hummingbird said:
Don't worry abou lack of goodies on your truck most stuff can be done by a std truck with AT or MT tyres on without too much difficulty. Bull bars for instance actually reduce you ground clearance - you'll find the more serious people don't have them. Winch's on T2's are few and far between.
A few things to check before you go out.
Has your rear diff got the correct LSD oil in it so that the LSD will work.
Do your front (front) free wheeling hubs work properly.
Is your front suspension at the corect height or has it sagged, my first Mav was done 40mm.
After that go out and do some, see what you like be it green laning or pay and play days or perhaps both and then you can equip youreslf suitably.
PS whereabouts are you - people migt be able to point you at a suitable event or venue.
Well you learn something new every day. :evil:
Quote - 'More serious people dont use bullbars'. :? :x I'll have to get rid of mine then HB :lol: Thanks for the tip. :wink:
Oh have you got a bullbar by the way ? :lol: