Green Laning!.

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2007
I understand that clubs that are affiliated to GLASS currently get between 5 and 25 free Wayfinder accounts - depending upon the size of the club. There is no requirement that users be individual members of GLASS.



I've split this topic from the Scottish green lane thread as it makes an interesting thread on its own (CM)
But the affiliation to as a club, is more than this club makes in a year 8O as its charged on a "per member" basis.

Individual membership to GLASS is I believe £33.00 and is more reasonable considering that only a small percentage of this club actually off road, the useage of the site for members is then free.

As opposed to which is free and avilable to everyone.

Everyone has a choice, and all options should be made available for that choice to be fairly made.
cameraman said:
But the affiliation to as a club, is more than this club makes in a year 8O as its charged on a "per member" basis.

Yes, the affiliation fee is £1 / member subject to a maximum of £250. I'm surprised that this is more than the club makes in a year. I thought it had 570 members. 8O

Individual membership to GLASS is I believe £33.00 and is more reasonable considering that only a small percentage of this club actually off road

A couple of points here ....

* £33 is the first year membership fee. It's £28 for subsequent years.

* I understand that affiliation fees may be negotiable in some cirucmstances. Having few members who use their vehicles off tarmac may well be one of them. If the fee was small enough, would the club be interested in affiliating?

andrewk said:
A couple of points here ....

* £33 is the first year membership fee. It's £28 for subsequent years.

* I understand that affiliation fees may be negotiable in some cirucmstances. Having few members who use their vehicles off tarmac may well be one of them. If the fee was small enough, would the club be interested in affiliating?

These were things I didn't know, the first doesn't surprise me as this is often the case with continous direct debit or a flat admin fee to join etc.

The second does, as I looked into this on behalf of the club last year and as we seem to have a rolling memebrship of about 750 the fee would have been around £750. I found no mention of the maximum amount of £250 you quoted although do not doubt your word in any way as I possibly missed it. I have been known to be wrong and stand corrected if I am.

As we only currently have around 15 - 20 active members off roading, this would need some carfefull consideration at such a large outlay.

If the fee is further negotiable, then it may be worth PM'ing Mav with the details as the finances are his department and I would be wrong to comment further on money to be spent.

However I do see GLASS as an excellant organisation and probably the only way forward for green lanes in the UK. One body to fight our corner rather than lots of well meaning individuals must be better.

Perhaps individual membership is the way forward and then each memebr can contact area reps with thoughts and ideas.

I have a lane local to me that has had BOAT status forever and with no warning the concil put up a concrete bollard at the entrance to the lane to stop it being used as a short cut to the pub from the village. The pub is the only thing down the lane and the drive around (by tarmaced ORPA) takes 15 mins or so. The local residents that have football pitch sized gardens and huge garages that back onto the lane have demolished the bollards several times already. Around 10 years ago this was tried with chained wooden gates, but they kept being used as firewood. The point I am trying to make is, without a local GLASS rep to gather user evidence and fight the case the locals are on a loosing battle anyway.
andrewk said:
cameraman said:
I found no mention of the maximum amount of £250 you quoted

I'm absolutely confident that this is correct see:

I'll "have a word" about the extent to which the higher figure of £250 is negotiable .........


Yes found it now, but again for the few off roaders we have, however dedicated they are even £250 is a lot. If the fee is negotiable then it may be worth Mav looking at but that would be up to him.
hummingbird said:
Renewal has recently been increased £30.

Details of affiliated clubs scheme are HERE

Sorry Simon all I can find is this:

What's the cost?
Up to 30 members

Per additional member

To a maximum of

All fees to be paid annually from when your club becomes affiliated.
Thats all there is to find. I was remarking that the individual renewal has gone from £27 to £30 although much of the GLASS website hasn't been updated to reflect this - however it is HERE where you actually pay it.
hummingbird said:
Thats all there is to find. I was remarking that the individual renewal has gone from £27 to £30 although much of the GLASS website hasn't been updated to reflect this - however it is HERE where you actually pay it.

OK, I missed that last AGM at which this was agreed.

what would the benefits be of being afiliated to glass? would they be worth the outlay?
The main benefit is free access to Wayfinder Project - can't see many others really for most - I'd be surprised if we didn't have more than
15 - 20 active members off roading
might be interesting to have count up.
jace said:
what would the benefits be of being afiliated to glass? would they be worth the outlay?

If you read the link I put up above they put there own case forwrd. They are a nationally recognised body for green laning. I look on them as "our unofficial governing body" as much of what they say and do is carried out by all green laners.

They also give you an area rep to talk to, local meetings, someone to lane with if you don't have someone, local and national meets and a glossy mag to read.
hummingbird said:
The main benefit is free access to Wayfinder Project - can't see many others really for most - I'd be surprised if we didn't have more than
15 - 20 active members off roading
might be interesting to have count up.

Just take the last few attendances at lane trips, add them up and see whos been more than once. I just guessed at the figure..
cameraman said:
Just take the last few attendances at lane trips, add them up and see whos been more than once. I just guessed at the figure..

I wouldn't argue that affiliation to GLASS is sensible for the Nissan4x4 owners club if they have to pay £250 (the highest affiliation fee based on membership) and only 25 folks (max) drive greenlanes regularly. That's £10/member, which doesn't make a lot of sense. OTOH, if GLASS are prepared to reduce that figure to some figure that does make a lot of sense, maybe Nissan4x4 owners club should consider whether to affiliate. (I don't know whether that is likely, but I've asked the question)

Following on from the above, I've had an exchange of EMails with a number of members of the GLASS Executive. This culminates in an EMail from Chris Mitchell the GLASS Affiliated Clubs Liaison Ofiicer. It makes an interesting read (see below). He explains some of the benefits on both sides of affiliation and suggests a possible way forward that would have only a very modest cost and would also provide free access for some members to the official GLASS/TRF Wayfinder and, when it is launched (probably early next year), also to Trailwise which is a replacement for Wayfinder.


Andrew Kay

Hi Andrew

I understand the problem with justifying the financial outlay involved - in
the past we have made a few exceptions to the normal affiliation fee
particularly in the case of clubs (like internet clubs) who don't charge
their members a subscription and therefore have little in the way of

In the case of clubs which do charge their members to join, larger clubs
such as yours usually pay less than £1 per member overall to affiliate to
GLASS, and find the benefits are worthwhile despite the often small
proportion of members interested in regular laning.

The fact is that these days we need clubs to contribute in order to help
GLASS pay for (for example) the legal and consultancy expenses in lobbying
parliament and fighting TROs with local authorities, national parks etc. As
you know there are threats to lanes on a number of fronts and members tell
us that they want GLASS to be active in fighting lane closures/TROs etc.,
rather than purely a club for people who go laning. If we can say we
represent thousands of affiliated club members it has more impact than a

Whereas a small proportion of your club members actually go laning, the
others may (unknowingly) use BOATs and/or UCRs during their day-to-day life
or for access to their home, or for access to canoeing, hang-gliding, model
flying etc etc, and when these unsurfaced routes have been lost to the
"recreational" motorist it will be too late to complain that GLASS didn't do
enough to prevent it! Afiliated clubs have access to GLASS local reps and
the local pub meets, plus r.o.w. advice of course.

As Ed has pointed out there are also considerable IT benefits for clubs and
their members - including free access to GLASS Wayfinder for (say) 25 of
your members. This figure can be negotiable if more members are interested.
The GLASS web forum is a great source of lane information as well.

An idea may be to form a sub-group of your club which is focussed on green
laning (e.g. Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Green Laning Section), and have a
separate membership for it (say an extra £1 subscription per member per
year). Then this group could apply for affiliation to GLASS at lower cost
in its own right? A £1 extra subscription would pay for the GLASS
affiliation fee.

Hope this helps

Chris Mitchell
GLASS Affiliated Clubs Liaison Officer
If the club is to move forward into more green laning then what do the ordinary members think then?

My term of office ends on the 31st Dec this year so at this point do not want to steer anyones decision either way.
GLASS Affiliation

Greetings chaps,

Just catching up, & noted the comments about GLASS affiliation etc.

Am fairly new to both the club and green laning, but would support an additional small fee to become affiliated for what it's worth.

With a Government and many other groups/organisations chomping at the bit to further restrict our activities/freedom, I think the bigger and better organised the group to fight our corner, the better.
I think the quote below sounds good, who wants to run it for me and the club?, Some body with some spare time. maybe collecting towards the annual fee of Glass at all of the off road days out, which of course you would need to attend, where ever they are held.
Real commitment needed.

Any takers please.

Chris Mitchell
GLASS Affiliated Clubs Liaison Officer.

An idea may be to form a sub-group of your club which is focussed on green
laning (e.g. Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Green Laning Section), and have a
separate membership for it (say an extra £1 subscription per member per
year). Then this group could apply for affiliation to GLASS at lower cost
in its own right? A £1 extra subscription would pay for the GLASS
affiliation fee.


Just a thought.

A most excellant suggestion Mav.

I'm sure someone will jump at the chance as there a lot of people wanting to lane now.

£1.00 towards affiliation would not even be felt from anyones pocket on the day as more is spent on fuel/preperation/packing up etc etc.

There are many members capable of running this section and taking over as ROWO too :wink:

I know this because I've laned with most of them and some have told me so :wink:

Just as an after thought, if someone wanted to run this, they could start on the begginners day, introduce themselves to everyone collect a £1.00 (voluntary contribution of course) and thats it almost done for the year 8O easy init :wink: :wink:

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