Well put the Mav up for MOT this morning, passed first time with no advisories.
The car hadn't done that many miles since last MOT, and sometimes that can be an issue too.
If you don't use it.... you loose it.
Had to buy a replacement rear washer pump, it had seized through non use £6 for a new one.:doh
I did the usual checks, jack up each corner, check bearings, tyres, ball joints arb's etc
Check lights, wiper blades, graying seat belts, usual stuff they like to give advisories on lol.
We took her out on Sunday for a thrash... when starting there was a plume of smoke...

it pulled like a snail, no get up and go... so wait till warm... red line it in each gear, well tried, didn't make it at first.. couldn't red line.... so a bit more thrashing... After a while it had loosened up a lot, but I still wasn't happy with it.
So yesterday, off to Toolstation and bought a bottle of diesel injector cleaner and put 25 litres of Shell diesel in with it... took her for a 50 mile hike, red lining in each gear, at the end of that session, she was running like a sewing machine.
This morning it started without any smoke at all, these engines are so forgiving.
It runs so smoothly now, slick gear changes, no hesitation, free to red line in the lower gears lol... It can do 80... and still wanted to go, so no point in pushing it lol.
So my Mav totally neglected for nearly 2 years, had oil and filter change and regular checks but left in a warm dry garage, a few short trips, but that's what screws her up, plus old diesel, been in the tank for 6+ months.
Well sitting back in the garage with a 12 month ticket, needs road tax and I'll treat her to a gear / transfer box oil change and antifreeze, and brake and clutch fluid now.
Wasn't worth over spending pre MOT lol I mean, I've spent £6 already getting her through this year lol...
So there you go. Written proof that my Mav is in better health than I am lol.
Uncle Rustic