its bluddie ridiculous , im cross

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right guys lets keep this back on track to briggies post,

owt else and i lock or delete entire thread.

first and only warning.

the air brush is coming out any time now...
yup, all that, can you imagine though if such a rule was enforced? things would begin changing in this country very quickly.
better still ,how about putting violent crims in a room with a straight jacket on and then letting the victims family / friends in for 10 minutes , with a total amnesty
damn fine idea that one,i always said they should take out front page adds saying myra hyndley or some such horror being released on such a date from such a prison coaches departing from every major city and free rocks,sticks etc avalble on request!
i think we all know our prison system mcould do with some major changes, same with some of our stupid laws, at the end of the day the voting could be split into two catagories, if your in there on something minor lets say none payment of ya council tax, then yea vote, if you're in there for rape, murder owt serious then no way should they be allowed to vote, why should someone like that have rights to vote when they took away the rights of the person they did such a horrible thing to
seems weve hit a worm hole and traveled back in time "fire up the quatro" back to the good ol days lol
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