team wales and dadba... we did it

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but that video also showed a nice bit of laning where the lane was blocked by a fallen tree one t2 went over the tree and the rest of the party including a purple t2/mav and a 110 landy in green going through the woods a long way around the tree
no im not one for nit picking, but is that illegal not sticking to the lanes and diverting off into the woods.
im not one for naming and shaming as i would have done the same, but these people are the ones who then say we are giving the club a bad name.

That was me, trip was organised by, Andy also along were Ian D in the white T2, Sharkie was there too, the defender was my sis and bro in law.

Driving around an illegal obstruction is 100% legal providing you take the shortest possible course. Its technically abating an obsatacle, similarly if you come across a locked gate on a ROW you are entitled to cut the lock to gain access past - but must do the minimum damage possible or you could be liable to criminal damge and you must leave the lock and all pieces etc or its theft.
That was me, trip was organised by, Andy also along were Ian D in the white T2, Sharkie was there too, the defender was my sis and bro in law.

Driving around an illegal obstruction is 100% legal providing you take the shortest possible course. Its technically abating an obsatacle, similarly if you come across a locked gate on a ROW you are entitled to cut the lock to gain access past - but must do the minimum damage possible or you could be liable to criminal damge and you must leave the lock and all pieces etc or its theft.

A little more education given there Si.:clap
A little more education given there Si.:clap

Not strictly true as you may well be committing trespass as you do so. As you know ROWs are usually legally defined in some way as to their width etc..

I agree with the removal of enough of a blockage to allow safe passage, e.g. cutting a fallen tree, but you might be on a sticky wicket with damaging a locked gate....why do you think the council has to give notice to the landowner for removal first - the only time they will intervene physically without notice is when the obstacle presents an immediate danger to walkers somehow.

reverse away and report the blockage (if its a locked gate as opposed to a bit of wood) would be the preferred route surely.
I'm gonna tell you you're wrong Paul, cause you are.

If Si wants to explain to you why you're wrong then he can but to be honest I cant be bothered anymore to argue points of law.

Bid you all a good farewell.
I'm gonna tell you you're wrong Paul, cause you are.

If Si wants to explain to you why you're wrong then he can but to be honest I cant be bothered anymore to argue points of law.

Bid you all a good farewell.

Well with respect Nathan that just evidences the sort of smug arrogance that alienates people in the first place. If you want me to pull up umpteen sources to support my first statement I happily will. Or feel free to Google it to death. Trespass is trespass however you dress it up, but apparently its OK sometimes??? Fraid not - its a common law tort....

And if you are aware of any law that legitimately allows you to physically damage property in a situation that is not threatening by all means post that too? Next you'll be telling me you can break a wheel clamp with impunity?

And we haven't even got on to the eco-friendly subject of all the little frogs that get killed and the pollution thats caused when these dirty, oily trucks wade through a nice clean country stream.

Funny how its one rule for some and another for others....and inconvenient truths often ignored...
Its not smug arrogance, just the truth.

I'm not in the minority, go onto the established 4x4/offroad/greenlane forums and you'll be told the same.

Thats why Dadba's in such a state over this.

He posted on M.C and I along with several others confronted him over the video he posted that he decided to remove the video and try to squirm his way out with pathetic excuses.

I have absolutely no more to say on the subject.

I've tried always to be helpful never obstructive but whats the point.
I wont respond anymore either on the forum or to 'snakes in the grass' pm's.

Bye, bye:)
How did I know you were going to post something like that dadba:augieas for the conflict bit that is def not me:augie but you do have a history of causing conflict.

It was my understanding this site was a club from what members have said over the years & that the site is called the NISSAN4X4OWNERSCLUB:confused::confused::confused:
Well post what you want as I won't be readying this thread any more:augieI do find it strange that peeps can post a load of nothing & nowt is said but if a queation or a debate is raised over something posted that person gets shot down faster than any thing:doh

You knew Id say something like that cos thats why your posting in this thread.
As for my history, yes it would seem that I dont always meet eye to eye with what others may say etc. But as an old boss of mine once told me in my RAF days. "Simpson your fault is you dont suffer fools likely".
Another fault of mine I have noticed Sweety is, I have this uncanny ability to read people like a book.
Its tough being as unique as me tho.
Its not smug arrogance, just the truth.
Well heres an extract from Walsall Council website - explain.

Alternatively you may pass around the obstruction, and deviate from the line of the right of way. Although if the land which you are deviating onto is in the ownership of another landowner you may be trespassing.

How do you know who owns what when you drive through their nice little wood....? Hence the standard advice to simply report the obstruction.

I'm not in the minority, go onto the established 4x4/offroad/greenlane forums and you'll be told the same.

Thats why Dadba's in such a state over this.

He posted on M.C and I along with several others confronted him over the video he posted that he decided to remove the video and try to squirm his way out with pathetic excuses.

Jeezus Krist, I'd be in a state too if I was 'confronted' in that way because I committed a simple civil act of trespass on my own recognisance!!

Sorry to sound so disparaging but I hope you all feel extremely proud of yourselves for acting in such an overbearing, patronising manner!

Arrogance doesn't even begin to cover it frankly.

Lets not forget we are the ones getting slagged here, so don't be surprised at the eventual vehemence of the response.

So next time you see a TW thread, no need to read it eh?
Its not smug arrogance, just the truth.

I'm not in the minority, go onto the established 4x4/offroad/greenlane forums and you'll be told the same.

Thats why Dadba's in such a state over this.

He posted on M.C and I along with several others confronted him over the video he posted that he decided to remove the video and try to squirm his way out with pathetic excuses.

I have absolutely no more to say on the subject.

I've tried always to be helpful never obstructive but whats the point.
I wont respond anymore either on the forum or to 'snakes in the grass' pm's.

Bye, bye:)
Im in a state ??????????????
I had fun and posted a video to prove it.
Your in a state by the sounds of it flower.
Ive just read your pm to me and responded too.
Just look at the way things have gone between so called like minded people ?
Pathetic excuses ???? What excuses ?????? Squirm my way out ????? of what ?????????
Ive tried to explain my actions on the vid and this is your response flower.
Is this what is to be accepted Nathan ????????????
People will have ago at me now for having ago at you having a go at me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think this is all a reflection to how we have become in this wonderful nation we call Great Britain. Self rightous hypocrites.
Thanks for your help tho Nathan Im sure none of us dare go there again after all that carry on.