Well I think your attitude says it all ie your going to do what you like when you like whether the lanes have a ROW or not & it's ok as long as you don't drive dangours/stupid. As for regaurding the club activities like this are'nt helping it's reputation when it's getting named in posts about possiably illegal driving. Why is this being brought up ? well I thought after last time the true facts regaurding ROW would have been checked out. But as you imply I know nothing i'll just shut up as you know it all:augie:augie
Sweety lets just put to things to bed.
Firstly, whatever people like to think, this is NOT a club. It a pay-to-view website. It has no other legal status, so spare me the stuff about reputation.
Secondly, its important to differentiate between two types of route being described here.
If we were to drive a ROW that is not a BOAT (and we don't and haven't) then that attracts bad press. i.e. in the wost case you're driving a thumping great 4x4 up a footpath where a little old lady is walking her poodle. Yes that gets bad press, yes that pees off the public and NO, for the umpteenth time we don't do that or suggest it.
And yes, if we did such a dumb thing and got caught by the police ON THE RIGHT OF WAY then they would ask us to leave, and for persistent behaviour, issue a Section 59 order. And of course we'd be twerps.
But these forest tracks ARE NOT ROWs. They are private property and therefore nothing to do with the police whatever they might think - they cannot issue a S59 on private property. In fact the police have no more power to make you leave or issue a S59 there than if you came and parked in my back garden. If there is a 'forestry officer' as Extreme says, then I question seriously what they told him and their powers and would love to know more about the grounds on which they claim them.....they have none on private property, only on public property or ROWs.
They could give me an S59 for doing donuts on a public road, or on a BOAT, or for merely driving on a ROW that was not open to vehicles. But I could donut to me hearts content in the forest (if I were that stupid) because the only person who could stop me is the landowner with a civil action.
The offence of trespass on private property is a civil matter not a police one.
So lets get this straight.
1. We do not drive on ROWs unless they are BOATs. And when we do, I think we act a hell of a lot more sensibly than I've seen people on other tracks - we drive at reasonable speed, we pull over to let people pass and we don't make a bloody mess.
2. If, hypothetically, we drove on forest tracks, thats nothing to do with ROWs, and since it would be done in the ass-end of nowhere, neither does it interact with members of the public and neither do we drop our driving standards., and as I'm sure you know, for a trespasser to be successfully prosecuted, damage has to be shown to have been caused. On a deeply rutted gravel track that is.....

I'll say it again, this is not about misuse of ROWs which attracts bad press, but about hypothetical use of remote, private forest tracks which doesn't as far as I am aware.
I bet you flash people that overtake you as well.....
But as I said, this is all nonsense because we behave quietly and the only thing you'll see is the odd picture posted in this private forum...so whats the big deal???