I'm a great believer in ... " If it ain't broke don't fix it..."
What adjustments have I done to my Mav in nearly 20 years...
Errmmm... Tappets
Tightened up the front wheel bearings...
Raised front torsion bars once due to droop.
I have replaced the oil regularly, filters, and normal service items, and wear and tear items, fan belts, but still got originals as spares, brakes, tyres, upper front ball joints, front ARB joints.
It runs like a sewing machine all of the time, the only ever concern whilst driving once, in a traffic jam due to stuck cars on a hill in snow, there was a whisp of steam from under the bonnet, so when I got home I tightenened a jubilee clip.:thumb2 Sorted.
So does making or adding modifications to a vehicle actually improve it's reliability?
I will let you decide!
Ryan was also a meddler, he modded it to the point of it becoming a non starter, and then off the road... never to be driven again.
OK some mods for serious off roading are essential, but even these can affect reliability, body and suspension lifts cause extra issues to drive shafts and prop shafts, bigger tyres, more wear and tear to bearings and steering idlers, if you have the skills, parts, tools and time to check and replace these items regularly, then fine, Rick and Fez and many others who seriously off road, probably spend more time under their truck than they do behind the wheel whilst off roading.
Fine, it's part of the hobby.:thumb2
I spend more time cleaning the outside of our boat than I do cruising... again part of the hobby.:thumb2
However, if you want a vehicle that will start on the button, every time, drive hundreds of miles at a time without lifting the bonnet, other then to check your fluids, then you want to do as few mods as possible that can affect the overall reliability.
To finish where I started...
"If it ain't broke don't fix it!":thumb2
These wise words were brought to you today by Rustic.