Veg Oil

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i see it as my eco freindly green tree hugging duty to eat as much cow meat as possible to deplete stocks an stop them killing my enviroment by farting!
I agree entirly plank with your comments,but as for the fuel increases,where is all this tax money going it surely isn't going on the roads!!
Is is about 78p per ltr that is tax?
All that money going straight into the treasury.
Surely they should just scrap the road tax,we pay enough taxes!!
As usual the motorist gets hit in the pocket again. :evil:
Yes cosmic i agree the relationship between high tax and the environment is difficult to see, if we need to use less carrier bags then fair enough but where does high tax help? are they using used tenners like paper mache to repair the ozone layer :?: :lol:
PLANK said:
gego said:
I don't give a monkies for the environment its all rubbish that were getting force fed :twisted:
I think its pretty short sighted not to care about the environment at all! and i am sure thats not what you meant! butwe simply cant keep producing rubbish at the same rate, pumping stuff into the atmosphere etc. Its not all down to 4x4's obviously but surely there has to be a positive side to trying to keep the planet clean?

Like the story about cows and methane, gave many people an excuse to say, its all rubbish its not our fault its the cows, but why are all the cows here? yes for the benefit of people, hence it is peoples fault!

The litter and dumped rubbish everywhere makes me sad and i must admit it is largley due to a loss of 'respect' and if thinking about the enviroment restores this respect it has to be a good thing, dont you think?

but as far as the veg oil is concerned i think it is only the promise of money saved and the idea of getting one over on the tax man that attracts us to it!
always been cows on the planet mate, before domestic farmed cows think of the bison and dinosors before all pumping out methane like a drag raced nissan terreno :roll: :lol:
they know they have us by short curlys most cant do without our cars so well grumble groan an get on with it we are taxed to death u pay road tax,fuel duty(tax),vat on fuel,vat on any part you buy tyres oil+filters etc,vat on any work on vehicle, never mind every other kindve tax tey clobber you with
yes but the dinosaurs have little bearing on our present circumstances and the current levels of farm cattle would be unsustainable in a natural environment! they are over produced, and are breeds that are not seen in the wild and probably could not survive!

Interestingly though they recon in siberia there are vast areas of frozen pre-historic vegetation that has been stopped decaying for all this time by the ice, global warming is causing a partial thaw and releasing methane! so maybe them dinosaurs should have ate more :lol:

I do htink though that all the conspiracy theory stuff about the governmnet and the environment and tax, just proves they ae using it as a nexcuse to rip us offand exageraing the urgency! not that there are no environmental issues!
trouble is if there is a real problem most of us are starting to feel ripped off and that government are using the green isue to do it so belittling it!
you wouldnt want to be stood behind one of those dipodicus things if it let go create whole new hole in ozone layer
yep and they use the motorist as a scape goat and then the motorists and tabloids get together and blame 4x4's, divide and rule!
[/i]Yeah the goverment want us to use public transport,ok come to the borders i say,or prob,anywhere in the highlands,no train lines only buses and private taxis here!!
As for the buses,they do have some new ones but most are ageing,and churn out more pollution than a carpark of 4x4s.
And as for taxis....For a 7 mile trip one way here you are fleeced 15 hard earned pounds..
I'll be staying in my seemingly high poluting T2 thanks.. 8)
when gordon and his collegues get there toyota priuses i may think about car polution!
cosmic said:
[/i]Yeah the goverment want us to use public transport,ok come to the borders i say,or prob,anywhere in the highlands,no train lines only buses and private taxis here!!
As for the buses,they do have some new ones but most are ageing,and churn out more pollution than a carpark of 4x4s.
And as for taxis....For a 7 mile trip one way here you are fleeced 15 hard earned pounds..
I'll be staying in my seemingly high poluting T2 thanks.. 8)
nopublic transport around here well not going in the right direction any way 8)
round here the local racing club (warwick) are operating a subsidised taxi service for oaps/sick people other than that buses to rural ares stop around six run maybe three times a day so next to useless for little ol biddys who realy need them
i swear there breeding in our house but only on a friday when the queer one gets back from asda with half shop top washing machine is stuffed with hundreds of them even the exspensive reusable ones i throw wobbler every now and again and bung em all away!
Veg oil up to 68p/L in Lidls today so its about the same in all the supermarkets now 66-68p. Looks like I best go to Makro or Costco for supplies for next week.
jace said:
i swear there breeding in our house but only on a friday when the queer one gets back from asda with half shop top washing machine is stuffed with hundreds of them even the exspensive reusable ones i throw wobbler every now and again and bung em all away!
I do that Jace and 10 mins after they have been collected by our trusted local bin men i need one or ten :lol:
I know we are wondering but a great example of real recycling is a car boot sale, all stuff being re sold and re used and even a fair use of old super market carrier bags!

Then think about the scrap manin his trusty transit truck taking all that junk away, more real life re cycling!

compare to Mr suit and tie spends 20 mins in the que with engine running to put two chablis bottles, a marmalade jar and weeks worth of the times in the recycing bank! and he probably looks down his nose at the scrap man and the boot sale!

I htink the future for the environment has to be 'real recycling'!!
Anyone use Freecycle now that really is recycling, well actually its not its reusing but thats splitting hairs. We've had lots of useful stuff off the Leeds one and put up a load of (what was to us) rubbish that people have been only too glad to have.
funny story, i needed to get rid of a load of stable manure and checekd freecycle, there were several people asking for manure desperatley (understandable with the popularity of allotments) we had only one woman turn up who took very little and never came back as promised! so I couldnt give it away!

I decided to try and sell it, i have been inundated with people wanting to buy it and could have sold it ten times over!

so maybe the moral is stick it on ebay first, freecycle second !

re using has got to be better than recycling as it requires no additional resources, remember when they used to take back your empty, pop, milk, beer, bottles and use them again? now that is a good idea!