its bluddie ridiculous , im cross

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argghh but its about the right to vote and yes to stop starnge results register to home town be a nightmare to adminster one person could influence/buy votes then theres transfer to different prison etc etc be a nightmare!
Haven't had the energy to read all this bull of late but with regards prisoners votes I have the following comment:
Why not start with new prisoners going in having the "right" to vote in their normal home area.
That way there'd be no benefits from some BNP type trying to hijack votes from one prison.
The numbers of prisoners in relation to their home area voters will be very insignificant and therefore have virtually no effect on the local vote anyway.
I still dont think they should have a vote mind :p
now ive thought about the admin this gonna take and poss arguments that will ensugh itd be cheaper to bung em £150 each!
now ive thought about the admin this gonna take and poss arguments that will ensugh itd be cheaper to bung em £150 each!

That's what I said at the start :doh
However people can do postal votes now anyway, so why would it be any more difficult to let the crims do it too?:nenau
your locked away at 8pm for nighty night in a redditch prison say,7am door opens for brekie and your told pack yer kit moving to liverpool in an hour,no ifs no buts your going so imagine tying to track people to make sure they get there forms,(mails bunged under the door they think your at so long as it vagly resembles your name!)
if we left the eu wed be richer and be in charge of our own country again! and if daved an chums wasnt so good at his job theyd be no prisoners to worry about!
maybe but from whats i can see seems one mod has took umpphh/fell out with a few of his ol chums,this has nowt to do with me exept when posts critiscing a descion dissapeer it gets my goat if you have a problem face it dont delete stuff,had enough of that before bat took over i dont wanna go back to old days and to get a shitty pm days after the awful upsetting threads long gone an when im offline p's me off.
next thread i start will be a copy of a mr d cameroons speech from other day if its ok for international stage its good enough for here!

i only took out of thread what shouldnt have been there in first place, cos it seems mods
too are human and type before they think. what went was private and should never have
been in public domain, isnt now, end of.

it wasnt something i did without thought, cos first thought was to delete the whole thread
but i saw doing so as unfair and hevy handed to the genuine debate that had been hijacked.

lots of threads get of track, and come back, in even get split or merged.

the misisng posts are stored ini the mod area, for the record.
just as its all forgotten about along comes a spider lol! ill leave it to bat his decisions the one that counts an he has acess to alsorts no doubt!
missed point bat nothing racist was posted much of it tamer than what a mr d cameron said the other day,its about a mod getting another mod to do his dirty work because he was copin a bit of flack in public!
i only took out of thread what shouldnt have been there in first place, cos it seems mods
too are human and type before they think. what went was private and should never have
been in public domain, isnt now, end of.

it wasnt something i did without thought, cos first thought was to delete the whole thread
but i saw doing so as unfair and hevy handed to the genuine debate that had been hijacked.

lots of threads get of track, and come back, in even get split or merged.

the misisng posts are stored ini the mod area, for the record.
his bloody life storys avalible mrs left him selling cars house,daughters boyfreind etc etc so how can he winge about another person pulling him up on sommat!
stick around there may well be more.

maybe membership deletions too,

formal warnings already pm'ed.

Go ahead if thats how you feel but its not your site & you don't have the rights to say & i quote.!

"maybe membership deletions too".! YOU CAN'T.!

threatening pms from a mod with his own personal problems being vented on others then getting his mate to delete it aint what i call clever,why dont people grow a backbone and say to person they dont agree with seems a logical situation to me contact memebr by pm if no good escalate your problem to a mod who can then go to bat if needed! no one has said anything ive been upset by but nothing anoys me more than an abuse of power!

:thumbs :clap :bow

My very 'umble opinion is that, this being an adult site for use by adults, the only time threads should be deleted is if someone raises a formal and justifiable complaint about the content thereof.

The name of the forum (Pub Thread) is a bit of a clue....I've seen no conversation here that hasn't taken place in my local, and the joy of having a mixed membership is that theres always someone to jump in and tear a strip off anyone they think has overstepped the mark....its happens on every "controversial" thread, and in my view, is an excellent opportunity for some sort of 'education'.

I've said it before, but even people who you may think have expressed extreme views have always had some personal experience that colours their judgement. I mean I've had first hand knowledge of reverse racism of a sort that would have me shooting in the streets if it was me it was happening to, but it was outside my geography so I could afford to ignore it eventually, so people shouldn't be so quick to judge...but by all means argue your point.

Suppressing debate of the sort we've seen is invariably a bad idea whatever you think, and I'm sure most people would agree, including all of those engaged in it.

And if Bat wants to break peoples contract thats fine, its his website.

:thumbs :clap :bow

Getting totally pissed off with this political correctness, ive got rights antagonism.

I would suggest paul is bang on with the clues in the name. If all we talked about was trucks jeeezzzzz this would be a dull site.

However there is a fine line and i think the mods on here tread it very well (and im no yes man)

Youve got to judge the drift of a topic or the lead by "would any reasonable person be offended or upset by this" The mods are the "reasonable person" if they say yes then the answer is yes.

Thats the structure of society be it a forum or a nation.

Im thick skinned so not bothered but tbh but there have been posts and individuals comments which would have been well justified receiving complaints, and many of them would have been worthy of further action.

Ive no desire to be a mod but if i was theres one or two threads that would have been history by my button for the wellbeing of the site on the whole.

Not my opinion, fact based on the law which could get you anything from words of advice to a stretch.

Even worse a civil complaint or action could get the site closed down. Unlikely but far from impossible.

Think about it.

:thumbs :clap :bow

Now remeber people... DON'T GO OFF TOPIC, the forum obviously wants to move backwards & be over & heavily moderated again :(
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