Veg Oil

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off toipic but i am allways inthe market for a cut price solar panel :wink: :lol:

and i love that word 'quango' - quasi autonomous non governmental organisation, says it all not really an independent body just pretending to be :lol:

Its funny but governemnt allways seems to be about compromise and contradiction, for example both protecting wild animals and culling them! high fuel tax and then help yourself to 10 gallons a week of veg oil with no fuel tax, wha tis it all abotu? perhaps trying to please as many people as possible without really achieving anyhting?
LouLou said:
If the gov wanted to cut taxes the first place to look would be to seriously reduce the number of gov funded 'quangos'.

For example and ignoring the political implication of the subject matter a there was a recently published report into the possibility of TB transferal from badgers and whether their numbers should be reduced/culled. Cost of compiling this report over several years was £34 million.

The conclusion to the report was that badger numbers should be reduced but it was too expensive to do it.

So after £34 million spent............for what?

But at least the government placated various groups by saying they at least looked into it? :evil:

What's a few mill after all. Not as if we could use it anywhere else after all?

how about 35 million not to build an assylum centre near Bicester
we nearly had one at old raf base at mickleton nr longmarston people power did it a death nothing to do with it being snobby area of course!
before we go completely off topic! I wonder if burnoing animal oil/ fat would be the same? we could clear up on the trumping cows and perhaps even the obesity epidemic at the smae time as saving a few quid :lol:

what a way to go, roaring through the turbo of your favourite 4x4 as it ploughs through the mud :wink:
itd be rendering fat into oil in tank lol why stop there remember soilent green film
i do an d i remember that bloke (was it paul newman?) pedaling away on his excercise bike to run the single bare light bulb, now theres environmentaly friendly for you :lol:

and it would also free up a lot of land for building, so all in all i thnk we may be onto something :wink: :idea:
how about 35 million not to build an assylum centre near Bicester

Exactly ;)

before we go completely off topic! I wonder if burnoing animal oil/ fat would be the same?

Do'able and I have seen some Septics posting that they are running on neat large with tank pre-heaters to do exactly that. Wouldn't want a cold snap though. Think of the fuel line blockages? LOL 8O
Loulou as i said in an earlier posting try putting a botle of cheap 'veg oil' in a cold fridge overnight and you end up with a lump of lard, so peobably pretty much the same thing will happed if it gets realy cold here this winter.

Thoiugh i did try pure sun flower oil and with our fridge set on the display to 3 degrees C it did not set overnight!

but it might be worth trying this with whatever oil you choose and even making up a bottle of whatever ratio veg/derv mix you use and trying it out?
Diesel has just hit £109.9ltr here and Petrol £103.9ltr veg oils also going up,guess this is the knock-on effect from the haulage company's..must be costing them an arm and a leg! :?
glad i dont pay fuel bills in eddie stobarts firm 1100 trucks doing 5-6mpg be very sad man!
:lol: no i was refering to our little protest not to buy fuel on a Friday is it still going on? I have only just remembered we had agreed to do it!
im ok just got in another 90 gallon reserve lol lads still seem happy at £2 gallon so im chuffed
thats why i never worry about distance if i want something and its other end country i just go get it! i like the veg oil idea just to be different jsut to say it workskndve thing watc peoples faces drop in suprise!
Agreed i like the idea of veg oil just not sure about it yet and the saving isnt big enough to tempt me!

I dont worry to much about the cost of diesel since switching back to a transit for day to day knocking about, i know its the wrong forum to say this but it carries twice as much and does almost twice the MPG of our swb T2

I know i have let the side down :oops: :lol:
That maybe plank but can your trani go where your T2 can?? :lol: :lol:
no trannies of the ford kind no good off road front end sinks in even with wider tyres on you can get county tractors 4x4 transit apparently capable of road little top heavy though! trannies of the other kind beyond my remit mate!
on news some new buisness park is to get its power from rape seed oil generators so oils gonna go through roof when that fires up!
OK due to someone running into the side of my scenic this week I'm back to using my beloved T2 everyday so am doing 400 to 500 miles a week. So with this and the spirraling cost of fuel the temptation to try SVO is back again.
How can I tell what make of Injector Pump I have and why don't Lucas pumps like SVO.

Jim T