Interesting guys,
I never used the solvent, I just put in a table spoon of white spirit in each tank full.
I have not ran my 3.0 T2 on SVO.
Although I ran my Trooper 3.1td on a 70/30 svo/diesel mix, my escort and fiesta ran on 100% mix, the ford 1.8d engine had more power and better mpg on the veggie oil, also don't worry about emmisions on MOT time, sail straight through.
The Trooper would not run with a >70% svo, even with a fuel heater I fitted.
The best diesel pumps for svo are German ones.
Alot of Jap pumpsjust carn't cut the mustard, although I see above someones running on hundred percent svo, ( bet you can't in winter!)
Just one more thing running on svo, you need to keep on top of your fuel filter, once I was getting some pure un- refined rape oil, not only was it a bit thick, but within a month I had a "green gunk" inside the filter.
I have tried allsorts of weird and wonderful additives, best thing is to keep it simple, do things gradual.
If your using 3lt bottles from the supermarket, pour it straight in ,say 1/2 tank diesel, you will see you cannot fully drain the bottle, I had a 20lt drum which i stood the "near" empty bottle upside down to drain while I pour another 3lt into the tank, then jump on the fully drained bottle, screw the lid back on and stick it in your recycle bin.
It's amazing how much dregs you will collect off 15 bottles.
One more thing, don't constantly drive like- "Driving Miss Daisy" if so after 5-10k miles you will start to gum up abit, this a by-product from running on SVO, it's a coating that builds up on the exhaust side of the combustion, not a problem if you give her a bit of stick now again.
I'm no expert, but I have been veggie-ing for quiet a while.