support these guys coz there trying to get such action off ground even just a keep up good work will let them know there not alone
dont wont to go therebut our salvation if it came to it would not be found in europe anyway more about vegie oil or is it exhausted now????? :lol:PLANK said:well i dont want to get into politics too deeply or offend anyone, but protection from what? Aren't we supposed to be part of 'Europe' which as one nation has to be the most powerfull country on the planet? or am i missing simething about the benefits of being a 'new european' all we seem to get so far is the bad bits! and none of the good
It is imoral though everyone using vehicles on UK roads should pay UK duty, it is double standards of the worst kind!
in danger of going political mate :?: what chips :?:PLANK said:salvation from who? but agreed lets not go further!
and no if veg oil was exhausted we would be able to smell chips :lol: :lol:
Rapeseed is best because of viscosity but tesco's pure vegie oil will do :?: works ok in mine 8)gego said:I'm tempted to stick some in mine 8O Went to Tesco's this morning and the selves were empty :roll: looks like someone had the same idea.
I was going to stick 9ltrs in on top of 3/4 of a tank
Will call in again Tomorrow.
Did someone say rapeseed was the best? as tesco's veg oil is rapeseed I think?
cracking price my mrs phoned me at work the other day complaining that the mav was low on fuel and she didnt know if she had enogh to get to Tescos to fill up ( at the pump) i told her to pour in 3 Ltrs of veg oil in to make sure she got there she could not believe how much better the truck ran on veggie oil so half fill with derv and topped up on veggie 9 I dint li9ke to tell her that ive been slipping veggie oil in for about 3 weeks now 8O £107 at the pumps around here .67p for vegie oil :arrow: :?: :?: :?:iandouglas said:HI FELLOW OILERS.![]()
Just bought 30 lts of pure veg oil in 15 lt metal drums from tesco
£10.09 p = 67ppl
this is sunflower oil from wensbury the same stuff i keep seeing at side of laybys
what thr truckers around here keep filling there tanks with.
ive run truck on 30% rape seed ok .
re filled with dino diesel .tank almost empty so intend to put 15lts in then fill up at tesco with a 5p discount card and two 5 gallon cans in back.
so savings all round.
jace said:yeagh soon as they cotton on theyll pull mat from under yer feet!
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