Veg Oil

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i used to use those kindve tanks for diesel there 1100l i had two setup trouble was one was only 1000l used to take 20mins to fill so toddled off to have brew ended up 100l on floor stinks workshop out
My Brother and I are seriously thinking of getting one...
tell u what if you were in takeaway buisness itd make serious scense to have delivery cars on it
Used oil is the one that may cause problems later for your vehicle, its all documented somewhere on here. I believe it strips the muck out of the tank or similar. Best is just veg oil straight from bottle, it can be bulk bought at Makro, Costco and so on.

To answer an earlier post, I'm saving abount £16 per tank when I fill up, so its worth it to me. Normal cost £70 ish Cost with veg and diesel £54.
All this is very tempting but I'm still worried about causing a great big repair bill. Can anyone answer my questions below as I'm reading so much and getting more and more confused.

I am thinking about using some new rapeseed oil.

I'm assuming that after a while my fuel filter will need changing due to rapeseed oil cleaning muck and scale from fuel lines :?:

Will my injectors be OK :?:

Injector pump, I've heard there is a rubber component inside that perishes with the rapeseed oil :?:

Due to cold weather the rapeseed oil thickens and becomes difficult to start and run :?:

Will the rest of the engine be fine :?:

Do I need to fit some kind of heater to run a mixture of Diesel and Rapeseed Oil :?:

Do I have to inform taxman :?:

Jim T
First off a couple of definitions

SVO - Straight vegetable oil, brand new veg oil of whatever type

Bio-diesel - Treated waste oil

I'm assuming that after a while my fuel filter will need changing due to rapeseed oil cleaning muck and scale from fuel lines Question - No thats for Bio Diesil

Will my injectors be OK Question - no known issues that I've heard of and have done a lot of research.

Injector pump, I've heard there is a rubber component inside that perishes with the rapeseed oil Question - the perishing is with Bio-diesel, but some pumps don't like the thicker oil, lucas in particular.

Due to cold weather the rapeseed oil thickens and becomes difficult to start and run Question - a lot depends what percentage SVO you run, I found mine a little smokey and lumpy on start up when % too high

Will the rest of the engine be fine Question - the rest of the engine doesn't know what you're putting in it, there is a question over contaminating the engine oil, but if your ring are in that bad a condition that would be an issue on dino diesel. Also talk off build up in the ring land area but this seems to be on older lower compression/non turbo diesels that don't burn as efficiently.

Do I need to fit some kind of heater to run a mixture of Diesel and Rapeseed Oil Question - can do it depends on the % you run.

Do I have to inform taxman Question - No as long as you don't use over 2500L in a year, but its best to keep records so you can prove how much you've put in. I keep all my receipts for business anyway.
Cheers H, a couple more questions.

Do I need some kind of Heater for the fuel, I don't intend to use pure rapeseed oil. Probably less than 50% in reality as you will need to buy quite a lot of the stuff :?:

How do I tell if mine is a Lucas pump :?:

Plank, in all honnesty I don't do as much mileage in the truck anymore. Possibly around 50 miles a week unless I take it out somewhere, just like the idea of cheap fuel when I do longer runs.
My other rollar skate is a Renault Scenic 1.5DCI (105BHP version) which I do around 500 or 600 miles a week. Now as far as I'm aware this one is a complete NO NO for anything other than plain Diesel at a £1 a litre.

Jim T
Please read this for long term problems using Veggie oil

Read the lot and use at your peril.

Yes Bosch pumps don't like it either not just Lucas

Vegetable oil, what ever type you use is full of glycerene (soap) and will eventually wreck pumps, choke injectors and piston rings. There is plenty of info if you look for it.

gego said:
Please read this for long term problems using Veggie oil

Read the lot and use at your peril.

Yes Bosch pumps don't like it either not just Lucas

Vegetable oil, what ever type you use is full of glycerene (soap) and will eventually wreck pumps, choke injectors and piston rings. There is plenty of info if you look for it.


That site strikes me as one mans edited version of what he's resarched with possibly a commerial link to some of the conversion kit suppliers.

THIS site whilst run by a commercial company, includes a genuine discussion forum and real life data on using SVO and Bio, including a German with a 2.7TD T2 who's done over 20,000 km on SVO with a heater admittedly.

I'm told there are a number of electrical pre heaters available through ebay, these use a thermostatically controlled glow plug to heat the oil, you can also use heat exchangers in the water system too, though these obviously don't heat up instantly. I'm going to look into a heat exchanger for my van and also loook into running the standard fitment fuel line pre heater so it stays on till the engine is up to temp not just for starting.

Theres a lot of myth and rumour, my advice is go away, use google, rad lots of different sites and see what you think yourself from what you read. But remember the petrol chemical industry does not want you using anything else but dino and they are in bed with the motor manufacturers, some of whom claim that their engines will not run on even 5% veg/bio content, yet France already has that much in all their dino and a lot of British diesel does too, after all the government have signed up to increasing that too, so can a small percentage really be harmful or is it propaganda from the industry.
its nothing new either the idea like lpg been around for yrs just with fuel prices being mental its gained new lease life
the petrochemical industry don't care what fuel you use. Petrol and diesel is a by product from the stuff they really want.

BP will soon be one of the biggest manufacturers of Biodiesel which is mostly made from rapeseed, those nice yellow flowers you see in all the fields where food used to be grown :roll: don't put all your eggs in the same basket springs to mind

If you do a google as you say, you will find all the info you need. I just pointed out the other side of the coin that damage can and most likely will be caused in TIME. There have been plenty of tests carried out if you follow the links

biodiesel is a different beast as it is better for your engine because all the crap has been removed if its made correctly.
I've made a couple of home batches and its amazing to see how much crap come out of virgin veggie oil

Yes randolph diesel used peanut oil, but what type of injectors and pump did he use, it was 19 canteen.
It certainly wasn't the hi tech stuff we've got now. Injector pumps need proper lubrication to last or they will die.

We've had this discussion before and its popped up again.

So have a good read before you make your decision.

I'll be quite honest here I'd rather use gas oil before veg oil in my engine both will lead to same thing no car. Different reasons -rotfl-

jims-terrano said:
Plank, in all honnesty I don't do as much mileage in the truck anymore. Possibly around 50 miles a week unless I take it out somewhere, just like the idea of cheap fuel when I do longer runs.
My other rollar skate is a Renault Scenic 1.5DCI (105BHP version) which I do around 500 or 600 miles a week. Now as far as I'm aware this one is a complete NO NO for anything other than plain Diesel at a £1 a litre.

To be honest Jim i do a fair few miles about 450 to 600 a week, an i worked out with a 50/50 mix iwould save £10 a week at most! so i am not ready to take the risk! and on the longer runs fuel economy goes up so the saving is smaller! with doing 60 miles aweek using a simple division the saving of £1 a week?

people say they have done 'research' but google usually just uncovers other peoples opinions on the web, real research would involve long term testing of a particular engine set up an monitoring the results! I am with gego on this one mate, BP dont care if your engine blows up or not, i am giving it a miss until more evidence is in!
My truck is always on the go kids and clubs and misses to and from work and quite often runnig cold so consumption goes up always looking for a cheaper solution also its better for the enviroment its got to be the way to go
the jury is still out on whether its better for the environment! the simple co2 absorption by the next crop doesnt stand up too well as not may crops are grown just for fuel, an dthey dont absorb as much co2 as burning fuel produces and the remainder of the plants after oil is removed has to go somewhere! its natural deacay causes more methane productions whih anyone who read the stuff about cows knows is bad for the environment!

and what about all those plastic bottles going to the land fill?

Remember when diesel was supposed to be the future for the environment in the 80's and they started selling us all on the idea of diesel cars? and then suddenly an about turn and the diesel went up and the road tax?

and if your car is on he go all the time with everyone counting on it, do you want to take any chances?

dont get me wrong i am all for alternatives and saving a bit of cash! and if you have a second vehilce for off roading that you dont need every day for work etc. then give it a go, but I am not sure about this yet!
persnolly i couldnt give stuff for enviroment or recycling if i was to use it itd be cost isue!