its bluddie ridiculous , im cross

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Unlikely ;) but you didnt need me to tell you that.

We do an op now and then on the A19, emergency layby has double yellows. HA or whoever suspends them for the duration .............. that creates some good questions from the public :lol:lol:lol:lol

my point was, that when laws change, previous occurrences don't matter no retrospective prosecutions or compensation and why should the prisoners and the vote be any different?
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everyone can find enemies or a conflict situation very easily , sometimes without trying , but its a lot harder to find and keep friends , this forum is amazing and unique , surely its in everyones best interests to keep it that way and avoid potential conflicts ? :thumb2
everyone can find enemies or a conflict situation very easily , sometimes without trying , but its a lot harder to find and keep friends , this forum is amazing and unique , surely its in everyones best interests to keep it that way and avoid potential conflicts ? :thumb2

Well said that man, Rick
well if we all try to mod our selves, thinking before typing
we can stick to enjoying our trucks and peripheral interests
which is why we are all here.

if i wanted politics i'd join a suitable forum, and then not
gripe about trucks lol
well if we all try to mod our selves, thinking before typing
we can stick to enjoying our trucks and peripheral interests
which is why we are all here.

if i wanted politics i'd join a suitable forum, and then not
gripe about trucks lol

Agreed, only light hearted political stuff, and it is interesting to cover other subjects, it enriches the brain but lets not get too heavy, enjoy, Rick
threatening pms from a mod with his own personal problems being vented on others then getting his mate to delete it aint what i call clever,why dont people grow a backbone and say to person they dont agree with seems a logical situation to me contact memebr by pm if no good escalate your problem to a mod who can then go to bat if needed! no one has said anything ive been upset by but nothing anoys me more than an abuse of power!
threatening pms from a mod with his own personal problems being vented on others then getting his mate to delete it aint what i call clever,why dont people grow a backbone and say to person they dont agree with seems a logical situation to me contact memebr by pm if no good escalate your problem to a mod who can then go to bat if needed! no one has said anything ive been upset by but nothing anoys me more than an abuse of power!

back bone you want you got it , plenty have been upset by comments made here by you jace others warned have decided to pack it in so far.

threatening pms from a mod giving you a final warning. that you still ignored

and suggesting my personal problems with another member has any relevance to my or anyone elses moderating ability . especially as you do not know the facts about our issues and you could have only heard one side of the story, and im not about to discuss my issues with other member here on this forum.
that is the point everyone was trying to make in recent threads that we let run to get a point across. unless you know the facts you are not in a position to judge people or situations. we as mods can only act on what is here on the forum thats why we watch everything and base our decisions on the facts on the forum alone.

everyone was warned not just you. tezzer was adz was plank... everyone .
it was not one sided everyone was asked nicely to stop posting threads that could cause problems and despite terry getting the hump he was the first to stop and i thought saw the problem we had . others got final warnings,, and threads deleted and they seem to have finally got the message.... but jace you just dont get it. EVERYONE WAS ASKED TO STOP POTENTIALLY UPSETTING THREADS.

and guess what your still going on . no one wants members to leave, no one wanted to censor people or prevent threads running for grown up debate . but it just got silly so we had to put a hold on it so it could calm down a bit. no one wants to kick people off the forum .

you have had your final warning, you should be deleted . im trying very hard to get this message over to you . any more and its very public now so . if you disapear / deleted everyone will know you had a fair chance to drop it .

end of.

lets hope you remain a member and just give it a rest lets get back to nissan, 4x4's and fun stuff ay
no i have done nothing wrong,nors plank adz,tezzer etc you better go censor david cammeron as he seems to agree with most of the stuff people got on there high horse about!,im awaiting bats response as when he started the rival forum to this it was because we had no fredom to do stuf we werent even allowed to post pictures let alone swear! bat came in and changed all that yet seems you want to take us back to dark ages bat even posted in one threads half naked girl in face mask if thats ok whats wrong with anything any of the "chosen ones" youve listed,so go pick on someone with less backbone than me buddy coz i aint done nowt wrong and dont apreciate sad little men whove got power abusing it!
by the way that offensive thread was deleted ages ago and all forgotten about,couldnt even remember what it was i wanted to tell plank to prove a point the other day,i was gutted!
all youve done is re stoke the fire by draggin it all back up well done!
id also be gratefull if youd direct me to my latest outrages thread,i cant seem to find it?
My very 'umble opinion is that, this being an adult site for use by adults, the only time threads should be deleted is if someone raises a formal and justifiable complaint about the content thereof.

The name of the forum (Pub Thread) is a bit of a clue....I've seen no conversation here that hasn't taken place in my local, and the joy of having a mixed membership is that theres always someone to jump in and tear a strip off anyone they think has overstepped the mark....its happens on every "controversial" thread, and in my view, is an excellent opportunity for some sort of 'education'.

I've said it before, but even people who you may think have expressed extreme views have always had some personal experience that colours their judgement. I mean I've had first hand knowledge of reverse racism of a sort that would have me shooting in the streets if it was me it was happening to, but it was outside my geography so I could afford to ignore it eventually, so people shouldn't be so quick to judge...but by all means argue your point.

Suppressing debate of the sort we've seen is invariably a bad idea whatever you think, and I'm sure most people would agree, including all of those engaged in it.

And if Bat wants to break peoples contract thats fine, its his website.
i dont think bat would he took over this site to change it make it easier/less restrictive no disrepect to mav bats got better it skills so can let us do more so i dont see him shutting peoples acounts itd be a bit hipercritical if he did!
Getting totally pissed off with this political correctness, ive got rights antagonism.

I would suggest paul is bang on with the clues in the name. If all we talked about was trucks jeeezzzzz this would be a dull site.

However there is a fine line and i think the mods on here tread it very well (and im no yes man)

Youve got to judge the drift of a topic or the lead by "would any reasonable person be offended or upset by this" The mods are the "reasonable person" if they say yes then the answer is yes.

Thats the structure of society be it a forum or a nation.

Im thick skinned so not bothered but tbh but there have been posts and individuals comments which would have been well justified receiving complaints, and many of them would have been worthy of further action.

Ive no desire to be a mod but if i was theres one or two threads that would have been history by my button for the wellbeing of the site on the whole.

Not my opinion, fact based on the law which could get you anything from words of advice to a stretch.

Even worse a civil complaint or action could get the site closed down. Unlikely but far from impossible.

Think about it.
its the same old flipping story isnt it. Just like a real pub "discussion" theres ALWAYS someone thats had too much to drink with an over infalted opinion, and its usually them that get man handled out the back door.

i find its best to just get along, keep the opinions yes, but keep them under control, well considered and appropriate, and dont just mouth off.

YET ANOTHER THREAD hijacked with these silly arguments. Why am I even posting this? I know why......
Nowww.............back on topic...........

Something struck me yesterday after id switched the computer off.

When you vote, you vote for the area you live in, so where would the jailbirds be voting for? where the prison is located? could cause massive problems. or where they are allegedly from and never bothered registering previously?

Could cause some odd results
actually, thats a bloody good point.

think about it, the biggest prisons would mean better results for the local party, wouldnt it? or at least the odds have just gone up...could that be a factor in this decision to give them rights perhaps? I think its very underhanded if so.
maybe but from whats i can see seems one mod has took umpphh/fell out with a few of his ol chums,this has nowt to do with me exept when posts critiscing a descion dissapeer it gets my goat if you have a problem face it dont delete stuff,had enough of that before bat took over i dont wanna go back to old days and to get a shitty pm days after the awful upsetting threads long gone an when im offline p's me off.
next thread i start will be a copy of a mr d cameroons speech from other day if its ok for international stage its good enough for here!
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