Thankyou for your kind comments,i have spent more than two years researching this epic story,before and after going to Alaska.I have bought back many of Bob's belongings which i shall put pics of on here, the people of Wiseman had kept everything and were waiting for someone from his family to turn up, amazing or what?
Anyhow back to the story,
It was wonderful scenery driving down to Scagway as this is the place that the pioneers landed to start the epic journey over the mountains to Lake Bennet and then to Dawson over 500mls away, and at the end of Lake Bennet was Carcross and the start of the mighty Yukon river which makes it way over 2000mls to it's end at the Bearing Sea.
We arrived quite late so we parked off Main st for the night unknowingly about 20mts from the White Pass railway,we were woken up to hell of a racket as the engines passed by shaking the RV, we soon moved to a trailer park