A message shared.....

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Swansea, S Wales
Hi guys,

I know we have all shared our thoughts and feelings about our and others experiences, of mental heath issues.

I hope that you all not mind if I copy a post from somewhere else, by a good friend of mine, who is going through a bad spell currently......

Maybe if people's heads weren't buried in the sand of ignorance and they took the time to understand, instead of judging and thinking it won't happen to them because they have the perfect family, life would be that bit easier for people that do experience this!
This hits close to home for me, for family and friends who live under this shadow.
The days of 'it' not being talked about or being taboo should be over.
Yes, it's sadly true that there are those who milk the system and even sadder that there are those who don't know just how much help is available out there for them.
In the most difficult moments of life you realise who your true friends are, and the people who really appreciate you.
Unfortunately, most social media 'friends' aren't true friends. They will send you a "like" here and there, but in reality they do not take time to read your status if they see it's lengthy. More than half will stop reading right here, or have already scrolled on to the next post on their page.
I decided to post this message in support of all those who continue to battle with their mental illness.
Now, let's see who will have taken the time to read this lengthy post right through to the end.
If you have read everything so far, please "like" it so that I can put a thank you on your page.
More mental health awareness is urgently needed. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean people aren't suffering.
Please, try to spare a little of your time with someone who may just want to talk (about anything). Talking can help us all to cope a little more, keeping things bottled up just makes it worse.
Most people will say, "if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, I'll be there to help you" but will they?
I believe a select few of my friends will post this, to show their support for those who may be struggling.
You just have to copy and paste rather than sharing.
I'd like to know who will take a minute out of their day to read this all the way to the end and then copy and paste it to their page, will you? If so, please write "done" in the comments. Thank you.

Thank guys, for being there for everybody..... :thumb. :bow
I don’t do a lot of social media really but don’t think I’ve seen that on there.

I know I’ve got some great friends, online, at work and home life. Sometimes it is difficult to talk but totally agree talking is a much needed release.
Over the last couple of years or so, I can't believe how many times we have met people that just need to talk.

Between the cars being a bit different to the normal, or walking the ferrets or being dressed in the hi-viz 4x4r clothing, just something that gives them a reason to strike up a conversation, then it's like the flood gates open.

For some reason Suz and I tend to attract the older generation, and the amount of times we have sat/stood just listening to someone tell us half their lifes story, is getting more regular, so hopefully its getting out there that it is ok to just talk.

Most times it is actually quite nice to hear their stories, and you never know, you may learn things from it as well.

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I'm happy to talk about depression and hold out a hand who want to talk about it. I respect those who don't want to be cornered into talking, but do think that being open is the way forward and nothing to be ashamed of.

I was thinking about depression yesterday and how a physical ailment would get people running around to help if that ailment was a barrier to movement. Would they be so willing when faced with an anxiety attack? Or a depressive?

I've lost good friends through depression. Perhaps they weren't that good after all. :confused:
Anyway depression shouldn't be taboo, but understand that a quick "how are you feeling?" kind of misses the point. :p
Merged duplicated threads.
Been there and done that, got several t shirts!

Spent several months in hospital a few times. Hardest thing is getting
folks,doctors included to accept am ill. Then employers think you're
having a laugh for a free holiday. These days there is a statement in
my medical record as on first glance I'll act OK til I trip myself up....

Without the support of the Mrs and family it might of been quite different
on more than one occasion. Stress leads to lack of sleep which I reckon
would take most people down eventually.

Never been suicidal but have not been in right frame of mind and could
have done something silly not seeing the risk and consequences.
I got a bit of a problem at the moment, ok mother of all problems that I’ve had to face but enough about that.

I have had some great support from family and friends, wife has been amazing. It really helps to talk about it or type :doh

I’ve probably got another week or so before I know if I’m through the worst of it. So I’ve no doubt I’ll be talking about it to friends before that week is out.

Talking to people is probably one of the best medicines around, as we have seen in the past blokes naturally don’t seem that good at talking about things that really matter.