Super strong steering job
My 1000 miles around Scotland on some of the best and some of the worst roads I've ever driven followed straight after with a Weekend of off roading in Wiltshire was enough to properly kill off my original steering setup.
Luckily I had a spare drag link, idler arm and tie rods all attached still that I dropped off the Maverick when it was scrapped as it was only a few months old. I've slapped that on and the Terrano is back to acceptable steering again so I though why not get the SUPER STRONG STEERING JOB done :thumb2
It's about time as a few member have done this now and I can't afford not to with the size tyres I'm running.
So to start I'm going to be using my old drag link as this needs to be modified to take some bushes for the rose joints to go through.
This is my 2nd steering box from a 98' scrapper, I've started to drain it today and take apart, I've also been marking it up to cut it, I'm absolutely terrified guys as I'm a bit sloppy when it comes to stuff like this and I've only got 1 decent pic from Alex and one off Elty as to how it needs to be cut so wish me luck.
The Pitman Arm that is currently on the box is the one I had to cut through to remove it from the doner vehicle as I was against the clock. This is held on with a 41mm nut, I went into my local motor facts and when I asked him for one his response was, "bloody hell you working on a bus?" :lol :lol
I told him what it was for and he came outside as he still didn't believe me, he then laughed and said, good luck getting that off if the box is off the car

then sold me this for £12
I got the box in the vice and used a 4ft breaker bar with a 6ft box of galvanised steel over it, heaved up a few times lifting the bench as I went and then with a crack, it gave way!!!! :naughty :naughty
I then loosened the top 17mm nut on the box and spun it a few times which exposed some splines at the pitman arm end, I did this so i could slide the protective boot up without damaging it in order to hammer off the arm tomorrow as I've left it to soak tonight in some penetrating fluid
Pitman Arm being removed from box
I'll update tomorrow hopefully with pictures of a not too butchered steering box I hope :bow