Coronovirus and lockdown

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Another Ted rant

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the govt has done virtually nothing. The Chancellor has given us the furlough scheme, but ultimatey, us, the tax payer, will be paying for it (it's unlikely to be the billionaires or corporations who pick up the tab).
The govt gave us lockdown (unless you want to go out- the policing and penalties are minimal). This is why we saw campers heading into Wales at Easter, potentially bringing the virus with them ("potentially" as there are no sodding tests).
Testing has been negligible and the supply of ventilators and PPE has been shameful. UK manufacturers ignored and exisiting manufacturers closed out of the procurement processes.
Airports are about to require tests and quarrantine, this is 6 weeks after I walked through Liverpool airport unchallenged, the same day Atleti fans were coming in for the mass gathering at Anfield. The same time the govt allowed Cheltenham races to go ahead. We can't say we had no guidance as both Spain and Italy were ahead of us at that stage.
With all this govt activity and advanced warning, we have managed to achieve the 5th highest death rate globally, that's using the govt's manipulated figures- real figures are potentially double that, but that is speculative. 20, 000 dead. Think about it.
Had the govt not run down the NHS, had the govt offered a full lockdown with £1,000 fines, had the govt controlled movement, had the govt tested, had the govt provided the NHS with ventilators and PPE, had the govt actually done something proactive we would be looking at far fewer deaths.
This govt is an embarrassing shambles, just look at how other countries have dealt with the virus to see how embarrassing this cabal is.

You are right about who will pay - when we bailed out the banks - it's the Government that pay - then we pay them back with increases in direct & indirect taxation.

A good friend of mine who has done very well for himself has money spread over different banks so his deposits were secure as they were within the guaranteed limits if a bank crashes. He had a wad of money in one of the Icelandic Banks - not only did he get his deposit cash refunded by HMG but he also got the bloody interest !!

As for the Government response even with Airports etc locked down sooner the reality is you only need one person to be infected to spread the virus country wide.

There will have been the usual lorry loads and boat loads of illegal immigrants plus the possibility that the virus can be picked up within a short time frame from objects imported from other countries handled by a person who is at the infection stage of the process. The USA shut down flights pretty quickly but it soon started to spread to NY and other states.

The NHS is a Behemoth without top grade industrial type management - successive governments have thrown money into the never ending capacity of need so it always wanting and getting more money with diminishing return. The NHS will never have enough money due to medical progress.

We find better ways to treat cancers & all other types of illnesses as fast as one type of Scanner or Radiation Treatment is developed a new one pops up later. Just look at the shambles of Government IT systems that have cost billions and failed. The levels of waste within the NHS are eye popping and occur on many levels.

Had the NHS been a Private Company providing medical services to the paying public it would have gone bankrupt long ago. It's a fact that some of the NHS troubles go right back to its inception when Hospital Consultants were allowed to have their own contracts they are employed by the NHS and can do foreigners on the side (Private Practice) in that deal. That said it is also the envy of the world but few countries will admit it.

I love our NHS they have saved my life more than once - good management is definitely hampered by the grip of the likes of UNISON & BMA. As regards Consultants I have an analogy.

When I worked in the Motor Trade selling Mercedes Cars there was a waiting list at various times for desirable models. One in particular was the Mercedes 350 SE a new model back in 1973 the waiting list for a customer order was about 9 months. If I said to the customer you don't need to wait 9 months I have one at my home that you can buy next week if you visit me at home - my Boss would sack me for trading from home.

An NHS Consultant can do just that he can say well the waiting list for a New Hip is say 12-14 weeks but come and see me at The Nuffield Hospital and I can do it this Friday - that is the cosy situation that Consultants currently enjoy. Without advertising they have a ready made list of NHS patients / customers that they can operate on for extra money. We allowed NHS Consultants to do just that. Most Private Hospitals employ NHS Consultants on a part time basis. This cosy set up should have been banned decades ago but no Government Labour or Conservative has addressed it as the BMA would threaten to strike.

The private sector do not train Registrars or Consultants we the tax payer do that and let the Consultants Moonlight. I'm not anti trade union or against private health care but they should bear the real cost if they are not training staff.

It's my view NHS is far from run down that I think is UNion & Political Dogma - if we want the NHS to do & have more we should I think look for a drastic solution.

Take it completely out of Political Control, have it funded by direct taxation so that when you look at your PAYE Pay Slip or Pension Statement there is a figure that says NHS Tax "x" %. I do not know what this "x" figure is but as the NHS is the biggest single employer in the UK I'm guessing its significant.

Tax payers might not be so keen to give the NHS yet more money without seeing & getting value in return. Often we seem to just get more middle management in the NHS with its inverse pyramid structure when we inject more cash. A truly self funded private sector could then be compared to the NHS on an equal financial footing.
You are right about who will pay - when we bailed out the banks - it's the Government that pay - then we pay them back with increases in direct & indirect taxation.

A good friend of mine who has done very well for himself has money spread over different banks so his deposits were secure as they were within the guaranteed limits if a bank crashes. He had a wad of money in one of the Icelandic Banks - not only did he get his deposit cash refunded by HMG but he also got the bloody interest !!

As for the Government response even with Airports etc locked down sooner the reality is you only need one person to be infected to spread the virus country wide.

There will have been the usual lorry loads and boat loads of illegal immigrants plus the possibility that the virus can be picked up within a short time frame from objects imported from other countries handled by a person who is at the infection stage of the process. The USA shut down flights pretty quickly but it soon started to spread to NY and other states.

The NHS is a Behemoth without top grade industrial type management - successive governments have thrown money into the never ending capacity of need so it always wanting and getting more money with diminishing return. The NHS will never have enough money due to medical progress.

We find better ways to treat cancers & all other types of illnesses as fast as one type of Scanner or Radiation Treatment is developed a new one pops up later. Just look at the shambles of Government IT systems that have cost billions and failed. The levels of waste within the NHS are eye popping and occur on many levels.

Had the NHS been a Private Company providing medical services to the paying public it would have gone bankrupt long ago. It's a fact that some of the NHS troubles go right back to its inception when Hospital Consultants were allowed to have their own contracts they are employed by the NHS and can do foreigners on the side (Private Practice) in that deal. That said it is also the envy of the world but few countries will admit it.

I love our NHS they have saved my life more than once - good management is definitely hampered by the grip of the likes of UNISON & BMA. As regards Consultants I have an analogy.

When I worked in the Motor Trade selling Mercedes Cars there was a waiting list at various times for desirable models. One in particular was the Mercedes 350 SE a new model back in 1973 the waiting list for a customer order was about 9 months. If I said to the customer you don't need to wait 9 months I have one at my home that you can buy next week if you visit me at home - my Boss would sack me for trading from home.

An NHS Consultant can do just that he can say well the waiting list for a New Hip is say 12-14 weeks but come and see me at The Nuffield Hospital and I can do it this Friday - that is the cosy situation that Consultants currently enjoy. Without advertising they have a ready made list of NHS patients / customers that they can operate on for extra money. We allowed NHS Consultants to do just that. Most Private Hospitals employ NHS Consultants on a part time basis. This cosy set up should have been banned decades ago but no Government Labour or Conservative has addressed it as the BMA would threaten to strike.

The private sector do not train Registrars or Consultants we the tax payer do that and let the Consultants Moonlight. I'm not anti trade union or against private health care but they should bear the real cost if they are not training staff.

It's my view NHS is far from run down that I think is UNion & Political Dogma - if we want the NHS to do & have more we should I think look for a drastic solution.

Take it completely out of Political Control, have it funded by direct taxation so that when you look at your PAYE Pay Slip or Pension Statement there is a figure that says NHS Tax "x" %. I do not know what this "x" figure is but as the NHS is the biggest single employer in the UK I'm guessing its significant.

Tax payers might not be so keen to give the NHS yet more money without seeing & getting value in return. Often we seem to just get more middle management in the NHS with its inverse pyramid structure when we inject more cash. A truly self funded private sector could then be compared to the NHS on an equal financial footing.
Sorry mate, I got as far as this paragraph and gave up reading, in two lines there are two glaring errors. We do not have boat loads of illegal immigrants coming into this country and secondly USA has an even more lax approach to lockdown than us and are nowhere near having a flight lockdown, I'm watching flight ANZ6182 AKL-LAX as I'm writing this.
You've got a view on this, which is fine, but doesn't stand up to factual scrutiny. I didn't read any more.
Ted I applaud you on that reply I agree with every single word, my wife and I (as backup) fostered special needs for 24 years and saw first hand the problems within the NHS, I became a bit of a rebel, fighting for the kids who could not fight for themselves and I had serious fights also with Social Services, many times going over SS heads and addressing the medical specialists concerned, I always won except one case where I was told in no uncertain terms by a senior pediatrician at a full meeting, that "you never feed a baby on its side" steam coming from her head cartoon style, I was so shocked that a professional could say and act like that I was dumb struck, I should of course retorted so what is a baby at the breast if not on it's side, point was that method got food into her, whereas what SS instructed us to do did not, any way great post Ted, Rick
Don I am not interested in the USA, they have a far different set of circumstances, but re the boat loads of immigrants, it is ongoing, Rick
Don I am not interested in the USA, they have a far different set of circumstances, but re the boat loads of immigrants, it is ongoing, Rick
Give me the numbers for these boatloads of illegal immigrants. Not refugees, I'm not interested in them, but illegal immigrants.
Sorry mate, I got as far as this paragraph and gave up reading, in two lines there are two glaring errors. We do not have boat loads of illegal immigrants coming into this country and secondly USA has an even more lax approach to lockdown than us and are nowhere near having a flight lockdown, I'm watching flight ANZ6182 AKL-LAX as I'm writing this.
You've got a view on this, which is fine, but doesn't stand up to factual scrutiny. I didn't read any more.

So you think we intercept and stop every boat or light aircraft that lands in the UK. Sorry but just like drugs we only detect a fraction of what enters the UK. As regards to illegals who enter the UK here in a little village called Duffield 6 came out a container and were brought to the Custody Suite I worked in. The poor Vietmanise who died in that refrigerated container were probably just very unlucky. I'm not talking about half a dozen in a Dinghy being stopped on the South Coast but those who land in ports all along our vast coastline via small time but organised smugglers. The realitiy is we have very porous borders. A popular route was via Eire they then pass over the border into Northern Ireland using the common travel area to enter the UK. The Immigration. Staff can't lawfully just stop and ask those landing in Liverpool where they have come from without grounds- most of the time it's like getting off a bus or train. I worked with Immigration Officers for 4 years I've seen what happens.
What is significant about flight ANZ6182 AKL-LAX oh and Hastings has seen several boats this week end, Rick
ANZ6182 is one of over 100 international flights entering, at around the time I posted, the so called shut down USA.
The boats were seen and the immigrants have been detained and more than likely being prepared for return. Immigrant have nothing to do with the spread of coronavirus.
If you want to learn about the spread and how to control it, watch this very simple video.
It's not lying.
Sorry mate that video is just nonsense, if it was true we would all have it and maybe we do, but have no way of knowing, so it is just scaremongering, Rick
Sorry mate that video is just nonsense, if it was true we would all have it and maybe we do, but have no way of knowing, so it is just scaremongering, Rick
So demonstrate that it's nonsense with some nice facts and figures. You could always start with South Korea, Greece or even Germany and tell me why they have death rates significantly lower than UK. That'd be a great start. Link to the articles, I've got a bit of reading time at the moment.
Mouse Trap Video

ANZ6182 is one of over 100 international flights entering, at around the time I posted, the so called shut down USA.
The boats were seen and the immigrants have been detained and more than likely being prepared for return. Immigrant have nothing to do with the spread of coronavirus.
If you want to learn about the spread and how to control it, watch this very simple video.
It's not lying.

Interesting Video it might be basic but it does demonstrate the game of tag involved in a virus spread.
Talking about Illegal immigration reminded me of an incident.

As an example of how a determined person can get to the UK I remembered a particular chap who came from Ascension Island that although it is / was a British Dependency it's citizens are not British so I have no right to enter the UK and live here.

He was arrested in Derbyshire for a criminal offence I was not directly involved but I think it was in the Buxton Area. When his fingerprints went to NSY fingerprint bureau it flagged up that he had been deported from the UK previously - he had no right to remain here. Within 2 years of being originally deported he was back in the UK. It was easy for him to blend into the UK as he was white and English was his native language. At the time circa 1983/4 there were no direct commercial flight to the Island.

He was again deported after his offence had been dealt under the escort of two police officers. He was flown to South Africa and then taken by Boat to Ascension Island. His last remark to the escorting officers were "I'll be Back" terminator style. The journey took almost a week, the police took a few days extra leave whilst in South Africa as a bonus.
So demonstrate that it's nonsense with some nice facts and figures

That is the whole point, there are no nice easy facts and figures, all those other countries have so much different cultures from ours that a comparison is just not possible , so stay focused on our own country with the uniqueness it provides, we are an island to start, so are already isolated in effect, so should of been easy for our so called rulers to stop it in its tracks, yea right, so I will ask once again, after lock down how can you prove that it has had any effect on the death rate? you cannot of course because you have no other reference data to compare it with, Rick
i hate to say it but here on essex coast its often on local news about boats found on beaches and even in harbours,some are seen by the public and report it but by the time any one gets there they have gone.i do not think patrols can do there job properly as under funded but the bastards are getting in often unchalanged and unseen and when here dissapear into the shadows with very little chance of getting found unless police nick them for breaking the law.
some could be infected but hwo knows.
i hate to say it but here on essex coast its often on local news about boats found on beaches and even in harbours,some are seen by the public and report it but by the time any one gets there they have gone.i do not think patrols can do there job properly as under funded but the bastards are getting in often unchalanged and unseen and when here dissapear into the shadows with very little chance of getting found unless police nick them for breaking the law.
some could be infected but hwo knows.
And people still voted the tories back in, I agree, it beggars belief at how stupid we are.
I've worked with immigrants for over 7 years and have to say that some of the racist undertones here really are unwarranted and demostrate a high level of ignorance.
If we talk about illegal immigrants thats not racist in itself.

And people still voted the tories back in, I agree, it beggars belief at how stupid we are.
I've worked with immigrants for over 7 years and have to say that some of the racist undertones here really are unwarranted and demostrate a high level of ignorance.

Circa 2002 just before I retired we had a family of Iraqi Kurds in custody that had been arrested after getting out of the back of a lorry. Mum, Dad, son aged about 6 yrs, daughter aged about 4 years.

They were with us for about 9 hours of my 12 hour shift. During that time we gave the kids the chocolate bars out of our own lunch boxes, my Banana Sandwiches etc. Even the hardest amongst my staff realised the plight the family had gone through - to seek refuge in a country where the language and culture was alien to them with no belongings to speak of and about a 100 dollars sewn into clothing. That is human desperation like I had not witnessed before. It changed forever my view of illegal immigration being confused with genuine refugees.

After processing in the custody suite they were picked up by social services and taken to a hotel in Chesterfield where a few days later they were taken to London where they had distant family relations. Clearly the UK has a reputation as a safe haven, I sometimes wonder how they are getting on, the children will now be adults.
Some have commented on my statement that I have a good immune system, well just remembered when I was about 10 or so and my hands had many warts on them, my old man grabbed my hands one evening and said they are not nice (or something like that) and then gave me a penny and said "I will buy them from you" now my old man was god in my eyes, he could do anything, anyway never had a wart since, mind over matter, it does work, Rick
I had a similar thing

Some have commented on my statement that I have a good immune system, well just remembered when I was about 10 or so and my hands had many warts on them, my old man grabbed my hands one evening and said they are not nice (or something like that) and then gave me a penny and said "I will buy them from you" now my old man was god in my eyes, he could do anything, anyway never had a wart since, mind over matter, it does work, Rick

I had a similar thing my Dad told me to rub a Farthing on the warts and bury the Farthing afterwards (were going back to when they were still in circulation circa 1955).

The warts went within a few weeks - nothing to do with the ritual. Most common warts are in fact due to a virus infection of the skin and your body eventually defeats the virus and they go. Common warts caused by the Papilloma Virus disappear of their own accord - not mind over matter its your Immune System fighting and winning Rick.

If you prefer it you instructed your immune system!
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