and just remembered I have been summoned to Eastbourne General Hospital on Monday next for an MRI scan of my prostrate, I do have cancer but it is regarded as very low order, so I do have to wonder why I am going to be taking up time on a specialised machine that I am sure could be put to better use on someone that is much more in need than me, a scan in 6 months time for me would not be out of order, the world has gone mad as far as I am concerned.

East Sussex has had 613 cases with 160 deaths assuming your Bexhill on Sea is in East Sussex. There are pockets in Derbyshire where the virus has not reached with certain Hot Spots as well. Don't forget you are not out of the woods yet. I truly hope I am wrong but if Bexhill on Sea is a very aged population it will only take one infected person to cause a Hot Spot if you are all daft enough to ignore social distancing. You are pedaling a very dangerouse message with your comments Rick.
I live in the real world, not some fantasy the government pedals, this situation is not much worse than the average flue outbreak, yet we are screwing the country, the nightingale units turned out to be white elephants with next to no usage at all such that the London one is to close, what more proof do you need, Rick
The way I see things currently is the temporary hospitals, morgues, burial procedures and support infrastructure are now in place ready for when the lockdown is lifted and the carnage starts. These resources were not available nor necessary previously and if they do not get used I would liken them to gas masks in WWII and if they are never used that will be fantastic.

I am more worried about August through to March and pleased there are very few people in the Nightingale hospitals at the moment which suggests the NHS is coping at the moment and just dipping into the overflow capacity. Without that capacity triage will have to be carried out at peoples bedside or in a car park and only the fittest will survive.
The way I see things currently is the temporary hospitals, morgues, burial procedures and support infrastructure are now in place ready for when the lockdown is lifted and the carnage starts. These resources were not available nor necessary previously and if they do not get used I would liken them to gas masks in WWII and if they are never used that will be fantastic.

I am more worried about August through to March and pleased there are very few people in the Nightingale hospitals at the moment which suggests the NHS is coping at the moment and just dipping into the overflow capacity. Without that capacity triage will have to be carried out at peoples bedside or in a car park and only the fittest will survive.

Sorry I do not see this at all, you are assuming this lock down has achieved something, but it has not it is complete rubbish 2 mts in nothing like enough to stop the spread so it has spread already, and the results are what we see, nothing more than a common flue epidemic, we should all get back to work now and save the country and the cancer patients and others that are going to die without desperate treatment, I say again the world has gone mad, Rick
A very sensible reply Ted and agree he is not a virologist, but I tend to follow what I see first hand, I cannot answer for the rest of the country but here in Bexhill, (I might add a predominately retirement town, so a very high number of over 70's) I have seen continued social interaction, sure people loosely try and stay 2 mts apart but most times passing very close, I have tended to do more shopping than normal as my wife is spending 3 or 4 hours a day with her recently bereaved sister (cancer not the virus) and once in Aldi or Lydil everyone is very close together, the point I am making is people in Bexhill are not dropping like flies, we are in our 70's and would not dream of being housebound, so yes I really do believe this lock down is so over the top, and the damage it has done to the economy is not yet realised, we have a Daughter, two grand kids and 5 great grand kids, it is they who will suffer from this, I like you are retired on a pension, although I still work cos my customers would be lost without me and all the time I can I will, that means I am out down the town every day meeting and associating with people in the course of my work, I respect your thoughts Ted but the government in my eyes is wrong and in disarray, Rick

Oh and just remembered I have been summoned to Eastbourne General Hospital on Monday next for an MRI scan of my prostrate, I do have cancer but it is regarded as very low order, so I do have to wonder why I am going to be taking up time on a specialised machine that I am sure could be put to better use on someone that is much more in need than me, a scan in 6 months time for me would not be out of order, the world has gone mad as far as I am concerned.

Reading that Rick, it sounds like the virus has not reached you guys yet, is that fair to say?
Sorry I do not see this at all, you are assuming this lock down has achieved something, but it has not it is complete rubbish 2 mts in nothing like enough to stop the spread so it has spread already, and the results are what we see, nothing more than a common flue epidemic, we should all get back to work now and save the country and the cancer patients and others that are going to die without desperate treatment, I say again the world has gone mad, Rick

Two of my friends Mothers went into hospital for operations, both caught the virus, one is dead and the other came close. Healthy NHS staff are dying from Covid 19, what do you think the spread would have be like if everyone had carried on working using the trains, buses and tube?

I spoke to a friend yesterday who delivers to wards, research facilities and Nightingale units so he knows a lot of the staff. Some of what he told me is a real eye opener that you don't see or hear in the news and they are likening the situation to war with the rate casualties are coming in and they are losing them. What they are also telling him is the return to work will be the next big battle as herd immunity starts to take place.

I spoke to a friend in Portugal, they have road blocks and are not allowed out of the town unless they have written permission. A friend who works for a funeral director said their fridge was at capacity two weeks ago and he is working ridiculous hours to cope with the body collections let alone the burials and cremations. This does not seem to be a common flu epidemic.
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