Green Laning!.

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mav said:

An idea may be to form a sub-group of your club which is focussed on green
laning (e.g. Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Green Laning Section), and have a
separate membership for it (say an extra £1 subscription per member per
year). Then this group could apply for affiliation to GLASS at lower cost
in its own right? A £1 extra subscription would pay for the GLASS
affiliation fee.


Just a thought.


I think the above is a good idea & I would be more than happy to pay an extra 1 or 2 pounds when I renew my membership or now for that matter to have access to this. :smile:
well voluntered sweety looks like u just became new rowo and glass rep he he didnt your mom tell u never volunteer for anything lol
I would be down for this, sounds like a good idea, will pay up on the begginners day, give cameraman more to do :lol: (only joking) Mav would the sub-group be only visible to paid up members only or would every one be able to see it?
I like the idea of a separate sub group of green laners, think it best to pay £1 extra on joining rather than pay at events, on dodgy ground there legally if you happen to stray off rights of way by accident, could be seen as running an organised group etc. Also how many times do you pay if done at events? Everytime? or just the once, if everytime where does the extra money go?

Extra pound to join also means people from the far north or south etc who may never make an organised green laning trip can still get access to the advantages of GLASS affiliation.

Personally I'm a full member so theres nothing in it for me either way.
hummingbird said:
Extra pound to join also means people from the far north or south etc who may never make an organised green laning trip can still get access to the advantages of GLASS affiliation.

Potentially, yes. One thing to bear in mind is that for small clubs (25 members or less), 5 free Wayfinder/Trailwise accounts come with affiliation. As Chris said in his Email to me, the number may well be negotiable. At the moment, though, we haven't done any of that (negotiating).

As an aside, if we did affiliate, it would make sense for the nominated contact (i.e. the Nissan4x4 owner) NOT to be already a personal member of GLASS, as individual members already receive all the GLASS publications and already have access to Wayfinder, to the members area of the GLASS website, to the GLASS web and Email forums, to local meetings and having voting rights at the GLASS AGM.

Paul332 said:
I would be down for this, sounds like a good idea, will pay up on the begginners day, give cameraman more to do :lol: (only joking) Mav would the sub-group be only visible to paid up members only or would every one be able to see it?

I take it that who ever pays the fee would have control over the password. This is the problem that i see, If i pay £250.00 who says they cannot log in from anywhere, or any club and use our members money to get advise on green laning from glass!,

Please correct me if i am wrong :oops: and i do apologize if i am.

This is from somebody thats never been off road?. (Bought it to pull my caravan)

with only 5 free memberships id say itd need to be in control off admin/mods team could soon see it turning into nightmare as most nothern based theyd be asking there glass rep questions for someone south take weeks to get answers back.
mav said:
I take it that who ever pays the fee would have control over the password.

An affiliated club nominates members who will be entitled to Wayfinder accounts. Each nominated member will have a distinct Wayfinder account and (s)he (only) will have the password for that account. If, at some stage, the nominated club member ceases to be a member of the club, then they are no longer entitled to a Wayfinder account and the club can ask for their Wayfinder account to be terminated and nominate a replacement.

If i pay £250.00 who says they cannot log in from anywhere

If Nissan4x4 club members (inadvertently or otherwise) disclose their Wayfinder usernames and passwords to others, then theoretically that would be possible. If & when discovered, Wayfinder admin can reset the account and a new password will be issued, by Email, to the account holder only. It is up to the affiliated club to decide what "disciplinary" action to take in respect of members who disclose their passwords to others.

An affiliation of Nissan4x4 owners club, as a whole, to GLASS is possible - but it would, as you say, cost £250. The club can, however, set up a greenlaning section that comprises fewer members - say 25. This subsection can affiliate to GLASS and it would cost only £25 - but fewer Wayfinder accounts would be available - notionally 5, but from Chris Mitchell's post above, it seems like we may be able to negotiate more.

Does that answer the question?

(Wayfinder Production Manager and member of Trailwise development team)
I'll be up for paying the extra fee as well,not much time on my hands to run anything though(sorry) and being up here in the borders,isn't that easy to nip out to some lanes... :?
Sorry to just but in on this but if you know so much about what is going on andrewk why keep going on about it sweety has said he will do it so why not help him out with your knowledge :?: .

ern1e said:
Sorry to just but in on this but if you know so much about what is going on andrewk why keep going on about it sweety has said he will do it so why not help him out with your knowledge :?: .ern1e

I've just been answering questions that folks have asked. Is that a problem? If it is, I'll shut up.

I did'nt say I was going to do it 8O Jace was winding me up :evil: I don't know much about greenlaning & feel I would be the wrong person to take this on & at the moment I have a lot of family problems which I have to sort out first before I can do anything else
One account should be with the NEXT ROWO as at the moment I often send out routes written by me, taken from wayfinder information and my own maps to members in differant parts of the country.

£25.00 per year sounds like a good deal, which is why I suggested that the next ROWO could collect a voluntary £1.00 at the end of Dec, (£1.00 each will not break the bank) and thats almost it for the following year. If you can't mange the rest with a couple of voluntary contributions or donations then your really in trouble :roll:

I suppose we could have a swear box and then Jace could pay for a full affiliation for everyone :p -rotfl-

On another note and slightly off topic, we're still looking for someone to take over as ROWO on 1st Jan 08.
cameraman said:
On another note and slightly off topic, we're still looking for someone to take over as ROWO on 1st Jan 08.

Can I suggest that we split the role down into areas as I think was the eventual idea when Andy first took it on on a national basis. The idea of one person covering the whole UK just doesn't work and I think the idea that the ROWO should atttend all green laning trips isn't on either done regionally it could work though. I for one couldn't take on the whole job might be willing to take on some of the areas I know like Yorkshire and Derbyshire, but lets see who else is interested, that would solve the problem of who to give wayfinder access to as well, only the regional ROWO..
i got uk nissan to swear and gripe on now so being good boy on here !
Good idea to split into areas,as too much for one person to cover.Andy did a good job ,but we seem to have a north/south divide with nowt in the middle ,when it comes to greenlaning Dinky
andrewk said:
I've just been answering questions that folks have asked. Is that a problem? If it is, I'll shut up.


First of all i didnt say shut up in anyway at all, second of all you have just answered it yourself with answering questions why not help find someone or someones to take over as rowo because you are coming up with some good ideas this is just a idea itself.

ern1e said:
why not help find someone r someones to take over as rowo

I've only been a member a couple of weeks and have only met a handful of other members - at the laning day on 10 Nov 07. I'm sure Mav has that well in hand.

Maybe I just talk too much. :smile:

Well are we going to split the ROWO to a regional status,we seem to greenlane on the following areas Marlborough downs -Derbyshire-North Yorkshire.If so we need some volounteers.Dinky

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