Noisy thrust bearing

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yes they will have to take the clutch off the flywheel then the bush or absence of it will be easy, if Nissan do not have stock it should be next day, me I would make one from a lump of brass but then I have a lathe, happy days, Rick
Cheers Rick, i will nip round to the garage first thing in the morning and mention it...

Cheers again, will post what happens tomorrow
Rick, quick update, popped round to the garage and they said that that was one of the first things they checked after they realised the clutch was fine....and it is okay, not i will have to wait for the dreaded phone call from them if and when they do actually diagnose the problem
Next thing then is check the end float on the crank with a dial gauge, but do not know what the limits are but it will only be 10 thou or so, much more than that and it is expensive, Rick
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Hi Rick, i have just popped into the garage and they have just about put the motor back together and the boss said he will listen to the noise and have a better idea....i dread to think of what it is gunna cost, on a positive note i have been assured there is nothing wrong with my clutch or gearbox....
back in 1987 i had a brand new escort diesel, from brand new it ratteled until the clutch was depressed, then no noise.
ford said it was normal for a diesel, they checked cluctch bearing and gearbox, but said ok.
ok 170,000 miles later the clutch goes, new clutch fitted no noise.
but i have to admit the bearing seemed fine, the springs on the plate moved about, but dont they all?
if gearbox was already out, i would have personaly changed clutch, just for the sake of it.
my terrano rattles until clutch is pressed, i assumed it was normal, it did it 10,000 miles ago when i got it, and now 10k and 5 months later seems the same, not sure what to do now, big job getting box out on my drive, would engine out be quicker?
just got back from a short trip to france towing 3T, and 6 people, no worse, tempted to leave it.
My Mk 1 box whines except in 5th, but I can put up with it, it has not got any worse since I bought it before Xmas, as for taking the box out v engine, unless you have all the equipment, (gearbox trolley and a lift) I prefer to take the engine out, one of the reasons for this is the engine is fully controlled on the hoist so lining up the spigot without the risk of bending the center plate is far reduced compared to struggling under the motor with a large one-sided lump of gearbox, where one slip can mean damage, once hat has happened it is all for nothing, but I have to say if you have a four post lift and a proper sturdy gearbox trolley and a level floor then box out is the best, bearing in mind that the torsion bars and cross member have to be removed, Rick
My Mk 1 box started to whine, but only on decelerating, say using gears to slow down at junctions.

I contacted Richard at molyslip, and put in 2 types of moly slip, and then followed the advice on this site and slightly overfilled the gearbox by jacking up the near side a few inches so I could get another 250ml + in.

Noise was reduced within 20 miles, and 3-4 years later, still runs near silent.
No oil leaks, easy gear change even when cold.

The problem with the Mk 1 box is that the front bearing is sometimes starved of oil, and the molyslip hangs around longer and the slight overfill helps to splash the front bearing more.

I have posted the quantities etc before, just do a search under molyslip.

The sucess is based on how early you catch the problem, as noise = excessive wear.

I remember the old minis with the sloppy gear knob, when you decelerated, the gearbox made excessive whine, you could hear them from 1/4 mile away, but they lasted for ever.
The problem with the mini, ( Allegro, 1100, Maxi, Princess, Ambassador etc) the gear box and engine shared the same oil, which at best would be 20w 50. :eek:

Hope this helps,
best regards,
Hi guys, quick update...

Got a call from the garage this morning to come round as they wanted to discuss "the noise" i am worried...

Anyway went round, the boss took me outside to the motor, we sat in it, he started it up, pressed the clutch and there was a very slight difference in the engine/ gearbox noise/ tone, however, the noise i had a few days ago has completely gone....and it was almost as if the gaffer didn't believe i had the noise in the first place.

So i asked him what i owed him and he only charged me £150.00, now some may think that expensive as i haven't found out and fixed the problem, but they had quoted me £200.00 to take out and put in the box and £150.00 for the clutch, so i feel i did well.

And to top this off he gave my clutch and box a clean bill of health, result i do think....

Cheers for all of the help and advice :thumbs
Yes i thought i was lucky, especially when bottom end i planned on it costing me £350.00 for clutch and fitting.

I have some miles to do over the weekend so hopefully the noise won't come back.....:thumbs