Snow On Roof Illegal!!!!

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my earlier post

i would hazard a guess that any possible charge would be driving without due care and consideration..... as snow on the roof isnt considerate to any following vehicles ..... hardly very caring to the driver of the vehicle concerned too , as it may slide forwards and obstruct his vision ......should be shot on sight
even a non black rat like myself could probably make careless driving, fail to maintain or even insecure load :augie stick..................or at least having fun doing so.

Anyway, enough is enough for me. The snow lost its attraction about a week ago :D
There most definitely are laws covering it all, its the email that was a hoax. Just because theres no statutory offence with the words "snow" and "roof" in the points to prove doesnt mean theres nothing to cover it.

Read Macbethiels post about RTCs then consider snow which could and should have been cleared being contributory to similar situations and tell me theres no offence.

i have read that and understand what has been put.

so then in that case if you cant control a car in tthe snow you should not drive as that is driving with out due care is it not ?

then put a new law in place that you should only be aloud to drive in icy or snowy conditions once you have passed a test to do so

i have yet to find an accident that has happened due to the snow falling of a car roof.

yet i have seen many due to inexperience behind the wheel in the snow we have just had.

so if you have a law against something like snow on the roof then in reality you should have a law against people driving in the snow as it is more likely to cause an accident than the snow on the roof.
There most definitely are laws covering it all, its the email that was a hoax. Just because theres no statutory offence with the words "snow" and "roof" in the points to prove doesnt mean theres nothing to cover it.

Read Macbethiels post about RTCs then consider snow which could and should have been cleared being contributory to similar situations and tell me theres no offence.

except the snow on the roof:jesterbg
sorry briggie that is just an anal comment

i personally think that if any one should be shot on sight it is the drink drivers of this world, even if not shot should never have the chance to hold a licence ever again

i personally think that not 1 drop of alcohol should pass anyones lips if about to get in a car and drive
i have read that and understand what has been put.

so then in that case if you cant control a car in tthe snow you should not drive as that is driving with out due care is it not ?

then put a new law in place that you should only be aloud to drive in icy or snowy conditions once you have passed a test to do so

i have yet to find an accident that has happened due to the snow falling of a car roof.

yet i have seen many due to inexperience behind the wheel in the snow we have just had.

so if you have a law against something like snow on the roof then in reality you should have a law against people driving in the snow as it is more likely to cause an accident than the snow on the roof.

so how many of you have been trained for ice and snow driving and passed a test on a skid pad??

oh i did 1976 police collage hendon
so how many of you have been trained for ice and snow driving and passed a test on a skid pad??

oh i did 1976 police collage hendon

Did you enjoy it ?

Best bit of our driving course :thumb2

We had two cars to use , a sierra for rwd and an escort for fwd (it was a while ago :augie) I had a hoot in the sierra, i'd had one of my own for nearly 8 years :D so the instructor put me mainly in the escort ..................bugger.

Bye bye crushed cones hello crash barrier :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

In all seriousness youre right, gong on one is a real eye opener :eek:.
i did also + i have a pass plus i did mine with the military

no probs brigs it was supposed to have a smillie

right law side

if i was to phone my local cop shop and report someone for driving with snow oh their roof are they going to come out or are they going to laugh at me down the phone just like the police did in the patrol car ??
Did you enjoy it ?

Best bit of our driving course :thumb2

We had two cars to use , a sierra for rwd and an escort for fwd (it was a while ago :augie) I had a hoot in the sierra, i'd had one of my own for nearly 8 years :D so the instructor put me mainly in the escort ..................bugger.

Bye bye crushed cones hello crash barrier :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

In all seriousness youre right, gong on one is a real eye opener :eek:.

yes i did we were in the rover P6 3.500cc and they took us on a trip round London with an advanced driver at the wheel doing a constant commentry of all his actions i remember doing about 100mph with sirens going then down to 30mph in no time as he hit 30 mph speed limit it was time to change underware by then:clap:clap
i remember with the advanced motorists i had to follow a police instructor .... the rules where quite simple , both of us had to obey any road traffic laws , and all i had to do was keep up with him , sounds simple doesnt it ? ..... try it :lol
i remember with the advanced motorists i had to follow a police instructor .... the rules where quite simple , both of us had to obey any road traffic laws , and all i had to do was keep up with him , sounds simple doesnt it ? ..... try it :lol

Absolutely. I learnt many times that I wasnt as good at driving as I thought :D

On one occasion we were doing one of the moors back roads coming from whitby towards Gisborough (we'd been to Helmsley).

I was making what I thought was good progress to the point where I was thinking clucking bell. I was driving one of the sporty peugeot 407s and wayyyy over the normal speed limit quite chuffed with my performance.

A North Yorks driving school volvo T5 caught us up and the guy driving (who was on an advanced response course) did the best overtake ive ever seen and left us for dead. My instructor just laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

A year or so later I was observing on a TPAC course. Thats the one where you box in the cars at speed. I was in a T5, first ride out in one, and I remember thinking, these arent that fast............errrrrrrrr........wrong.

We were doing 90 when we got the instruction to "move up" the acceleration was jerk you back in your seat level and within a few moments we were seriously shifting and about a foot behind the bandit vehicle :eek::eek::eek:

Ive done a few things and been about :augie but Im not sure id like to be driving that car at that point.
P6 3.500cc

Absolute classic car last of the real rovers :thumb2 :thumb2much missed apparently.

A while back an old boy who used to use one of those was telling me how they were replaced by Jags in his force during the 70's. and they were all so excited.

However their excitment didnt last long,the cars were sheds. He recited how he tried to pursue a Ferrari

Needless to say he lost it once they got well over the ton it just kept on powering away..................until he came upon it stuck in traffic :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

He got out of his jag and walked calmly up to the ferrari, he said you could barely hearing it ticking over after doing an estimated 150ish for several miles. Suddenly he heard his car cut out and then a popping noise and a massive hiss as the radiator burst and spewed its guts onto the tarmac :rolleyes:

Then they wonder why BL folded classic cars my arse :nenau:lol:lol
Stop knocking BL!!! My top 10 car list contains the Austin Allegro, the Princess and the Montego.....

Alright, I lied, I've been drinking......:kissy
Stop knocking BL!!! My top 10 car list contains the Austin Allegro, the Princess and the Montego.....

Alright, I lied, I've been drinking......:kissy

Now if youd mentioned Dolly Sprint :cool:


Fantastic cars ........................ when the heads didnt warp :doh

Fast as ****
Years ago I used to live next door to a bloke who was a proper mechanic and ended up working in the Esso Research establishment which used to be near me in Oxfordshire. He used to strip and rebuild every single car that went through their hands for testing.

My first car ever was a Vauxhall Viva HA van, ex Post Office....with the crap materials they used in those days it wasn't long before the engine wore out to the extent that it used to clonk as I let the clutch out - turned out it was because the entire crankshaft was moving backwards and forwards by about half an inch in its bearings.....anyway, in the course of fixing it he removed the gearbox (which was also acting up) and literally tipped the entire contents out on to the garage floor and proceeded to reassemble it without batting an eyelid.....they don't make 'em like that any more!

Anyways, point is, he swore by his long-term ride, a slightly tweaked Triumph 2000...he let me drive it once and it was amazing ( for the time!).....I'd never knock a Dolly mate :kissy

But look at this little writeup on the Stag engine...LMAO!

The car was launched one year late in 1970, to a warm welcome at the various international auto shows, which soon turned sour after delivery to the market with reports of engine problems. Some of these were due to the perennial problem of poor build quality, endemic to the British motor industry of the time, while others related to design problems in the engine. These included:

* long simplex roller link chains combined with inadequate engine maintenance and factory specified 7,500-mile (12,070 km) oil change intervals. The chains could last less than 25,000 miles (40,200 km) resulting in expensive damage when they failed;
* inadequately sized main bearings in the early OHC 2.5 litre V8 design with short lives, changed in the 3.0 litre design;
* aluminium head warpage due to poor castings, head gaskets which restricted coolant flow, leading to overheating;
* water pump failures relating to poor drive gear hardening, prematurely wearing out the gear and stopping the water pump.
* In some cases, overheating was caused by clogged waterways in the cylinder block which were found to be filled with casting sand left over from manufacture.
I do remember the bad reputation of the stag. Didnt the chains snap rather than just stretch/rattle/tooth jump type of fail?

I think the dolly sprint suffered from similar ali head problems too.

Probably because they were all built by commie trade unionists who only came into work to plan the next strike.

The worn crankshaft remindsme of early vauxhall cav/astra problems. The cams on those used to wear out so quickly vauxhall ended up in the 80s fixing loads of them out of warranty :D