Right we're rolling with this - I've heard back they're processing the forms but it has to filter down through a few people, first the affiliated clubs officer, then the membership secetary ad then to the IT guys to get us access to the website, forum and Wayfinder.
In the meantime we need to decide:
How much we're going to charge to join the Greenlaners sub group and collect together a list of people to be granted the free accounts - I'm a member myself so won't be taking one.
Can people going to the National Rally please discuss it there and come up with a consensus on the cost, think t needs to be somewhere in the rgion of £1 - £3. Its cost us £30 so far and that covers us for up to 30 members, then its a pound per member from there.
I suggest we start off with an initial £2 or £3 membership (depends how many we think we'll get initially) to get us off the ground and cover te initial outlay, after that we charge £1 per member and hopefully get up to 30 members overtime at which point the people who paid the initial rate will be granted 1 or 2 years extension, as appropriate.
If thats good with people can someone kick the collection off at the National rally this weekend. Dinky can pass the money over to me when he see's me to give me my gennie back.