Veg Oil

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This may be relavent to veg oil! does anyone remember the olden days like me when the diesel in site JCB's used to set on frosty days, i remember one clown setting light to a couple of old cement bags under the engine (which usually worked) and set fire to the whole thing!

anyway, soon winter diesel was invented, this seems to be one of the main problems facing veg oil users at the moment, would the same way they stopped the diesel settting work for veg oil, and how did they do it?
ver oil

hi plank.
we used to put a little 4 star in with diesel in winter to stop it freezing.
i am thinking of going back to diesel before cold weather comes.
save veg or warmer times.
They also used to put a small amount of petrol in to stop it freezing, but I don't think we'll need to worry about freezing diesel due to all this climate change stuff -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl-

Wish people would stop going on about the tax.
If it wasn't on the fuel it would be on something else(FACT).


Half fuel duty and put income tax up to 50p in the pound, how would that suit us all :roll:

The only difference is if you work for a living you have to pay income tax, but if you own a car you don't need to put fuel in it you can lovingly admire it through the window and wish you could afford the fuel -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl-

Thats what they say they are trying to do :twisted:
gego said:
Wish people would stop going on about the tax.
If it wasn't on the fuel it would be on something else(FACT).

Yes but whilst people like you are willing to pay it I'll save a few quid on mine thankyou.

Personally I think they should scrap the Tax disc, introduce an MOT disc and make valid insurance part of the test and then recoup the money through an increase in fuel duty - but it will never happen as some civil servants would end up out of a job.
if you read between gego's view and HB's you can seee the reason for keeping the road tax!

even when you cant afford to put fuel in it and drive it anywhere you will still be paying the road tax just for the privelage of owning the car! ratehr like having a tally and having to pay the licence!

interesting point by jace about changes in the law!

My commments about disel used to clog in winter and veg oild still doing it were accademic as I still feel the risk/saving equation is not balanced enough for me,

and you might as well be paying tax on the fuel to keep it of other areas, as to give it to greedy price fixing retailers, who will put veg oil up out of greed (just like LPG) the mknock on effects of more exspensive veg oil could be inflation on most food products!

or is this just inflation by the back door, a governmet excersise in manipulating the market? they will loose no fuel duty as fuel has gone up and therefore so has the amount gained in tax, which offsets the amount lost in those using veg oil, what do you htink?
theres no way the govrnment will lose out what peter gets here paul will pay there catch 22.
i would welcome tax disc scrapped for fuel duty be much fairer if you have gas guzzler youll pay more little ol ladys in festers going to tesco once week and bingo on wed night be net winners.
intervention from europe has pushed lpg up as it breaches competition rules same will happen to veg oil if enough cotten on!
Lidl today charging 62p litre for rape. In the past year I have seen Asda's 3 litre bottle of veg/rape change from £1.50 to £1.90 per bottle. That rise is not just because demand for Biodiesel 'production' in the UK or open markets. It is just cashing in on demand compared to DERV pricing.
I just like leaving a cloud of black smoke and chip shop smell when I accelerate :twisted: makes the saving worth while to me :twisted:

When we're out on the lanes, people behind always say things like "I'm really hungry today" or "I really fancy fish and chips or a BBQ" :twisted:

-rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl-
gego said:
They also used to put a small amount of petrol in to stop it freezing, but I don't think we'll need to worry about freezing diesel due to all this climate change stuff -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotf

Just been outside & the T2 is iced up so it has'nt warmed up yet for me :lol: :lol: :lol:
The price of every thing seem to be going up at the min not just fuel eg a bag of frozen chips has gone up 30p in a week & the same for my heating fluid (vodka) 8O 8O :lol: :lol:
hummingbird said:
gego said:
Wish people would stop going on about the tax.
If it wasn't on the fuel it would be on something else(FACT).

Yes but whilst people like you are willing to pay it I'll save a few quid on mine thankyou.

Personally I think they should scrap the Tax disc, introduce an MOT disc and make valid insurance part of the test and then recoup the money through an increase in fuel duty - but it will never happen as some civil servants would end up out of a job.

Its not that I'm willing to pay its that I've got to pay if I want to drive my car. I nearly put a banned word in there. So don't people like me OK. It also reads that you don't care if someone loses their job. Thats a touch selfish is it not????? Sounds like I'm alright Jack, I'm saving a £10er a week.
If you don't pay it the rest of us will pay your share, how does that sound to you?. Because in the end thats what will happen. TAX Evasion, bet you never thought of it as that did you???????
The more people that do it, the bigger the fuel tax duty increase for everyone else. (FACT) I'm all for saving money on tax etc, but in the end someone has got to pay for it. 5+5=10 not 9, 8 or 7

I also agree that Road Tax should be scrapped and the money put on fuel duty. Then the people doing more miles pay more for wear and tear on our great roads and the damage they are doing the environment.
Much fairer system, but it won't happen as the haulage companies would be well out of pocket, inflation would got up and hit everyone including the people who are saving a few quid doing less miles.
So it comes again to robbing Peter to pay Paul. Guess who PAUL is, the GOVERNMENT. He is not going to like that is he?

I'm going to say it again if you can't afford the juice well, we live in a free country, well it was the last time I looked :roll: Sell the tractor and buy a 60mpg tin can. Then when PAUL wises up he can hit you on higher road tax and fuel duty on your small car to recoup the monies he's lost on people getting shot of the tractors and gas guzzlers. Down size and PAUL will get you eventually. Its already happened once when everyone started to get diesel cars. Cheap diesel more MPG yes, well surprise DERV is dearer that PETROL.

I'm not trying to rattle anyones cage there just trying to point out the simple facts.

:wink: :wink:

Let all enjoy our 4x4's when we still can -rotfl- -rotfl-

As for the law change, it really stinks of big brother is watching us all. So I think that we don't live in a free country :twisted:

I agree with Plank on the biodiesel, would be a good hobby if I had time space and wasn't halfcut all the time :wink:
well gego you agree with me and we are both half cut most of the time, we must be cousins or something :lol:

I also agree that when lots of people start dodging tax (in this case in a leagal manner) it has to have consequences, it only seems to work when just a few people do it, now it is all open and legal I cant see there being any real saving or the government would never have allowed it.

It does give a good large scale test of the suitability of veg oil as a fuel, amongst other things.
I also agree that Road Tax should be scrapped and the money put on fuel duty. Then the people doing more miles pay more for wear and tear on our great roads and the damage they are doing the environment. quote
dont Road tax pay for defence? not road repairs?corrr double it :!: i might get a payrise :lol: :lol: :lol:
aint your payrise determined by yanks tax etc though wouldnt it mate they still get relatively cheap fuel -for know!
well someones gotta pay the mps wages and pensions let alone expenses!
but they do such a good job and work hard for the good of us all for realtively little reward compared to what such enlightened thinkers could get in the private sector, and they sacrifice it all for us and dedicate themselves to the meagre life of an M.P., shame on you jace for under-mining these fine men and women! :lol:
whod of thought it off me eh! id slash there wages and other benefits use funds to pay nurses,fireman,soldgiers etc who actualy work for us more, i think if your a minister for health you should be advised by doctors and nurses on what needs doing defence minister by front line troops on what equipment they need to stand chance etc etc sorry for ranting off topic
see Jace thats why you are not an MP you dont realise what a good view of the front line you have from the bar in the house of commons! or what great experience of the NHS can be gained in taking bungs for honours. Us mere mortals will never understand the hardships facing these brave people :lol:

and yes Off topic!
If the gov wanted to cut taxes the first place to look would be to seriously reduce the number of gov funded 'quangos'.

For example and ignoring the political implication of the subject matter a there was a recently published report into the possibility of TB transferal from badgers and whether their numbers should be reduced/culled. Cost of compiling this report over several years was £34 million.

The conclusion to the report was that badger numbers should be reduced but it was too expensive to do it.

So after £34 million spent............for what?

But at least the government placated various groups by saying they at least looked into it? :evil:

What's a few mill after all. Not as if we could use it anywhere else after all?

i remember network rail had problem with badgers digging into banks of cuttings etc they built special enclosures with solar powered electric fences to stop them digging the amount of solar panels that went missing was mad cost fortune couldnt kill the little blighters as there protected! now they wanna kill poor little sods whod be ol brock eh!