Veg Oil

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PLANK said:
remember when they used to take back your empty, pop, milk, beer, bottles and use them again? now that is a good idea!

They still do in places like Germany, in fact the deposit on the bottle is more than th contents in some cases which tends to encourage you to take them back.
cameraman said:
knotting-pot said:
Toolbox said:
Oil dilution can occur, during cold starting, idle or part load, when using veg oil, leading to a rise in oil level on the dipstick. If left unchecked (not changing the oil) this could cause problems with the turbo and bearings etc.

Checked my engine oil yesterday and found it was above the high level and when I smelled the oil on I could swear it smelled of cooked veg oil!
Having a bit of a re-think at the moment as I too can't afford to be without a car and for a saving of only £10/week I am wondering if the risk is too great.

Those two comments have made me think too, sometimes when I check the oil it seems a bit high and next time its Ok. Occasionally off road in low box I get the oil light flickering on a bit and then the temp rises, left to tickover or turned off it drops again and all is Ok.
Myths and legends of vegetable oil use
this part of those links i posted good reading????

There is a lot of rubbish talked about concerning these fuels. Some of it is a result of people trying to protect their 'secret' recipes and thereby creating mis-informative myths. One of these was the 'teaspoon full of white spirit in vegetable oil' on the top gear program - absolute rubbish! The 'white spirit' was supposed to be a special fuel additive. Beware of myths - lets create legends!

Myth number 2. Not all diesel engines will run on a mix of 95% diesel and 5% white spirit. Again, absolute rubbish! We've heard of quite a few vehicles actually breaking down on this brew. Older vehicles, with indirect injection, without lucas pumps, are more compatible with higher concentrations of vegetable oil. White spirit can be added, but quite a bit more than 5% would be needed to have any effect.

Some people mix vegetable oil with petrol and use it in a diesel engine! See Database

We have heard of some vehicles travelling over 200,000 km on vegetable oil.
hummingbird said:
PLANK said:
remember when they used to take back your empty, pop, milk, beer, bottles and use them again? now that is a good idea!

They still do in places like Germany, in fact the deposit on the bottle is more than th contents in some cases which tends to encourage you to take them back.

Bring them days back use to have some good scams running when i was a kid??????? and i bet jace did them as well :lol: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
we occasionaly used to nip round the back of the pub for empties and then recycle them at the off licence counter I must admit :lol:
when i were a lad growing up in bishops tachbrook club was foot of our garden used to get emptys and take em to outdoor sales hatch exschange em 4 bottle vimpto lol best of it was they were there bottles
Ok,at my work they use 15ltr drums of vegitable oil in the fryers(doesn't say what it's made up of!!) once they use it,it gets taken away by someone.
So are you all saying it would be feesable to strain it with a 25micron filter and put it straight into the tank??
Or is it not as simple as that!!
If that's the case i'm laughing!! :lol: :lol:
have look at big jims posts he posted few links you need few different chemicals to do job properly
cosmic said:
Ok,at my work they use 15ltr drums of vegitable oil in the fryers(doesn't say what it's made up of!!) once they use it,it gets taken away by someone.
So are you all saying it would be feesable to strain it with a 25micron filter and put it straight into the tank??
Or is it not as simple as that!!
If that's the case i'm laughing!! :lol: :lol:

If you want to use that oil its got to be converted to BIODIESEL

You mix a quantity of methanol with caustic soda and make a TOXIC chemical called methoxide, after filtering the oil heat mix in the methoxide stir and watch all the crap fall to the bottom which is glycerine (soap) the biodiesel on the top, then needs water washed to get rid of the acid, then dried to get rid of the water. You then reclaim the methanol from the crap by distillation and then reuse the methanol in your next batch :p :wink:

The chemical process is called transesterification.

After making it you then have to tell HMCE what you have done and pay fuel tax duty :roll: You then have to work out how much extra electricity you've used to make the biodiesel and how much harm you've caused to the enviroment to save about 2p a litre on fuel.

If anyone thinks engines are causing climate change they should STOP using their car and WALK, you should NOT use public transport as that make no difference to you causing climate change.

The fact is if we can't afford the fuel we shouldn't own a car. Then when we no longer pay fuel duty, the government will start taxing us for causing climate change by the amount of CO2 we expel when we breath -banghead- :mrgreen: -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl-

Or we can whinge as usual and buy DERV from TESCO who are trying to take over the WORLD -wor-
Soory Gego, no offence meant but too many big words in that post above, you was loosing me at biodiesel, when you got to transgenderificationism I'd lost it -rotfl- I'll just stick to 50/50 veg oil by the litre and diesel. Its just too much messing to go any other route. I have trouble using a key board, can you imagine me trying to mix from the list above :roll: -rotfl- If I didn't die from the fumes I'd probably die from the explosion :wink:
Thats why I'm going to use good old petrodiesel (DERV) :wink:

My good old T2 engine was designed to run on it :smile:

Save £10 a week for a few weeks or months before your injector pump gives up the ghost then get the £2k bill for repairs. Don't it make you feel good -rotfl-

I'm sure I put something about cheap tesco fuel in my last post but it appears to have vanished :roll: very strange :roll:

or is it the methoxide fumes that are doing it -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl-

Have fun burning crap in yer tractors :twisted:
Ok forget that idea!! :lol: i'm no scientist so i'll leave all that mixing chemicals alone,will only blow myself up or gas myself... :lol: :lol:
I'll keep putting what's ment to go in it for know.. :?
Veg oil

I woudn' mind having a go at making some but when i get to the chemical process 'My wife says she wont give me a lone of a frock and high heels she's olso mummbling something about my glasses.
Re: Water mixture for diesel engines

rossco said:
Don't worry about your chip fat try this just good old H2 O mixture to run your diesel engine nothing fancy :wink:
Rossco how much is diesel down under???? cos the uk must now be the most expensive fuel in the world, or near on. this chip fat talk is desperation talk cos we are getting taxed to death in the uk and when we die we get taxed again! and that ain't no joke but truth
daft thing is this country has oil/gas fields and government laughing at it gets revenue at source then off us poor saps no one people running red/kerescene
I am still with gego on this! the savingsa re realtively small, and if you go down the biodiesel route is sounds very intereesteing and perhaps a good hobby, but also very time consuming and surely that otweighs the savings,

work all day then brewing fuel in the shed all night? I'll give it a miss and watch telly and drink a few cans, and maybe a drop of single malt instead, instead. Now the tax on a litre of decent Scotch put the price of diesel in perspective :lol:
It's now hit £105.9ltr for Diesel and £101.9ltr for Unleaded here!!! But i think the veg oil has gone up as well,infact all the prices are going sky high!!
Was just thinking have the goverment got a gagging order on the fuel protestors,they have been very quite!! :? 8)
new anti terrorisym laws preevent any kindve fuel protests as with most this new legislation it has other uses! theyve just passed phone and e mail snooping laws an you can bet any fuel protesters systems will be closley monitored!
as for veg oil maybe more people turning to it as alternative so supermarkets seeing chance for quick profit!
veg oil

tesco last friday £1.98 for 3lts of rape seed oil .
tesco this friday £2.21 for 3lts of rape seed oil.
:cry: :cry: :cry: