Banshee's gone Vigilante

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More trouble at the inn

More drama last night on our estate but this time we were more than ready for it!!!!

Got a message on our estate-wide WhatsApp group last night of a potentially suspicious vehicle. Details come through of 3 males in a Black Mercedes ML320. I jumped in the car and drove past it not making myself obvious, didn't like the look of them, they looked like pure scumbags.

Called it in on the radio and told everyone on the WhatsApp to be on Standby, parked the car up and me and my neighbour hid from a distance and watched the vehicle. 2 Males left the back of the car and vanished into the darkness towards the building site leaving 1 male with the car. Nervous, we continued to watch until the lad with the car pulled his phone out and then locked the car quickly and started running in the same direction of the other 2 lads towards site, carrying no less than 6 empty 25l drums!!!! At this point I knew it was fuel theft from the building site.

I gave the go and within 5 mins we had 10-15 bodies surrounding the estate from all angles a few mins later we were almost 20 strong!!!

Calls went in to the local Police, me and another pal immobilised the car by loosing the pressure out of the front tyres. With the car secured and bodies with it 12 of us head inside the building site and started to sweep the houses 1 by 1 when we saw 3 bodies in the distance trying to give it legs!!!! They were a good distance away from us and we got into a footchase, they vanished again but at this point we knew the building site well and systematically swept each house relaying info constantly over the radio.

We eventually pinned them down to a group of 5 houses when we heard noises inside. One of the lads then spotted movement in an upstairs window whilst one of our guys had juts pulled a bloke from behind a pallet in the garage of the same house.

We pulled him out and made a citizens arrest WITH handcuffs :naughty

The other two didn't come quite as easy, we had to enter the house for them so me and my right hand men that were also equipped with bulletproof vests decided we were going to enter the property and sweep, one lad is ex-SAS and the other ex West Mids Police Firearms so had no hesitations going inside.

Tactical sweep lead to 1 male giving himself up in the from upstairs bedroom and the last lad had to be fished out of the loft!!!!!

All were detained and cuffed until the Police arrived some 50 minutes after being called!!!!! It's this awful response time that had lead to us creating this group in the first place and believe me when I tell you we are sh*t hot!!!!!

3 in custody, siphoning kit and stolen Diesel booked into evidence and the ML320 was recovered :clap



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What did the police say about all this?

Nice to see the bad guys getting caught for once though.

They fully support what we do and we knew most of the officers by first name :lol

They are very grateful for what we did and told us that everything we did was within the law so I'm well chuffed.

They were especially impressed with our attempts to immobilise the car :naughty
Well done, and echoing comments already made, its crying shame we have to resort to doing what the Police should be doing.:thumbs
Bad Ass Banshee Crew
SCUM...... the lot of them. Although I would have told the fuzz the diesel containers were empty :naughty:naughty
Very well done Zac...excellent team work, but agree with other comments about the local community having to undertake duties that should be done by the police....if you had been in a car they would have found a way to nick you though.....:nenau
Very well done Zac...excellent team work, but agree with other comments about the local community having to undertake duties that should be done by the police....if you had been in a car they would have found a way to nick you though.....:nenau

I don't get what else we are meant to do, myself and the other residents are all in agreement that we will not tolerate theft any longer and we will be our own police force.

I will not stand there and do nothing!!!!!
did a bit of our own today

Currently working (project overseeing) at an unoccupied large domestic property, had a call this am from the gardeners having a tidy up, asked where did all the hard core come, (it was hidden from normal view) I replied that there should be none, and told them I would pop in on the way to the merchants, noticed a fresh tarmac repair in the public footpath near the drive and some disturbed pea beech on the drive, met my mate Dave on the roof sorting a chimney, asked him if he noticed anything, he thought about it and mentioned that he thought it odd a day ago that the decorator was on the foot path with a CAT scanner! so we had a good look round.

Was not long before Dave noticed a fold in a carpet in a GF room, pulled it back and hardboard was torn so lifted a board and found a new heavy cable, 3 phase had been installed under the floor.

I leave you to guess what it was intended for.

Needless to say my day was now goosed as had to remain in the property till all the locks were changed and all parties informed inc Police and Supply Co, ongoing this one as can only guess as to who the culprits are, Rick
Oh yea it is live, problem now is Elec Co have to dig a 3 to 4 Mtr trench in order to cut out the splice as it is compromising the main cable run, Rick

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