Veg Oil

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are they recycling plastic your way then? is it a local authority thing?

and as for environment i do think its an added bonus if you can help keep the planet clean, i don't think i would pay more to do it, but wouldnt go out of my way to cause problems either!
i had batch of enviromentally freindly stihl two stroke delivered the other week dearer than normal but it was all they had so got it same price llol
Do you think pouring in the odd 2 litres of Rapeseed oil with a full thank of derv would help to cleen some of the crap out of my fuel system instead of redX :? :?:
I was thinking of cooking my chips in some bio veg oil :? but i'm not that keen on the taste of Derv -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl-
i dont know why its different from the red stuff but stihl do green two stroke oil it says on bottle its safer for enviroment same thing for chain oil twice price though
PLANK said:
the jury is still out on whether its better for the environment! the simple co2 absorption by the next crop doesnt stand up too well as not may crops are grown just for fuel, an dthey dont absorb as much co2 as burning fuel produces and the remainder of the plants after oil is removed has to go somewhere! its natural deacay causes more methane productions whih anyone who read the stuff about cows knows is bad for the environment!

and what about all those plastic bottles going to the land fill?

Remember when diesel was supposed to be the future for the environment in the 80's and they started selling us all on the idea of diesel cars? and then suddenly an about turn and the diesel went up and the road tax?

and if your car is on he go all the time with everyone counting on it, do you want to take any chances?

dont get me wrong i am all for alternatives and saving a bit of cash! and if you have a second vehilce for off roading that you dont need every day for work etc. then give it a go, but I am not sure about this yet!
Then who gives a stuff? it still cheaper and when people cry about me pulling up outside the school in my 4 x 4? i can squeel at them that it runs on bio fuel does yours? :lol: 8) -banghead- -banghead- -wor-
jace said:
i dont know why its different from the red stuff but stihl do green two stroke oil it says on bottle its safer for enviroment same thing for chain oil twice price though
Hit the nail on the head their jace green taxation, and green profiteering = foul goverment poicies and foul capiliziam ( not that I am a raving red) but the rich companies should also be doing there bit.
i dare say it cost a few quid more to develop but theyll soon recoup dosh think how much of stuff gets used.
normal diesel wouldnt be so bad if you got rid of some tax of it you pay fuel duty then vat ontop that so your paying tax on tax good eh!.
as for all this mumbo jumbo on enviroment again nothing new its been hot before london had rhinos wandering round in hotter temps than were at know just few people have seen nice little earner in saying be green slam oil burners youll look cool and get nobel prize even if half stuff you spout wrong and shouldnt be used in education. my view its all bs
I don't give a monkies for the environment its all rubbish that were getting force fed :twisted:

The government need X amount of money to run the country, yes they waste money on wars etc.

If they reduced fuel tax duty they would just take if off you somewhere else they would have to :twisted:

Big companies should do their bit? What can they do? What would their shareholders say/do ? what would happen to pensions, insurance, ISA's etc?

Its companies profits, share values that pay for these things.

I don't like paying tax like everyone else but thats the world we live in and its never going to change.
No UK government is never ever going to reduce fuel tax duty. It doesn't matter what banner there under, it will never happen and we all know it.

Rant over :wink:

I would make biodiesel if I could get cheap methanol, but that ain't going to happen, because it is a commodity chemical the same as the aromatic hydrocarbons that go into making petrol and DERV.

I certainly won't be using veggie oil in my engine in any mix when there is a chance that I will do it damage. If I can't afford to run it because of fuel prices I'll just get something that runs on WATER -rotfl- Sorry couldn't resist that :wink:

didnt someone get us that link for running car on water? id go for that as i aint got water meter lol
loads on google this was first one!
just watching country file on bbc1 cows sheep etc are causing more greenhouse than all worlds engines incl jets so were not to blame its all farmer palmer and his burping/farting cows i propose a steak tax to ofset the problem every cow should have health warning on them
PLANK said:
are they recycling plastic your way then? is it a local authority thing?

Leeds CC have been collecting plastic bottles for recylcing for a good many years now, I've moved next door to Selby DC but still have LS postcode (go figure) where they don't, but all the major supermarkets have skips for it. Might be cos LINPAC who are the market leaders in recycling plastics are just down the road.
Toolbox said:
Oil dilution can occur, during cold starting, idle or part load, when using veg oil, leading to a rise in oil level on the dipstick. If left unchecked (not changing the oil) this could cause problems with the turbo and bearings etc.

Checked my engine oil yesterday and found it was above the high level and when I smelled the oil on I could swear it smelled of cooked veg oil!
Having a bit of a re-think at the moment as I too can't afford to be without a car and for a saving of only £10/week I am wondering if the risk is too great.
knotting-pot said:
Toolbox said:
Oil dilution can occur, during cold starting, idle or part load, when using veg oil, leading to a rise in oil level on the dipstick. If left unchecked (not changing the oil) this could cause problems with the turbo and bearings etc.

Checked my engine oil yesterday and found it was above the high level and when I smelled the oil on I could swear it smelled of cooked veg oil!
Having a bit of a re-think at the moment as I too can't afford to be without a car and for a saving of only £10/week I am wondering if the risk is too great.

Those two comments have made me think too, sometimes when I check the oil it seems a bit high and next time its Ok. Occasionally off road in low box I get the oil light flickering on a bit and then the temp rises, left to tickover or turned off it drops again and all is Ok.
knotting-pot said:
I too can't afford to be without a car and for a saving of only £10/week I am wondering if the risk is too great.

It appears my point was closer to the mark than i first thought! I think you are both brave for giving it a go though, and for letting us all in on the problems!
veg oil

hi .
i have now done 150 miles on a 25% mix starting from cold is almost as quick.
tick over is about the same .
havent checked engine oil but will tommorrow and report results.
power seams the same ,NO SMOKE,
if i reverse onto drive heater pulls smell into cabin and it STINKS.yuk.
it makes you think about possible damage to engine if used long term ,but say if a long trip cornwall or something i would be tempted to go 50 50 . IN THIS TRUCK BUT IF I GOT A DECENT ONE I JUST DONT KNOW.
cant see how veg oil would get past rings on good engine diesel would do exactly same an seing as veg oils thicker than diesel even less likely think bitve plank paranoi creeping in here!
Did somebody not mention somewhere that the oil can strip the inside of the fuel pipes?? :?: If it does,surely wouldn't be very good for the fuel pump/filter :?:
I could be totaly wrong on this,i usually am! :lol: :lol:
nearly right used/cleaned stuff strips clean fuel system supermarket new stuff doesent
gego said:
I don't give a monkies for the environment its all rubbish that were getting force fed :twisted:
I think its pretty short sighted not to care about the environment at all! and i am sure thats not what you meant! butwe simply cant keep producing rubbish at the same rate, pumping stuff into the atmosphere etc. Its not all down to 4x4's obviously but surely there has to be a positive side to trying to keep the planet clean?

Like the story about cows and methane, gave many people an excuse to say, its all rubbish its not our fault its the cows, but why are all the cows here? yes for the benefit of people, hence it is peoples fault!

The litter and dumped rubbish everywhere makes me sad and i must admit it is largley due to a loss of 'respect' and if thinking about the enviroment restores this respect it has to be a good thing, dont you think?

but as far as the veg oil is concerned i think it is only the promise of money saved and the idea of getting one over on the tax man that attracts us to it!