this was a famous brothel in the early days, i could not resist a visit, i had a $10 on me, but was disappointed as it only sold sweets and ice cream and all i got was a 99 with sprinkley bits on top what a bugger!!!!!!11
This mobile railway sleeper eater was awesome it had 2 caterpillar twin turbo diesels it sounded a beast,they loaded it with broken sleepers and it spat out woodchips.
We decided to go on the White pass railway from Scagway up to the Canadian border where the engine was reversed and attached to the opposite end,just because the passengers were not allowed into Canada without proper documents and permits so nothing has changed in 120yrs or so.
We set off at low level following river and gradually climbing upwards and entering a tunnel
we were soon up to 400ft twisting it's way along the contours of the mountain on 3ft gauge narrow track, we pass a boulder weighing 100ton where 2 workmen are buried underneath it
along the side of the railway there is a track called the Chilkoot trail where more stampeeders paid to take there 1ton of supplies to Whitehorse, there is a ravine that is called dead horse gulch where hundreds of mules and horses perished through rockslides and avalalanches and starvation carrying heavy loads.
we came across a sign that said Brackets Trail
This guy Bracket was a conman( and their were a lot of them trying to and succeeded in relieving the stampeeders of there money) and he had a trail made for about 1mile or so in the snow going up in towards the mountain and he sold bicycles to the unsuspecting stampeeders telling them it would be easier to cycle up the mountain pass that he had made charging them a fortune for using his trail.
As we trundled along i looked out through the window and saw this wooden trellis bridge and nearly crapped myself,i thought we can't be going over that , there were log poles missing in places