new anti green laning petition

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Aug 15, 2010
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so theres a new anti green laning petition with regards to the peak district, this is how it reads



Why is this important?

The Peak District National Park is reputed to be the 2nd most visited national park in the world and when you visit this area it’s not hard to understand why, the area is truly breath-taking and living in the Peak District is a real privilege.
Sadly not everyone who comes to the Peak District wants to enjoy the peace and serenity that the area offers.
The area is under continuous assault by off road enthusiasts who come in significant numbers to rally up and down lanes and bridal ways for recreational sport, these off roaders have learned that if a footpath has ever been used by a horse and cart since the early 18oos they can apply to have the use changed from a footpath to a byway or even worse a Byway Open to All Traffic.
To upgrade existing footpaths to byways of any designation blurs the distinction of what is permissible. Even the description of a route which allows for ‘limited use’ by motorised vehicles clouds the issue and implies some right of vehicular access.
As we have seen in many cases across the national park – abuse of restricted byways by those seeking out green lanes to drive across, is a common fact. There is no meaningful policing of these routes as the police do not view such transgressions as a priority.
This is detrimental to the fabric and essence of the national park and as the authorities have no power to overrule these decisions the applications virtually always get approval as the law is on the side of the applicant. It is an antiquated law that needs to change as a matter of urgency. At the very least - any national park should have special provisions to overrule decisions which will affect these beautiful areas, currently they do not have this power.
We must make sure that these areas are left as we found them for future generations to enjoy in the same way, but once these paths are opened up to broader definitions of traffic, the effects and devastation are substantial. I will list a few below:

1. Erosion rapidly sets in and the ground is constantly churned up by powerful motorbikes, 4x4s, – causing once minimal footpaths to become broad lanes
2. The native wildlife and flora habitats are destroyed (some of these are rare or protected species)
3. Peat bog lands are reduced to slurry
4. Some off roaders not content with the path they have, widen their riding area in search of greater challenges, creating more damage
5. Local residents and tourists suffer as a result of the noise these machines bring to the area
6. Green lane traffic poses a danger to walkers and visitors due to the speed and aggression that some apply whilst in the area
7. Once the area is sufficiently churned up, the ground becomes unstable and when the heavy rains of winter start, the degrading effect happens much faster and the lands begins to wash away
8. Neither environmental impact nor local opposition are taken into consideration on decisions to redefine footpaths within the national park because the authorities are simply complying with the letter of the law
9. The number of routes designated as simple, peaceful footpaths within the national park reduces as the definitions are upgraded to encourage more forms of transport.

The argument against this is huge and a book could be written about the devastating impact to the area, obviously we can’t do this here and indeed the applicants for this will have their own arguments about why they should have access to the land. Our decision to fight this is not because we don’t like the people who carry out this sport it’s because we value our countryside as it should be.
We will add that a large number of disused quarries and certain farmlands charge a small fee for riders to enjoy the ultimate off road experience in purpose-made environments so why on earth would you want to ruin nature at its very best

so what are people thoughts on this then? do they have a valid point is it just another petition to have a go at green laners?
i think the problem is people who abuse the lanes. it gives all users a bad name. yesterday i almost had a head on smash with a landrover which was obviously not road legal. he was tearing up a lane local to me which is becoming quite rutted. ive also had near misses with moto x bikes on the same lane.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
so theres a new anti green laning petition with regards to the peak district, this is how it reads

so what are people thoughts on this then? do they have a valid point is it just another petition to have a go at green laners?

The problem is, the last sentence correctly says it all...

Unfortunately, the vast majority of the green laners are tearing the lanes up in the pursuit of a more challenging drive, when they should really be doing it in a P&P place. The problem is, Horses, motorbikes, quads, tractors and 4x4's make it hard work for a person who wants to do it on foot, so I can see why they would get the hump having foot paths turned into byways.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of the green laners are tearing the lanes up in the pursuit of a more challenging drive,

its actually a very small number of green laners that do that and as usual the minority give the rest of the decent users a bad name
The walkers have 1000's of miles of footpaths that don't have vehicular rights of way but thats not enough for the anti 4x4 brigade,they wan them all.
Been green laning on and off for over 20 years and they always use the dick head mentality to tarnish the legal sensible ones and give us all a bad name.
If it's still classed as a road,surfaced or not then expect to meet traffic.
They wouldn't walk down the M1 and complain about the traffic would they:nenau
Live and let live:thumb2
I have to agree with the petition but it's the scrotes that buy a £500 Discovery with a dodgy 12 month test on it that go and drive at lanes as fast as they can that ruin it for the rest of us.

There's one not far from my girlfriends house called Tinkers Lane that I used to be able to do when I had my Maverick, it was standard with no lift and road tyres back then.

I had a lift, 31's and LWB rear springs and it is now it is impassable unless you're in a Defender with 5" lift :doh
its actually a very small number of green laners that do that and as usual the minority give the rest of the decent users a bad name

You see, I am not so sure... I have never seen a motorbike, or quad using a lane with due care and attention to others, and I would say I have seen 20 of them to every other 4x4 I have seen. I have also mainly seen modified landrovers tearing along, wheels spinning, chewing up the surface, and deliberately getting stuck, so they can wrap a rope around some poor bush, and play tug of war.

I have only ever met a handful of other drivers, who like me, who are driving along, enjoying getting somewhere the average car can't, and finding a view, or bit of scenery reserved for the lucky few.
I have only ever met a handful of other drivers, who like me, who are driving along, enjoying getting somewhere the average car can't, and finding a view, or bit of scenery reserved for the lucky few.

That right there is how it should be!!!!!!! :clap
i do agree there are more motor bikes and quads that go fast but thats because they are allowed to travel at 20mph on a green lane where as a 4x4 is supposed to travel at 6mph, i have been out many times with just nissans and mixed groups and none of the groups i have ever led or been in have done that sort of thing, we go out for the scenery as you say and to go where a normal motor would be able too
Let's not dress this up and pretend we are all Sunday drivers.I like green laning for many reasons. The scenery, getting off the beaten track, meeting up with like minded friends, the challenges that some lanes throw at you and getting places you just couldn't in a standard road going motor.
Number 4 is something to watch out for, but I must say, all the lanes I saw at Peak District had no space to widen it even if you did want to :lol

If it did come to it, some of the lanes should be made just for off roaders and give the walkers a few too.

They should not be allowed sole right of these either, cyclists and walkers also erode the land too! All be it at a slower rate, the way i drive over lanes does not churn up the floor, just the arsehole speedy riders n occasional 35" landy :doh

It does boil my blood a bit, but I don't really want to get involved.
Afraid getting involved is the only way to oppose the anti's.
A lot of the damage is caused by heavy agricultural machinery like the deep ruts.
Obviously driving on soft ground can cause damage but if driven properly and sensible it can be kept to a minimum.
If it wasn't for the voluntary work that we used to do on a lot of the lanes in the peak they wouldn't be passable at all by any user.
A bunch of us used to give up our free time and go out and cut back hedges,remove obstacles and fill in bad ruts.
Still do it now when we are out.
A walker would rather stray off the track onto private land to go round an obstacle like a fallen tree or broken wall than do something about it.
Not just 4x4's they oppose,mrs gets it when out on her horse,cyclists get it,next they will be opposing wheelchair users.
Like I have said before live and let live.