Veg Oil

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them reno quite easy whole front comes off outve way drop enginge/box on its complete cradle/shocks lot move van outve way we put later engine into old m reg nice 2.2tdi lump only difference we came across was wirring for some load bay lights and washer bottle mount on newer van had bracket for ecu built in sat same place used same bolts the lot!
you on tesco oil or chip fat stuff then mate them heat exscangers gonna need the engine run up for little whiles though on normal derv to get some heat in water
Oil dilution can occur, during cold starting, idle or part load, when using veg oil, leading to a rise in oil level on the dipstick. If left unchecked (not changing the oil) this could cause problems with the turbo and bearings etc.
I hav ebeen giving this veg oil thing some thought and i look at it like this, assuming a few basic figures (accuracy is approximate) and using a 50/50 veg oil diesel mix.

presently spend £60 a week on diesel, and assume veg oil is 1/3 cheaper

so £30 diesel amd £20 on the equvalent amount of veg oil

I am saving £10 a week, and to be honest for many people maybe half this? and a set of injectors costs? and a fuel pump?

I think i will give it a miss for a while until there is more evidence on cold winter morning starting etc.

feel free to coreect my maths i f i am wrong :wink:
I was and will be running on SVO, its a 2.8 TDI Iveco lump I'm told. Have left garage to do engine, I can be earning money to pay for it instead and keeping customers happy so they keep doing business with me, better for me in the long run than save a few hundred now.

Hadn't been running it on veg for long enough for oil dilution to be an issue. What I didn't know about these engines is they run a "glow plug" in the fuel line as standard to pre heat fuel as its DI with no injectors, what I could do with doing is playing with the lectrics to leave it switched in for first couple of mins as engine warms up.

I was running th tank pretty low at the end of a day and then putting £10 of dino in at fuel station next door before finishing for the day, this left it at 70-90% dino diesel. I'd then put in th required amount of veg in for the following day before going out. This meant I started on pretty pure dino diesel but it quickly moves over to a high % veg mix. The engine takes bout 2 mins of driving to get up to temp and was running nice and smoke free this way.

I suspect what may have killed the turbo might have been past owners lack of servicing and/or the nature of the driving it does. Multi drop type work but with some runs up motorways and straight in to customer with a hot turbo, then turn off engine. Maybe a turbo timer would be of use to help let the turbo cool before stopping.
I think HB has a fair point, we might see some break downs on veg oil that would have happened anyway, but will be attributed to veg oil as people are a bit nervous!

even at the best of times things do break!
At the end of the day it should only effect the bang in the cyclinder and as long as it's not too much more violent, i cant see why it should affect the mechanics and engine internals, the only thing that i can see affected is the pump and the fuel system by the altered viscosity (useing new oil ) if useing used cooking oil that, plus animal fats and acids which mechanicly is contained in the cyclinder, again the only problems i can forsee is feed viscosity probs :?:
On my way home from work just now coming up a steep hill, I was pulled over by two very nice young Police ladies who told me my Disco smelt like a Kebab shop and was putting out black smoke and they wondered why.

I explained I had just filled up with veg oil and diesel and it had to mix (Maybe a tad too much veg this time)

They both had a wander round the car and as one pointed out, "its pointless looking at his tyres have you seen the depth of tread?"

I had to explain what a snorkel was for too and why I was out at 0130 before being let on my way.

Serves me right I suppose for I normally go in the other Mav, but if I had I would have been just a little over the 40MPH speed limit

Better keep my eyes peeled from now on
I think you have passsed the real test for veg oil there! getting stopped and the police being OK with it!

my Dad allways used to say you can tell your getting old when the WPC's get better looking :wink:

and what were you doing out at that time :?:
PLANK said:
I think you have passsed the real test for veg oil there! getting stopped and the police being OK with it!

my Dad allways used to say you can tell your getting old when the WPC's get better looking :wink:

and what were you doing out at that time :?:

Well thats what I thought when they let me go.

Yes they were nice looking, but don't you feel old when all you have to say to them is, arn't you a little young to be out on your own at this time anyway?

I work nights, normally finish between 0145 and 0200 sometimes a few hours either later if I'm unlucky.
PLANK said:
I hav ebeen giving this veg oil thing some thought and i look at it like this, assuming a few basic figures (accuracy is approximate) and using a 50/50 veg oil diesel mix.

presently spend £60 a week on diesel, and assume veg oil is 1/3 cheaper

so £30 diesel amd £20 on the equvalent amount of veg oil

I am saving £10 a week, and to be honest for many people maybe half this? and a set of injectors costs? and a fuel pump?

I think i will give it a miss for a while until there is more evidence on cold winter morning starting etc.

feel free to coreect my maths i f i am wrong :wink:

I do agree. I also think the whole thing has got out of hand. Whenever something goes totally mainstream the good is out of it. To go to a supermarket and spend the time in the queue......then the time to fill all those bottles into a tank........then dispose of those bottles... 8O

What is green about that? The production of the oil.. the packaging the recycling of the containers....

It`s a bit like when you see the shopkeepers in a retail store buying all the specials and then there is nowt left for the wee Wifeys :oops:

Anyway Rant over :evil:

gonna be same as anything only real way making saving is to buy bulk 25l drums and decant it i use a caravan water pump to pump diesel veg oil maybe bit thick to use same idea,doubt many interested in green isue cash saving is gona be formost in there minds
And if you are only saving a tenner or less per week and doing all that extra running around, is it really worth it? especialy when you consider no one can promise no problems with the vehicle as a result!

Paranoid I know but it makes me wonder why the government have done it? do they expect many older cars to go wrong and end up scrapped thus boosting their drive to get old cars off the road? it is one possibility!
it sounds good an green but 2500l when no one policed it in first place just another headline grabber to try bury some other nonscence released by another deptment + as others are pointing out supermarkets soon contaning on an your ten quid saving soon getting slimmer
veg oil

hi all.
well today i have put 15lts of rape seed oil in terrano and topped up with diesel. 33lts. 97.9p. all at TESCO.
198p for 3 ltrs.
by time i drove the 4 miles home i had a (donut special) :p :p
remember my truck is getting the rattles from the
cam and followers so decided to give it a go .
not much to loose realy.
plus i am working on the M1 @ J 31 road widening .
so will have a good run each day.
long live the donut :wink:
every site i seem to read about seem to say the test vehicle runs a little sweeter on veg oil mix wonder if even mixed its little bit thicker taking up bitve wear in pump etc? or is it being imagined
it reminds me of an old sayin, it doesnt translate well into English but something like: the fire wood burns all the hoter for being stolen. :lol:

Myabe here are some psychological benefits of veg oil yet to be discovered :wink:
ah yes i get you mate father laws granny always said poached rabbit/trout tasted all the better lol
years ago i used to run all my vehicles on propane, I sold the last one in 2001 whwn it went main stream, the most i ever spent on a conversion was £60 and used to get gas for 12p litre! as soon as it wen main stream the benefits were lost.

but until then i used to get the smug satisfaction of knowing i was one up on the tax man!

I still have a tip for cheap LPG I can share by P.M. and know a man who can do the conversions!