Veg Oil

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i dont think lucas got near terranos it is weird why they dont like the veg oil from what ive read 50% mix should be ok but price is shooting up so savings not that good
cosmic said:
That maybe plank but can your trani go where your T2 can?? :lol: :lol:

well its quite a good mix realy as i do take my transit off road every day over wet grass fields and some feilry deep mud and it it has a decent load in the back it seems OK! I used to use a twin axel pick up and that used to slip and stick somtheing terrible! Also it is no where near as 'top heavy' as the t2 when laoded up, if you ever try loading a T2 right to the roof maxumum capacity front to back it does tend to roll a bit on the corners :lol:

BUT!, i do no the transits limitations and thats where the T2 comes in very handy they make a good complimenting pair really!

The T2 is often a proper tractor pulling big round bails of hay out of wet field etc. I am even looking for decent gang mower to tow behind it for topping the paddocks, if anyone has one knocking about let me know :wink:

and as for the tranni his hight heels sink in the wet ground and he hates getting his perm wet :lol:
jims-terrano said:
OK due to someone running into the side of my scenic this week I'm back to using my beloved T2 everyday so am doing 400 to 500 miles a week. So with this and the spirraling cost of fuel the temptation to try SVO is back again.
How can I tell what make of Injector Pump I have and why don't Lucas pumps like SVO.

Jim T

You probably have a Bosch VP37 pump, there is a possibility it could be a Zexel that is the same as a Bosch but built under licence by the Japs I think.
To check, lock the front wheels around and peel back the rubber inner wing cover, on the drivers side and take a look at the square flat area on the side of the pump should say Bosch some place with a list of part numbers etc.
The VP37 should be ok on veg oil, on another note I read some bad reports with the later Bosch VP44 pump as fitted to the 3 litre engine, running on veg.
jace said:
i dont think lucas got near terranos it is weird why they dont like the veg oil from what ive read 50% mix should be ok but price is shooting up so savings not that good
in that link i put in earlyer the guy recons veg oil is ok in lucas
Cant wait my take day off work and join them, the yanks at work pay 48p per ltr and they recon that dear to mainland US, :cry: they dont let me buy it or should i say the customs and excise dont let me buy it :cry:
It wouldn't surprise me, cos it happens in Germany too. When i was living in German (British Army) we used to buy fuel coupons from the pay office for cheaper fuel as German fuel was then too expensive.

We also had to have a wage top up, called local overseas allowance to bring our wages to the minimum standard of Germany (or any other country we were in)
£110.9ltr for Diesel,when is it going to stop,surely this can't be good for the consumer!!
no use moaning about about it only way there gonna take any notice is when theres people out there costing them money! imagine france ports be blocked paris would be gridlocked but over here some one wil write a stern letter to the times!
The post office promised me 6 first class stamps as compensation for delivering a letter late. So Jace i may use one of them to wite a letter to our local free paper, that should do the trick :lol:

Anyway, just another point to prove what we have allready said but, if the environment was really the issue why have fuel for off road use available at a cheaper rate? to go in vehicles with no MOT emmissions tests? and why are two stroke motorcycles imported from china in their millions when two stroke cars are banned on environmental grounds?

surely these are all ways to toughen up the existing frame work without taxing us all to death!

If the fuel costs more the goods cost more and everyone has to work harder to stay out of the workhouse, this often means more driving to get to more work hence more polution, its viciuos circle!
i believe all spin on the enviroment is just lot hot air designed to make us swallow nuclear energy and tax rises without creating to much fuss it doesent ring true,even though i get my fuel cheaper so dont get hit that way evrytime i buy something its price has gone up because poor fella delivering its costs gone up if it keeps happening the econemy will be in worse condition an no one be able to find jobs again
exactly jace inflation by the back door to make up for ridiculous housing prices!

price increases and excuses (feel free to add to the list!):

timber - storms in the pacific
scrap metal - chaina buying it all
gas- supply shortages need to buy from abroad (despite Russians giving it to us for free, or even paying us to take it!)
electricity - all sorts of reasons
veg oil - demand for it as a fuel?
food - bad storms earlier in the year
PLANK said:
Jim am i gettting this right US Nationals in the UK getting half price fuel for use on UK roads?
yep price we pay for US protection, i dont care much but i am jellous. they still pay our road tax which thet squeel about? and our MOT which they swear about, how about $3.75 for an MOT ( in some states)? makes you sick dont it :!: cheap grub from there naffi shops and i cant buy any of it :twisted: when you see the US dream you wonder what these uk MP's spend our taxes on :?: :?: :?: :?:
scrap is mental people been nickin the copper cabling used for railway signal etc network rail hidding cammeras everywhere to try catch em!
well i dont want to get into politics too deeply or offend anyone, but protection from what? Aren't we supposed to be part of 'Europe' which as one nation has to be the most powerfull country on the planet? or am i missing simething about the benefits of being a 'new european' all we seem to get so far is the bad bits! and none of the good

It is imoral though everyone using vehicles on UK roads should pay UK duty, it is double standards of the worst kind!
right 16 pages 256 posts and still we dont know if to use veg oil or not :lol: :lol: :wink: :!: so do we use it or not :!: :!:
people are using it without any probs but sure read the zd3.0 engines pump doesent like it have seen on other forums landrovers,transits,4.2 patrols all running coping well on it!
I thnk the answer is a firm 'maybe' it seems savings are small and the oild dilution is if nothing else a real issue!

think of an oil change with god quality oil and decent filter diy labour cost approx £35-£45 ?

save £between £5 and £10 a week for you average person and then after 3 months another oil change, which about halves, or even wipes out the saving, and thats if there are no other problems!

Its just one more thing to take us all off what we should be doing, protesting about the cost of real fuel for out vehicles!