My Journey to ALASKA

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Found this old mineshaft on Hunker creek where Bob had claim,just had to go down it


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Oh i forgot to say it was only 2mts deep it had been filled in.

This is the map of the area of where he worked his claim. they had to file this claim with the authorities in Seattle but first they had to have US citizenship and then a piece of land measuring 100yds x 50yds was the claim,gold was found originally on Rabbit Creek later changed to Bonanza creek


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This photo is the gang of men and woman working on No 10 above ( the claims were numbered and also "above" and "below" the creek) Bob is third from the left on the back row.


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In the early days in Dawson the gold was in the creeks and easy to find but as time went on that source dried up and then mines were dug and then water canons were used to wash the paydirt down to settling ponds were it was seperated from the gold and later the giant dredgers came in they dug themselves lagoons and excavated as they went along,they were giant floating buildings processing the the ground and separating stones and soil then finally the gold and spewing the waste at the rear of the dredger known as tailings,these can be seen clearly on google earth at dawson alaska(abbreviated to ak)


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on the front boom there was a buckets conveyor scooping up the dirt by the ton and transferring the spoil to a series of conveyors which then sifted the spoil through various sized mesh screens until the finest soil was washed and the gold separated


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the nugget was found in1995 the largest ever found from the Nolan area where Bob mined.

this next photo was also gathered from the Nolan mines.


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We stayed in Dawson for a few days before moving on to Whitehorse.
here are some pics of strange to me vehicles.


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This might be a bit morbid but i couldn't pass by without taking a pic the pipework fascinated me.amazing what you can do with common steel waterpipe


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