Right I'm probably gonna get flamed for pointing this out but what the heck!
Where you were playing was private land not a public right of way.
Where you tipped your car was on private land not a public right of way.
Did you have the landowners permission to drive those forestry tracks? Thought not.
Its what you're doing thats giving the rest of us a bad name and a hard time protecting our hobby.
Think about it fellas.
Craig I assume you are talking about the forestry tracks specifically rather than Strata which, as far as I am aware, is a kosher right of way?
If so then I'm not sure I take your point. This being remote mid-Wales, there are hundreds (in fact probably into the 000's) of miles of these tracks, most of them unused for years at a time until the particular forestry company decides to cut an area, in which case you stay away. Until then, if the road gates are open, its accepted tradition around here that they are fair game and nobody, forestry companies included (as i regularly bump into their vehicles if I take my dogs up there on weekdays in the truck), gives a stuff. I've never even been challenged, let alone asked to leave.
All these forest tracks are laid with stone so its not as if any damage can be done, and I have never seen any complaint relating to use of 4x4s (or any other vehicles for that matter; the scramblers also use these tracks regularly without problem) on these routes.
The fact that they are usually miles from civilisation means that there are no walkers either.
If the forestry decides it wants to prevent access, they just lock the road gates and thats it. But they never have.
I'm aware that may not be the case elsewhere in more populated areas - even just over the Black Mountain in South Wales its normal to see road gates shut, but up here it isn't an issue.
I take your point about the general principle, but theres a world of difference between driving a remote stone forest track at 20 mph versus ploughing up Viking Way and sending ramblers scattering - theres just no comparison.