So Terrance has been a bit poorly of late, little niggle here, little niggle there, leave the niggles a bit longer it will be alright, another niggle, a big niggle and before you know it you're trucks niggled!!!! :doh
First issue is my glow plugs are acting strange. They warm as per normal when the ignition switches on but when the glow plug relay clicks off, usually it will stay off for about 30-45 secs before cycling back on again as normal and will keep doing that for a few cycles. Now it instead clicks on and off evey second and stops doing so after 30 seconds
I've checked and swapped the relay for the one on Grandads truck and it does the same, I've checked all the wiring which was fine, and then was born another idea, I decided that I was going to build a waterproof enclosure with conduits for the relay wires and then another the other side for a breather that will run up to the snorkel when I do the diff breathers.
Still had the problems though, then I decided I was going to whip all the glow plugs out and check the health of them, tested them all on the jump leads and they were all fine, they were Bosch LP079 metal rod plugs, I decided that as I was this deep into it, I was going to put another myth to bed, I fitted a set of earlier Bosch LP032 for the TD engine without the intercooler and they work perfectly and fit perfectly too, they draw the same amount of current and they have a larger tip too so they extend further into the cylinders :sly
Cleaned up the Buzz Bar and refitted everything and still having the issue with the relay clicking on off really quickly, Elty recomended that I unplug all accessories in the truck as this what caused it on his truck before but I've done that and still no good, any ideas guys?