mothers banned for being british

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if therein our country they should conform to our ways they do not want to live like us just take over that is the muslims religous duty the nazis went about it wrong lol
if therein our country they should conform to our ways they do not want to live like us just take over that is the muslims religous duty the nazis went about it wrong lol

spot on jace, australia wont have them unless they comform australian way of life, as they say in OZ "if you dont like it get out" it's a pity our government dont do the same. :thumb2
ive seen those ausie port authority guys on the telly no messin about this countrys gone far to pc but slyly all our rights have been taken away by blair and co teror laws to spy on people to make sure there kids go to right school etc
how did we get to slaggin off muslims?

don't get me wrong there is good and bad in every culture, just today i have had to get invlved with a group of young islamic thugs using their faith and ethnicity as a shield and an excuse to bully people.

but i also met (for the second time) a nice young islamic doctor, and had an email from a friend who is also a muslim and a brilitant teacher who, personaly tutors kids who are struggling, in his spare time - FOR FREE!

When Brits move abroad they don't have to integrate, there are whole communities of 'ex-pats' and look at how we changed nations like Australia, did we integrate with the Aborigonal people? no we mass murdered them. Ditto for the USA.

And what about all the Brits living abroad today? I have a family member who has made a lot of money manufacturing in china and Roumania, why? because it was cheaper than paying British wages - and he sent all the goods to shops pver here. So he has essentialy taken millions from the inland revenue by his descision to move production elsewhere. It's all swings and roundabouts! Some peple come here from abroad and take, and others come and give!

We have heard some valid points here, regarding our contriy's present problems - and those that put the blame where it's due, at the feet of greedy bankers etc. and the politicians who let them get away with it, even bail them out at our exspense.

as i said if you want to stop the spread of Islam, support you local church, go to a service once a week and put some cash on the plate. If not, don't moan when they are all closed down and turned into mosques by people who can be bothered to get up and go :thumb2
muslim dr mmm airports spring to mind lol religion of any kind is a bad idea none of it is proveable so should not be taught in schools the reason guest house ruling seems to me to rule faith schools ilegal but i think they got special exception.!/PatCondell

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muslims are to blame for everything and as lady warsi said its the in thing lol
muslims are to blame for everything and as lady warsi said its the in thing lol

lol, it certainly is, and if you'd seen some of the behaviour from young muslims that i have seen this week it's hard to balme people for feeling that way.

But, scapegoating people wont solve the contries problems, as i said it's a religeon that people percieve as 'taing over' the way to prevent this would be for everyone who is concerened to support their local church. But it aint gonna happen, i know i don't want to go to church, don't see why anyone would, so we only have ourselves to blame!
ban all religion its the cause of most wars/disputes (ni,gaza,israel etc)
or start a new peacfull one, if i was going to have a faith, it would proabaly be a buddist, you don't see many of them casuing trouble do you? :)
muslims are to blame for everything and as lady warsi said its the in thing lol

She was not saying this at all. She was saying that it's become the accepted thing to be anti-muslim. Almost the norm. She did say, in effect, that there are some bad muslims. And she's right. There's bad christians, sikhs, janes, budhists. Even some well bad 4x4 drivers! We're dealing with the human condition.

Problems start when the media grow an atmosphere of hatred against one particular element of society. That's when all of society's problems are blamed on that group - by "the man in the street".

Sure, there are organised groups of muslim thugs in the inner city areas - who are into all sorts of things as we've seen from the press (young girls groomed etc). But this is not because they are muslim - its because of where they live, the absence of work etc etec.

Turning to the Muslim religion - there are many brands of this - all have a different take on the guidance given by their prophet. But having had a look into this it seems that the violent/take over the world brand is a distortion of the true religion.

Cards on teh table - I'm an atheist - I think that religions have been and are a tool of the elite to give us all something to think about.

Hope this is grown up enuff.:cool:
I think that religions have been and are a tool of the elite to give us all something to think about.

Spot on...they have always been about control and power and are more trouble than good IMHO.

Its like charities. Tip for the out-of-work...start a donkey charity. Have you noticed how, despite the fact there are probably only about 100 working donkeys ona few beaches in the UK, there seem to be 000s in 'sanctuaries' all over the place? Where the feck do they all come from??????

Well it works like rent a field, get a couple of donkeys, register as a charity, start collecting money, take yourself out a nice salary and expenses and spend whats left on straw and carrots.....and if you think I'm joking I'm not!

I once looked at the accounts of Guide Dogs for the Blind and they had enough cash in hand to pay for a new dog for every blind person in the UK about seven times over without ever collecting another penny. And when I worked in the finance business years ago I used to arrange facilities for one of the biggest charities in the UK...what I saw there in terms of where/how the money got spent stopped me from ever again putting a sodding shilling in a collection pot.
guide dogs have two massive complexs near me and were critisized for spending oodles on art and carpet for offices,charitys make you laugh i did some work for a christian center nr stratford they head hunted the head of ibm to project manage there new building project maybe he was cost effective i dont know!
Sure, there are organised groups of muslim thugs in the inner city areas - who are into all sorts of things as we've seen from the press (young girls groomed etc). But this is not because they are muslim - its because of where they live, the absence of work etc etec.

the problem with muslims is they do not respect women, they seem to thing they can do what they like to them, well they probably can in their own country, but not here, they have to respect our culture or pi** off home, and these thugs know that we wont cut their hands off for thieving etc.:naughty
the problem with [some] muslims [and some christians, hindus Sikhs, buddists, etc.] is they do not respect women,etc.:naughty

And many Muslims can not "piss of home" as home is here! I know a lot of mulims who have family trees strethcing back in Britain for many generations, and who are whiter than me! It is a faith not a race, so therefore, if you became a Muslim tomorrw, and you could if you chose, where would you piss off home too? If you do decide to convert, i'll still be you mate, i'm not biased against anyone! :thumb2

I do not condone disrespect for women, but apparently niether does the Koran and many of the misiterpretation of it added to bits of old bedoiun customs and faiths that predated Islam are the problem.

As an example, no where in the bible does it mention people going to 'heaven', or God as a 'trinity', and no where does it reference homosexuality in women. But these things are still practised or condemed by many Christian groups! Other Christian things that do not come from the bible are Christmas, Easter, etc. etc. But everyone still does them!

There is good and bad in every community, and it's not fair to blame everyone in a group for the actions of a few!

I do enjoy a good debate, maybe we can discuss 4x4's next? :nenau :lol