mothers banned for being british

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And many Muslims can not "piss of home" as home is here! I know a lot of mulims who have family trees strethcing back in Britain for many generations, and who are whiter than me! It is a faith not a race, so therefore, if you became a Muslim tomorrw, and you could if you chose, where would you piss off home too? If you do decide to convert, i'll still be you mate, i'm not biased against anyone! :thumb2

I do not condone disrespect for women, but apparently niether does the Koran and many of the misiterpretation of it added to bits of old bedoiun customs and faiths that predated Islam are the problem.

As an example, no where in the bible does it mention people going to 'heaven', or God as a 'trinity', and no where does it reference homosexuality in women. But these things are still practised or condemed by many Christian groups! Other Christian things that do not come from the bible are Christmas, Easter, etc. etc. But everyone still does them!

There is good and bad in every community, and it's not fair to blame everyone in a group for the actions of a few!

I do enjoy a good debate, maybe we can discuss 4x4's next? :nenau :lol

i know what your saying, but this a a Christian country and if they decide to make their home here, then they should respect that, but they don't and that's why i don't have time for them, they give the impression they want to take over, which is what Enoch Powell said in the 60-70 or there abouts. :augie
the muslim faith tells you to go out and recruit more to the faith to be a good muslim,so yes they will take over and by time politicians realise itll be to late.
all religions are bad or are interpreted to be bad by some of its followers and mopst things that are bad or cause trouble are branded a menace and banned so ban all religions job done close borders have an audit boot out all ilegals take back control of this country simpleze!
the muslim faith tells you to go out and recruit more to the faith to be a good muslim,so yes they will take over and by time politicians realise itll be to late.
all religions are bad or are interpreted to be bad by some of its followers and mopst things that are bad or cause trouble are branded a menace and banned so ban all religions job done close borders have an audit boot out all ilegals take back control of this country simpleze!

so does Christianity! think of all the branches of Christianity that actively do this all over the world. The catholic missions that set up schools in impoverished nations, the Jehova's witnesses who call at your door, the salvation army that recruit the homeless and save the alcoholics and drug addicts.

Now, be honest - have you had a christian organisation call at your door to bring their Christian message? probably yes.

has anyone ever tried to convert you to islam? probably no

I have been in a lot of mosques, and a lot of churches and the experience is (to me as a godless heathen anyway) pretty much the same.:nenau

There are plans to bulid a 'super mosque' close to me and i don't want it, i am concerned about the influence radical islam is having on British culture. But i don't think branding all muslims as bad is going to help.

And, i do agree on clamping down on ilegal immigrants, i am also not in agreement with many of our past governments immigration policies :thumb2

the problem with closing the borders is - you miss out on all the imigrants who come and ofer usufull services: the greek shipping bilionaires that pay more tax in a week than we will earn in a lifetime, the surgeons and doctors, the nurses who made up the numbers when we were in need. The billions invested by arabic oil producing nations etc.
Could someone amend or remove the post from Planl where I have been misquotes. Please. Thank you.

I did not say --
Originally Posted by Sedger

the problem with
[some] muslims [and some christians, hindus Sikhs, buddists, etc.] is they do not respect women,etc.:naughty

well i spoke to a muslim friend this morning , who told me that islam is actually a very peacefull religion , unfortunately as in other religions ( including christianity ) people take extreme views, dont forget he said also about the crusades ...... as for debates ... ive always been called a great mass debater ..... or i think thats what they said :rolleyes:
in my humble opinion ..... in order to discriminate you need to set boundaries ... either religion .... colour....nationallity or any other ....and that is how wars start.

as a christian is discriminating against a catholic considered as acceptable as discriminating against a muslim ? ..... hm dont think so

colour ?.....that is a very dangerous game to play

nationallity ? .... what about scots/welsh/irish etc?

starts to get complicated doesnt it ?
Could someone amend or remove the post from Planl where I have been misquotes. Please. Thank you.

I did not say --
Originally Posted by Sedger

the problem with
[some] muslims [and some christians, hindus Sikhs, buddists, etc.] is they do not respect women,etc.:naughty


NO you didn't mate, Tezzer said it, if you read back to Tezzer's post you will see there is an anomoly in the way the 'quote' has been copied, and i have then copied it again :eek: sorry

So the original quote was Tezzer, the red additions inside square brakets were my own

I apoligise for my part in the mistake.
No worries. Wasn't looking for an apology (although nice to have one - thank you - you are a gent and a scholar) just looking for the record to be put straight. Perhaps the moderator could sort it. Never quite sure who that is.
No worries. Wasn't looking for an apology (although nice to have one - thank you - you are a gent and a scholar) just looking for the record to be put straight. Perhaps the moderator could sort it. Never quite sure who that is.

hopefuly i've quoted you correctly this time! The mistake starts with a quote in Tezzers post, then i quoted Tezzer. So mods that is the way to go about fixing, take the 'quote sedger' out of Tezzer's post, and then change it to Quote Tezzer in mine.
im an equal opertunities anoyer,i dont care what nationality,colour,religion or sexuality if theres something i dont like ill insult them lol.
and any interpretation of a faith that demeens women and says they can be raped or beaten for not wearing a veil is a few hundred yrs outve date and to run round burning things and threatening to kill cartoonists is a bit pathectic same goes for sikhs who closed a cinema/theatre for a rape scene of sikh girl is no better.
religion a dangerous thing look at those irish cathlics intimidating junior school kids a few yrs ago how sad are they ban all religions ban all immagration unless they have proper kills needed weed out the illegals send em home rant rant rant!
in my humble opinion ..... in order to discriminate you need to set boundaries ... either religion .... colour....nationallity or any other ....and that is how wars start.

as a christian is discriminating against a catholic considered as acceptable as discriminating against a muslim ? ..... hm dont think so

colour ?.....that is a very dangerous game to play

nationallity ? .... what about scots/welsh/irish etc?

starts to get complicated doesnt it ?

well said that man! It is my personla belief that the bst thing to do is to try and be as non-judgemental and non-dicriminatory and tolerant as you can possibly be - even if it means biting your toungue occasionaly :augie

and when some one (or a grop of people) does somthing wrong, judge the action and the circumstance not their whole life and the group you have mentaly allocated them too.

for example, if an English lad brakes a greenhose window on purpose, he did it beacuse he was having a 'naughty moment' not becasue he was English :thumb2

I know it's easier said than done and i get it wrong at least as many times as anyone else, probably more, but i do try :)
no thats ok islam and his countrys laws permit it but over here thankfully our laws would protect her,then hopefully send em both home to beat crap outve each other in peace lol whilst dodging trigger happy yanks lol
whether you like it or not , this country ( england ) is a multicultural society, many faiths / many customs .... all grouped together to form our country , that is what is great about it .... we must learn to live to live with our compatriots in harmony .... by creating divisions through race / colour etc , we are effectively creating divisions within our country , yes i said our country :thumb2
whether you like it or not , this country ( england ) is a multicultural society, many faiths / many customs .... all grouped together to form our country , that is what is great about it .... we must learn to live to live with our compatriots in harmony .... by creating divisions through race / colour etc , we are effectively creating divisions within our country , yes i said our country :thumb2

dont like never will but thanks to the halfwits in charge im stuck with it,off to plant few bombs on trains,plains and busses because i hate there way of life so much !
if you wish to find out more on the effects of creating a white or aryan super race ... may i suggest you take a visit to southern poland and visit aushwitcz/birkenau ..... very enlightening
not heard of many jewish suicide bombers maybe there peculair to your neck woods mate?
this will be my last comment on the above matter , but that last comment wasnt only sick , but was very offensive considering where i live