H233 Axle No-ABS

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Jul 24, 2012
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Right gents, here's a technical one I'd like some help with as it's right boring on here recently!!!

On the new LWB (Tobias) I have a C200 Dacia diff, the rubbish later diff that Nissan costed down that have a habit of pitting and rotting on the casing.

This one is starting to suffer that fate but more worryingly at the moment, it appears to be leaking oil from the front oil seal and I'm pretty sure is the source of my whine that I have at high speeds that seems to be getting worse :doh

I've sourced an older cast H233 axle from an ex member on here but annoyingly it doesn't have ABS :doh :( I stupidly thought that the ABS sensors were mounted onto the hubs of the removable axles however, as Elty has correctly pointed out, they are actually fixed to the axle case itself :banghead

I'd rather not waste the axle so as far as I can work out I have two choices and I reckon the one is going to be a hell of a lot easier than the other but not sure about the legalities of it :nenau

Option 1

Looking at a H233 axle with ABS, it appears that the sensors sit in a specific position on the axle case above where the ABS-rotor lives when the axle shafts are bolted into position

Ideally, I'd like to keep the ABS and retrofit the sensors to the axle case.......

Has anyone here successfully achieved this? Or am I venturing into territory unknown and pi**ing into the wind to achieve something that it's really not worth wasting time on? Which if the case, brings me onto the second plan.

Option 2

I'm assuming that if I disconnect the current sensors on my C200 axle, I'm going to induce the ABS light on the dashboard, with safety and MOT time to think about, I'm not keen on just pulling the bulb :doh

I've been told I could link the rear ABS sensor wires to the fronts but in the real world environment, how would the truck behave? I'd assume I'd still get ABS at the front but what about the rears? Would they lock up or would I just get crappy braking efficiency?

Lots to think about here, I'd appreciate everyone's input..... those of you that are left :rolleyes:
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Removing the bulb may not be an option Zac, it really depends on how thorough the MOT tester is.

If you have a tester who does it by the book then he/she will check that the light comes on briefly when switching on the ignition. Obviously if the bulb is removed it won’t come on and should set alarm bells ringing. Chances are that not many will actually look for it.

Obviously it has further safety implications as you stated yourself.
Removing the bulb may not be an option Zac, it really depends on how thorough the MOT tester is.

If you have a tester who does it by the book then he/she will check that the light comes on briefly when switching on the ignition. Obviously if the bulb is removed it won’t come on and should set alarm bells ringing. Chances are that not many will actually look for it.

Obviously it has further safety implications as you stated yourself.

I'd never just pull the bulb, if the bulb was being illuminated then the system would already not be functioning correctly and that's not cool
Tricky one this, no you cannot just fit the sensors to the axle, bit of a weird one this anyway as although the original axle has a sensor on each wheel the rear brakes are only fed with one line so in the event of one wheel locking both wheels will have cadence braking, unlike the fronts that are independent, anyway, you can get round the bulb issue by making up a little time delay module to turn the bulb on for a few seconds after the ignition is switched on, however if the tester is in the habit of locking the wheels then he will feel that no ABS is operating and so fail the car, but in reality this would be a rare happening on dry rollers as there is a high risk of stripping the tread from the tyres, wet rollers is another thing, Rick
If you are stripping the diff down to replace the innards into the stronger casing then drilling it to take the sensors is an option.
I almost went down this route when i was going to swap to petrol diffs from the Maverick but couldn't be arsed with the faff.
As a disclaimer, I don’t know anything about the Terrano so this may not be possible!

You mentioned previously that Terrance needs lots of work doing and that he will be off the road for a bit longer. Is it possible to swap Terrance’s axle to Tobias or are they completely different axles? Or no ABS on Terrance?

As Tobias was “only” bought as a runaround you can get Terrance up and running and then swap axles over again before selling Tobias. A lot of work but if the axles are compatible and they both have ABS then it should be easier then trying to fit ABS sensors to a non ABS axle.
Tricky one this, no you cannot just fit the sensors to the axle, bit of a weird one this anyway as although the original axle has a sensor on each wheel the rear brakes are only fed with one line so in the event of one wheel locking both wheels will have cadence braking, unlike the fronts that are independent, anyway, you can get round the bulb issue by making up a little time delay module to turn the bulb on for a few seconds after the ignition is switched on, however if the tester is in the habit of locking the wheels then he will feel that no ABS is operating and so fail the car, but in reality this would be a rare happening on dry rollers as there is a high risk of stripping the tread from the tyres, wet rollers is another thing, Rick

Nice one Rick, I hadn't even considered about the cylinders on the rear being fed by a single feed, makes me want to get rid of the ABS all together now :lol

Is old skool GayBS worth the bother ?
I'd bin it and go with stronger axle, assuming its LSD

I'd agree Pete if it was a truck I was keeping for myself but as I'll be selling it at some point I'd like it to work as Nissan intended it to otherwise I'm going to get pillocks trying to knock hundreds off :doh

As a disclaimer, I don’t know anything about the Terrano so this may not be possible!

You mentioned previously that Terrance needs lots of work doing and that he will be off the road for a bit longer. Is it possible to swap Terrance’s axle to Tobias or are they completely different axles? Or no ABS on Terrance?

As Tobias was “only” bought as a runaround you can get Terrance up and running and then swap axles over again before selling Tobias. A lot of work but if the axles are compatible and they both have ABS then it should be easier then trying to fit ABS sensors to a non ABS axle.

Terrance has a H233B that I sourced from the same place but did have the ABS built in, I did a full rebuild on it and that's currently one of few parts still on Terrance at the moment, I don't really want to take it off as that's a very very slippy slope :eek:



If you are stripping the diff down to replace the innards into the stronger casing then drilling it to take the sensors is an option.
I almost went down this route when i was going to swap to petrol diffs from the Maverick but couldn't be arsed with the faff.

Some more reading and research to do methinks :question