mothers banned for being british

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whether you like it or not , this country ( england ) is a multicultural society, many faiths / many customs .... all grouped together to form our country , that is what is great about it .... we must learn to live to live with our compatriots in harmony .... by creating divisions through race / colour etc , we are effectively creating divisions within our country , yes i said our country :thumb2

our country, you are having a laugh surely, they will take over mate, you and me, may not be around, but what about our grandsons/ daughters, they will have to put up with them, as far as im concerned they are welcome to stay BUT abide with law and culture.

as for aushwitcz/birkenau, that was the work of a mad man, and i know people who lost relatives there.
if you wish to find out more on the effects of creating a white or aryan super race ... may i suggest you take a visit to southern poland and visit aushwitcz/birkenau ..... very enlightening

Briggie, is it me or is this getting silly now? Interesting, but the true Aryans came from northern India a place where the swastika has cultural and religious significance - it's where the Nazi's stole it from - and then set out to exterminate any real Aryans to create their own perverted idea of an Aryan race.

Britain has been a multi cultural society for ever. We have a history of racial violence - the romans persecuted people with red hair - in the year 1290, Jews were exiled from England (after a lot of anti Jewish violence - in 1535, being a 'Gypsy' was a hanging offense. It is nothing new, and still unacceptable.

I think the present problem is with the pace of change, and the fact that the country now has more people in it than ever. Tension is running high - and these childish and bad attitudes don't help.

I suggest we pack this thread in now, and move on to something else :nenau
i find it ofensive when some cretin whos living in a country with ifinate possibilitys and is providing him with place safety decides he wants to take it back to the dark ages because he thinks some profit says he should he wants to live in dark ages go to afghanistan im sure some would swap and relish his opertunity.
i thrive on these kindve threads keeps me ocupied keep it going as its a subject dear to my heart lol
i find it ofensive when some cretin whos living in a country with ifinate possibilitys and is providing him with place safety decides he wants to take it back to the dark ages because he thinks some profit says he should he wants to live in dark ages go to afghanistan im sure some would swap and relish his opertunity

Like i said, you describe the (bad) actions of one (bad) man, and what you say is true, but it's not true for a whole race or faith.

think about this:

All English people are racists!

is it true?
every body has a tinge of racisym in them every body is so hung up on racisym and panders to ethnic mnorities to such an extent they play on it and use it to there advantage.
when the question was asked of young muslims is suicide bombing ok most said yes!
tezzers picture speaks a thousand words
every body has a tinge of racisym in them every body is so hung up on racisym and panders to ethnic mnorities to such an extent they play on it and use it to there advantage.
when the question was asked of young muslims is suicide bombing ok most said yes!
tezzers picture speaks a thousand words

I'm not hung up on it I'm just challenging it where it is found - this is considered good practice. If you had ever been the victim of racism and racist violence you would see my point.

It is people making racist comments that give people an excuse to 'play on it' - you cant have a row with yourself! Bigoted and ill informed comments just inflame the situation and make things worse. It's time for everyone to sit back and take a mature view on this.:thumb2
oh ive seen this first hand people being bollocked then comming back with your being racist no it was a bollocking no matter what colour creed you are it was comming, the country has swung to far in there favour at the indignous person.come to this country intergrate adapt or come to this country play the system and shrink back into own groups and feel opressed.
the easiest way to think about this is for one of us to go to iran,saudi,dubai and drink or preach that mohammed was a fagot or burn the equivlent of a poppy at a home comming parade how long do you think wed survive,over here he has a legal right to do such things and exersizes it yet the society he advocates would have him stoned to death for his crimes and wouldnt pay for his widow and kids to live rent free in a council house!
spot on mate, but no one has the balls to go there and try it out, because they know the out come, but here we have to put up and shut up for fear of upsetting the aliens. :augie:thumb2
spot on mate, but no one has the balls to go there and try it out, because they know the out come, but here we have to put up and shut up for fear of upsetting the aliens. :augie:thumb2

I have tried, and no one can say i haven't. :nenau

what sad society we live in :(

Religion is used as an excuse for various types of behavior but that is not a trait reserved for religion.If for instance you have green people who have no value for human life or little respect for themselves or others then that is unaceptable.However if we condemn green people we are racist.Every religion/culture is in some way unique and I firmly believe in tolerance and acceptance.However.... if that tolerance is betrayed by extremists then unfortunately it is up to all the green people to control the extremists or be judged with them.It is very difficult to differentiate between a good shark and a bad shark and I for one do not want to be bitten.I do sympathise with the sharks but will stay away from them if I can.Thats life ! There is no easy answer.:bow
i thrive on these kindve threads keeps me ocupied keep it going as its a subject dear to my heart lol

Yeah - but when you've only got a hammer all of your problems are nails. I think we should close he thread since none of are going to change our minds.
you all have seen these so called people, Muslims etc. on TV, they act like animals they are not civilised enough to live here we treat or animals better than they treat their families, oh except for the male child he can do no wrong, girls are scorned upon by their fathers, we have a very good friend who's daughter married a Turk, she bought him an England football kit, the Turk beat her and burned the football kit, now that is not right in this country, the sooner they are stopped from coming here and the ones that are here are deported the better. they are scum. just think if that was your daughter before you answer.
hammer,nails seems all my problems are solved lol! be carefull that could have religous zealots crashing about crosses etc!
Well I have read most of this stuff and I am just going to put my little bit in for what it is worth, over the years I have made many friends many of whom are not of this country, and from different religions, what they or I for that matter want to worship or not is of no concern, what is a concern to me is if they want to live here then they abide by our ways, if they do not like our ways, then go back home, I am being very very polite here, but we do not want you, as for the European courts stopping us returning these idiots to their home land, I did not vote for it and I bet most others did not either, so the sooner we pull out of this EU crap the better, but I doubt it will happen, Rick
Well I have read most of this stuff and I am just going to put my little bit in for what it is worth, over the years I have made many friends many of whom are not of this country, and from different religions, what they or I for that matter want to worship or not is of no concern, what is a concern to me is if they want to live here then they abide by our ways, if they do not like our ways, then go back home, I am being very very polite here, but we do not want you, as for the European courts stopping us returning these idiots to their home land, I did not vote for it and I bet most others did not either, so the sooner we pull out of this EU crap the better, but I doubt it will happen, Rick

well said rick, but unfortunately there are some members who dont mind them coming here and, well taking over i suppose, do as Australia's prime minister said, we speak English, you learn it or go home, we are Christians, so live with it or go home, and much more, but this gutless government just let the EU: tread over us, as usual. :doh
:clap and before any more terrible (and illegal) comments are made :thumb2

yes, close it because you know it is true and the majority of British people feel the same, except a few who also happen to be members on here by the sounds of it. BNP rocks.
yes, close it because you know it is true and the majority of British people feel the same, except a few who also happen to be members on here by the sounds of it. BNP rocks.

no mate, i now it's not true, and the majority of British people don't beleive it. Fortunately racists are a very small minority. I meant close it before it goes to far!
wow 6 pages of entertainment,

mind you nearly didnt bother when saw ref to daily mail in first post.

just knew it could only go up hill from there....

look if worst thing comes to it, i'm with plank and the caravan party,

have a look at channel 4 tuesday nights 9pm, reckon those gypsy &
travellers have got best idea certainly look after their kids like no one
else...see ya on the road.
wow 6 pages of entertainment,

mind you nearly didnt bother when saw ref to daily mail in first post.

just knew it could only go up hill from there....

look if worst thing comes to it, i'm with plank and the caravan party,

have a look at channel 4 tuesday nights 9pm, reckon those gypsy &
travellers have got best idea certainly look after their kids like no one
else...see ya on the road.
