Some modding at the weekend, turning the offside reverse light into a fog light for the MOT at the end of the month.
First things first, covers off so I can route the cable.
Went for some 7 core to give me spare connections for the future.
I'll say this now, I detest scotch locks

but if it ain't broke don't fix it
Not that the crimped piggybacks look much neater... gold star if you can guess what the relay is for
Red LED bulb to replace the clear one in the reverse light fitting
Time out to get the tractor out and muck out the Clydesdale colt's stable before he gets castrated
Back at the Trol and it's centre dash out to get the switch fitted and rigged up
Rectangular blank
Not quite rectangular opening :doh
Get the Dremel and the big file out... job done
Quite a tight space on the top row of blanks for a conventional rocker so out with the Dremel again and some cutting down to size
A previous owner had already spliced a female spade connection into a permanent live 24v feed from the fuse box, be a waste not to use it!
Testing the rocker (fog lights need a tell tale so it's an LED one)
It's alive!
Everything back in place (just about) and working :thumbs
Anyone worked out what the relay is for yet? :augie